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Name: Hope

Nickname: "Percieval"

Species: Mirialan

Birth Place: Coruscant

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pan

Role: Mercenary

Weapon: E22 Blaster Rifle, Dual Wield Rk3 Blaster Pistol, Fire Grenade

Ability(ies): Hand To Hand Combat Mastery, Aiming Mastery, Can Trick/Manipulate Others, Can Seduce Others, Master Of Hand, Stealing, Sneaking

Fighter ship: XS stock light freighter

Flagship: XS stock light freighter

(The XS stock light freighter was considered a major advancement in armament, speed and versatility over previous models of light freighter. It was considered one of the fastest and most agile starships in the galaxy. It contained a large cargo hold, including many hidden compartments throughout the ship, ideal for smuggling or simply hiding valuables. The XS also boasted powerful engines which allowed it to easily outrun most opponents or authorities, but in the event a fight was necessary, it came armed with standard torpedo launchers and laser batteries. In addition, it also held upper and lateral laser turrets which could be fired manually, or remotely from within the cockpit . Due to the fact that many smugglers and freighter captains both worked and lived aboard their ships, the XS was also designed with many of the standard comforts any being would need, including a lounge for recreation and extra sleeping quarters.)

Kill Count During The Clone Wars: N/A

Kill Count After Order 66: 200 Stormtroopers, 50 Rebel Soldiers, 20 Rebel Fighter Starfighters, 30 Imperial Starfighters

Other: Is A Dancer for a club, A Mercenary, The 1st Crew


Hope was born on the planet Coruscant on the underworld but was abandoned by her parents. The Coruscant underworld, also called the lower levels or undercity, were the levels underneath the surface structures. Her parents abandoned her and puts her down on a dumpster. For hours she cried and cried wanting the touch of her mother and father but they didn't came. Another few hours, Night time, the streets were not busy as before. Hope calmed down and was asleep but was moving around making ruckus. This makes someone to check it out as a Kiughfid, a four-armed individual checks the noise. The Kiughfid looks into the Dumpster. There laid Hope cuddling the air thinking it was her parents. The Kiughfid notices and looks around for her parents or someone to come and get her. A couple of minutes later, Hope would open her eyes and landed first sight on him. She smiled cutely but then later cried. The Kiughfid with no other choice carried Hope making her stop crying. The Kiughfid would walk away and into the street.

A few years later, Hope was now 6 years old. The Kiughfid would later tell Hope he was a card dealer. He would also tell her that he is not her real parents. Hope cried and hugs the individual telling him it's ok and is happy to be accepted. The Kiughfid hugged back and would later teach Hope on how to deal cards. Hope would listen to him. Kiughfid stopped and told her that he has to go to work. She nodded as she would wait for him making the individual left her. To past the time, Hope would do card games to herself waiting for her foster parent to come back. She did this 'till Twelve years old when the Kiughfid would come back with girls from the club ranging to Twi'lek and Humanoid individual. Hope questions her foster parent who they are but he always replied that she is not old yet to know. Hope would respect his desicion.

Years past as Hope was now Eighteen years old. Her foster parent, the kiughfid now knowing her age told her that he is a card dealer to the Outlander Club. The girls were paid dancers that he bought from it. Hope would understand him as she wants to go with him. The kiughfid agreed and brought her to the Outlander Club. It was before management would go in and the two and the manager of the place is there. When the manager saw Hope, he growed interest on the teenager. The manager would ask the Kiughfid if Hope was his. He replied with brave nod. The manager would ask him if Hope can perform strictly to him, on private occasions, and to others as well. The Kiughfid didn't reply but Hope answered to a yes. The manager takes her in.

Months past and Hope was dancing, seducing, and flirting to the customers of the club. Hope made friends with the dancers like Wilst Molan, the customers and private sessions. She would do private sessions with the customers. Hope got payed as well. The Outlander Club boomed when Hope was there. She turned Twenty as she got promoted to only to private sessions as she can't flirt with others. The manager would mostly take her back to his house along with a couple of other dances to have some good time. 

Months past and Order 66 executed. Coruscant was changed. Strict curfews making Hope stay at the club longer than before. The outlander club now reaches it's peek. Customers not going inside anymore making the club shut down for a while. This made Hope lose her job as she wanders around the street. Hope then encountered some Coruscant underworld police. Hope thought of their blaster pistol so she "accidentally" bump into one before stealing one blaster pistol. She done it sucessfully as she goes into the terminal. Hope looks around for a ship to go into and spotted a XS stock light freighter loading dozens of black crates. Hope wanted to leave the planet so she snuck into one. Once in, she felt being carried into the freighter.

30 Minutes later, Hope waited to be carried out not expecting it being open by one of the crew inside wearing a dark grey and dark white mandolorian armor holding make shift grenade launcher. Hope screamed and pleaded for not to kill her. The mandolorian helps her up and ask why she is there. Hope explained that she is a former dancer and about her life. He understood her and brought her in to the life of a criminal, smuggling and a mercenary making a name for the two as the mandolorian introduces himself as "Chief". Hope needed a new name so she thought of "Percieval". Later on the two would go planet to planet to do smuggling, mercenary work, criminal work and even recruiting four more individuals. Two Twi'lek sisters namely Daesha and Dia, A Purple skinned Chiss name Kira, and another Mandolorian name Oxob. The XS stock light freighter was later called "Nightfall" based on it's paint

Name: Dia Numa

Nickname: Numa(Sister)

Species: Twi'Lek

Birth Place: Ryloth

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Role: Mercenary, Trader

Weapon: Double blaster(Right Blaster W/ Two Blaster Holes), DG-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol, Cluster Grenade(Made Up, When Thrown It Explodes Shooting Off 5 Circular Balls And Will Explode Again)

Ability(ies): Hand To Hand Combat, Specialist, Aiming, Master At Bargaining

Fighter ship: XS stock light freighter

Flagship: XS stock light freighter

Kill Count During The Clone Wars: N/A

Kill Count After Order 66: 25 Stormtroopers, 100 Mercenary Individuals

Other: Has A Crush On Hope and Oxob, Knows Daesha Since Childhood, Considers Her A Sister, The 3rd Crew 

Name: Daesha Numa

Nickname: Numa(Sister)

Species: Twi'Lek

Birth Place: Ryloth

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Role: Mercenary, Master Pilot, Knows All Operational System, Hacker

Weapon: SWTOR Blaster Pistol

Ability(ies): Slight Hand To Hand Combat, Expert Pilot, Master Manuever

Fighter ship: XS stock light freighter

Flagship: XS stock light freighter

Kill Count During The Clone Wars: N/A

Kill Count After Order 66: 20 Tie Fighter, 20 Pilots, 13 Stormtroopers

Other: Has A Crush On Chief, Knows Dia Since Childhood, Considers Her A Sister. The 4th Crew

Name: Kira

Nickname: N/A

Species: Chiss

Birth Place: Csilla

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Role: Mercenary, Communication Expert, Planning Expert, Hacker Expert

Weapon: Dt-29 Blaster Pistol

Ability(ies): Hand To Hand Combat, Can Use Mind Link(Connects Thoughts To The Crew), Can Hack Anything But Has A Harder Time If Military Grade Imperial Technology

Fighter ship: XS stock light freighter

Flagship: XS stock light freighter

Kill Count During The Clone Wars: N/A

Hack Count: 500 Normal Technology, 300 Starfighters, 50 Military Grade Imperial Technology, 100 Battle Droids, 20 Imperial Droids

Kill Count After Order 66: 50 Pilots, 60 Starfighters

Other: Has A Crush On Hope. The 5th Crew

Name: Oxob

Nickname: N/A

Species: Mandolorian

Birth Place: Mandolore

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Role: Mercenary, Gunslinger, Weapons Expert, Can Fit Any Role

Weapon: E22 Blaster Rifle

Ability(ies): Master Hand To Hand,

Fighter ship: XS stock light freighter

Flagship: XS stock light freighter

Kill Count During The Clone Wars: N/A

Kill Count After Order 66: 50 Stormtroopers, 27 Mercenaries, 9 Pilots

Other: The 6th Crew. Rivals Chief.

Name: N/A

Nickname: Chief

Species: Mandolorian

Birth Place: Mandolore

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Role: Mercenary, Gunslinger, Weapons Expert

Weapon: Heavy Gun(On His Arms), Cluster Missile (On The Back), Blaster Pistol(On The Holster), Whipcord (Snare, On The Left Arm, Right Arm On Screen ). Helmet and Visor (Complete with HUD)

Ability(ies): Master Hand To Hand Combat, Knows All Weapons,

Fighter ship: XS stock light freighter

Flagship: XS stock light freighter

Kill Count During The Clone Wars: N/A

Kill Count After Order 66: 100 Stormtroopers, 20 Mercenary Individuals

Other: Owns The Nightfall(XS stock light freighter). Rivals Oxob

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