Canon Characters

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Qui-Gon Jinn

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Anakin Skywalker (before the fall)


Mace Windu

Luke Skywalker

Rey (Skywalker, Solo, Kenobi?)

Political Figures/Senators

Padme Amidala

Bail Organa


Mas Amedda

Mon Mothma

Leia Organa


Nute Gunray

Bounty Hunters

Jango Fett

Boba Fett


Sheev Palpatine (Darth Sidious)

Count Dooku (Darth Tyrannus)

Anakin Skywalker (as Darth Vader)

Darth Maul

Supreme Leader Snoke

Ben Solo (Kylo Ren)

None of the Above

Han Solo


Lando Calrissian

Admiral Akbar

Commander Poe Dameron

FN-2187 (known as Finn)

Qi'ra (from Solo)

Jyn Erso

Cassian Andor


*If I have forgotten anyone, please comment him/her if you wish to play him/her. Canons are audition only. If you are interested, PM me.*

*Canons are first come, first serve, as long as you pass the audition. First comments are given priority in auditions.*

*Due to necessary inactivity by users on Wattpad - we all have lives outside it - I will be accepting two users per canon, which, I know, is unusual.

However, this does not mean that at any given time two people will be playing a canon. It only means that there will be a primary and an understudy. The primary will be just that: the primary user who roleplays that character. The understudy will be the user that takes over the canon role if the primary is sick, on vacation, on hiatus, or is otherwise engaged.

For example, if user ABC is Anakin, but is on hiatus, then understudy user XYZ will become Anakin until user ABC returns.

However, if you are gone for a month or more, and are a primary, I will contact you and see what the issue is. Keep in mind that without prior knowledge of an extended absence, you may lose your primary role to the understudy.

If you are the understudy, or have a wish to be an understudy for a character waiting for a primary, just mention that when you comment or PM me for audition.

If necessary, I will be understudying any characters we need that have no understudy, and I will be the primary to any characters we need that have no primary or understudy. I will also be the third-string for any canon we need that have no primary or understudy (whether due to no requests or both on break, either way).*

*If you have any questions on this, please comment it or PM me. Thank you!*

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