Episode 3: Commandoes

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As regular as infantry clones are there are also a lot of special types of clone trooper units, pilots, specialists, and Arc troopers.
And then there's clone commandoes.

Commandoes are elite units capable of infiltration and reconnaissance missions that other clone units would be incapable of carrying out.
Trained by Kal Skirata and the other members of the Cuy'val Dar
Commandoes also cary more powerful weapons than regular clone units and they wear Katarn class armour which has an updated HUD, vibroblades built into the arms, a built in shield that can take a lot of damage and a backpack that can hold supplies, the bottoms of which have small boosters that allow the commando to fly.

However clone commandoes were very problematic when first introduced, some were openly aggressive towards their trainers and the Kamanoins and some didn't even make it past the decanting stage.
Also at the battle of Genonosis over half of the clone Commandoes were killed in action, after that horrible battle the Kamanoins rushed the last few squads of commandoes that were still training into battle, as well as that they and the other Commandoes were given additional training for frontline battles to prevent a slaughter like the one on Genonosis happening again.

My squad was deployed only a couple of months after Genonosis.
There were four of us, Blastbolt our leader, Bluestreak our medical officer and first officer, Gunfire our demolition expert and myself, the squad's specialist, pilot and engineer.
We were in service for about 8 months before we were assigned a mission, a mission not all of us would walk away from.

Taun-We and the Kamanoin prime minister Lama Su were in one of the offices, discussing a mission.
"This base is directly in the middle of a seperatist system, however scans from reconnaissance drones show it is neither republic nor seperatist." Taun-We said.
"We should send a skilled Commando squadron to investigate, is Delta squad available?" Lama Su asked.

"No prime minister, they are engaged on a mission elsewhere, as are Omega Squadron and Gamma Squadron." Taun-We said.
Nala Se walked in having overhead everything.
"Prime minister, if I may, there is one squadron available." She said.
The door opened revealing Sigma squad standing behind it.
"You leave immediately." Lama Su said.

As Sigma squad headed for their mission, they were unaware of the threat waiting for them.

Enemy base.
Seperatist space:
A figure wearing ink black armour approached a man standing by a shadowy window.
"Sir, our spies report a Republic ship is heading towards our position." He said.
"Very well." The figure stated calmly.
"Sir, should you flee?" The soldier asked.
"No, our mining operations are at peak efficiency, I won't allow a few clones to spoil it." The figure stated turning to face the soldier.

They got into a lift and down into a large mine where many soldiers were cutting apart large crystals and loading them into crates.
"Once these magunthium crystals are weaponised they will make this army stronger than the first one, and we will reclaim the power we once had." The figure said a cold smile making it's way across his face.

Sigma squad's shuttle:
The shuttle was landed at a desolate landing platform a few miles from the base, Blastbolt was instructing his squad as they geared up.
"Alright boys, the briefing told us another squad was sent to investigate prior to us but never reported in, our mission is to find them, learn the origins of this base and destroy it, we don't know who is operating this base but they are likely seperatist, but i want you all to be prepared for anything, is that clear?" Blastbolt asked looking at his squad.
"Yes sir." The others replied.

Cobalt then spoke up.
"It's strange how empty this place is, usually the place would be crawling with enemies by now." He said.
"That must mean they know we're coming." Bluestreak said.
"Doesn't matter, we'll show these creeps, whoever they may be, not to mess with the clone Commandoes." Gunfire said.
"Easy Gunfire, I don't want any rushes of blood to the head, don't just dive in." Blastbolt said.
"Sorry sarge, just a bit excited is all." Gunfire said.
Blastbolt tapped Gunfire on the shoulder before pulling on his helmet and picking up his blaster.
"Alright boys, let's go." He said.
The four commandoes exited the shuttle and walked into the dark forest, blasters raised and headlights on.

Cobalt walked alongside Blastbolt.
"Who do you reckon these commandoes are sarge?" He asked.
"Intel tells me the squad is Cliff squadron, under the command of sergeant Rockjumper." Blastbolt told him.
"Lets hope he and his squad are alright." Cobalt said.

In the enemy base the figure was speaking to a clone commando restrained in a chair.
"Comfortable." He sneered.
"Hardly." Rockjumper spat.
"Now now, fiesty one aren't you." The figure taunted.
"I'm not scared of you, I've heard all about you...Gideon." Rockjumper growled.

The figure known as Gideon walked over to Rockjumper until he was directly in front of him.
"So you've heard of me have you?" Gideon asked.
"I've read of the war your father raged on the galaxy, whatever you're planning to do, you'll never succeed." Rockjumper said.
"Oh but I already am, and this time you will be powerless to stop me." Gideon sneered.
"Oh really, wheres your power." Rockjumper retorted sarcastically.
Gideon growled enraged.
He grabbed a sword from his soldier and stabbed Rockjumper directly in the chest.
"Anymore questions." Gideon spat.

Rockjumper didn't say anything and after a couple of seconds tge restraints loosened and his body landed with a thud on the floor.
Gideon kicked Rockjumper's body onto a lower part of the mine.
"Now to deal with the others." He said.

Sigma squad was still patrolling through the door when suddenly Blastbolt held up a hand signalling for his squad to stop.
"What do you see?" Bluestreak whispered.
"Two targets on our twelve." Blastbolt whispered.
"Let me take care of e'm sarge." Gunfire said.
"No Gunfire, Cobalt you see that ridge over there?" Blastbolt asked.

"Yeah sarge." Cobalt said.
"Get in sniping position up on the ridge and when I give the signal, take e'm out." Blastbolt said.
Cobalt nodded and ran in the direction of the ridge.

Quickly climbing it he lay on the ground and switched his rifle to sniper mode.
"Locked and loaded sir." He said.
Blastbolt nodded and gave Cobalt the signal.
Without warning a blue streak of plasma shot from the trees and struck one of the guards directly on the chest, the second barely had a moment to react before he too was struck by a blue bolt.

Signa squad ran over to the hatch a d Bluestreak quickly hacked into the controls opening the hatch.
The squad jumped down the hatch and as they reached the bottom they drew their blasters in case of enemies.
There weren't any.

"Magunthium mine." Gunfire said lowering his blaster.
"Judging by it's scale our enemies have been tumbling here for quite some time." Cobalt said.
The squad hid behind some large rocks.
From their viewpoints the four could see soldiers mining crystals with machines and large drills.
"Let's find Rockjumper." Cobalt said.
The commandoes walked out to face the soldiers.
The solders visors flashed red and they drew their blasters, Sigma squad drawing their own.
Almost immediately a firefight started.

Despite their much smaller numbers Sigma squad used their much superior training and weapons to their advantage.
Gunfire used his rocket launcher to destroy the drills and Blastbolt, Bluestreak and Cobalt used their melee skills to their advantage.

After several minutes of fighting Gunfire destroyed the final drill with his rocket launcher and shot the soldier piloting it.
The squad put their weapons aside and marched forward, Gunfire banging his fists together menacingly.
They saw more soldiers marching forward weapons raised.
"Rockets at the ready." Blastbolt ordered.
Sigma squad all switched to rocket mode advancing forward as they did it.
The soldiers opened fire on the command.
Sigma squad fired their ricjets and leapt all the cavern attempting to dodge shots or avoid their own rocket shots.

Eventually those soldiers were defeated and they arrived in a large room hiding behind some extremely large crates.
They looked up and saw soldiers loading crates onto a lift which were sent up to a ship hovering overhead.
Gunfure whistled.
"Quite an operation." He said.
Suddenly blaster bolts flew down at them and they quickly drew their own blasters and fired back.

On the ship Gideon was looking at a cluster if magunthium crystals suspended in a glass container.
"We aren't far now, soon I will have enough crystals to power all my weapons, and conquer the galaxy.
Just then Gideon's second in command Sikes appeared on a monitor.

"Moff Gideon, intruders have been detected in the mines." Sikes said.
"Clones." He said.
"Indeed." Sikes replied.
"I need more time to prepare a proper reception for my old enemies...prepare the ship for departure." Gideon ordered.
"But the magunthium I've mined, the clones will seize it." Sikes protested.
"Then blow the mine." Gideon ordered.

Sigma squad was still fighting the soldiers when suddenly Blastbolt spotted a body lying on one of the upper levels.
"It's Jumper, I have a visual." Blastbolt said.
"Go, we'll cover you." Cobalt said.
Blastbolt nodded and charged.

Fighting his way through the soldiers he made his way to the level where Rockjumper's body lay.
Suddenly several shots hit the platform the body was resting on and it began to collapse.
"Jumper!" Blastbolt exclaimed running forward and grabbing Rockjumper's arm.

A couple of soldiers fired at Blastbolt but Cobalt executed both of them.
"Let's get you home partner." Blastbolt said.
Suddenly a lucky shot Blastbolt in the arm and as a consequence he lost his grip on Rockjumper.
Blastbolt and the other Sigmas watched in horror as Rockjumper's body fell into the mine among the crystals, there was nothing they could do now.

There was suddenly an evil laugh and they looked up to see Sikes sneering at them, a grenade held in his hands.
"Clones." He sneered.
Sigma squad all scowled up at him.
"I'd stick around but I'm squeamish." Sikes sneered.
The grenade started to beep and Sikes dropped it into the mines below.
He then used his jetpack to fly out the mine's roof.

The grenade landed among the crystals.
"The joint's gonna blow!" Gunfire explained.
"Run everyone." Cobalt ordered.
The squad immediately started running down the tunnel as fast as they could.
Only a few moments later the grenade exploded with a colossal BOOM and soon a torrent of blue fire was chasing the Sigmas.

Running as fast as they could they reached the cave entrance.
"Grappling hooks team?" Blastbolt ordered.
The squad fired their grappling hooks at the cave ceiling at started heading up.
A pair of soldiers suddenly appeared and started firing at the clones who fired back.

Suddenly one shot hit Gunfire's grappling hook and with a yellow of shock and fright Gunfire fell into the fkanes which immediately consumed him.
"GUNFIRE." Blastbolt yelled both saddened and enraged.
Blastbolt activated his rocket boosters and flew the rest of the way to the top.
As soon as he landed he fought both soldiers and in the end he slit both their throats with his knife.
He then helped Cobalt and Bluestreak out the mine and closed the entrance.

The remaining three commandoes were in shock at what had just happened.
"Gunfire's...gone." Bluestreak whispered to himself as he tried to process what had just happened.
"They'll pay, every last one of them." Blastbolt growled.
After a moment he spoke much calmer.
"We'd better get to the ship and report back to Kamino, the higher ups need to hear about this.
Bluestreak and Cobalt nodded and followed their leader back towards the ship.

Just as they reached the ship Cobalt suddenly stopped and the other two looked at him confused.
"Cobalt, what's wrong?" Bluestreak asked confused.
"Something's not right here...GET DOWN." Cobalt yelled.
The three dive to the ground just as the shuttle exploded in a huge ball of fire.
"Nice one Cobalt." Blastbolt praised.

On a ridge Gideon and his men were watching.
"Send the rest." He ordered.

"We need to get out of here, there's probably more coming." Blastbolt said.
"What about the ship, we can't leave without one?" Bluestreak asked.
"I'll call the cruiser that dropped us off, they can help." Cobalt said.
He activated his commlink.
"Cobalt to resolute, Cobalt to resolute." He said into his radio.

"Resolute speaking, this is 501st lieutenant Trix, what's the situation?" A clone asked over the radio.
"Our mission's gone sideways, one commando is down, our ship is destroyed, we need a pickup, protocol retrograde." Cobalt said into the comm.
"Acknowledged, standby and find shelter, we'll be with you as soon as we can." Trix said before hanging up.

Cobalt turned to the squad.
"They're on their way, our orders are to standby and find shelter until they arrive." Cobalt said.
"Shouldn't be too hard, all these trees make for a good natural cover." Blastbolt said.
"And according to my map there's a fuel depot near here where our enemies most likely supply their ships, my guess is that's where they'll land." Bluestreak said.
"Alright, double time boys, we've got to make it to that depot and get off this rock, let's move." Blastbolt ordered.
And with that the commandoes headed into the forest.

In the forest a squad of soldiers were hidden among the trees.
"Were in position sir." The commander said into his commlink.
"Good, kill them, all of them." Gideon ordered.
The commander nodded and hung up.

Sigma squad were walking through the forest when suddenly they heard a noise, Blastbolt help up a hand stopping the other two.
"What is it sarge?" Cobalt asked.
"Something's not right." Blastbolt said.
Just then Blastbolt dodged a shot that was headed directly for his face.
"Ambush!" Blastbolt exclaimed opening fire.
Cobalt and Bluestreak took cover and opened fire.

After several moments of fighting Cobalt suddenly took a shot to the knee and fell to the ground.
Blastbolt ran forward and shoved Cobalt out the way as another shot rocketed towards him, Bluestreak killing the soldier.

He then ran over to Cobalt.
"You alright?" Bluestreak asked checking him over.
"Yeah, just a flesh wound." Cobalt said.
The squadron commander appeared aiming his blaster at them.
"You'll have a lot more than to worry about clones." He said aiming his blaster at Blastbolt's head.
Suddenly a shot rang out.

The commander collapsed on the ground behind him were two arc troopers and a clone trooper lieutenant in blue and white armour.
"Someone call for backup?" The lieutenant asked.
"Who are you?" Blastbolt asked taking off his helmet.
"We're domino squad, this is Fives, this is Echo and I'm Trix, we're here to get you out of here." Lieutenant Trix told them.

Bluestreak and Cobalt nodded and started to follow them.
Cobalt suddenly noticed Blastbolt wasn't following them and he turned around to see Blastbolt standing in place, a hand over his chest.
"Sarge, you coming?" Cobalt said.
"No, you go on ahead, you need to leave now, besides...I may not have been fast enough back there." Blastbolt said removing his hand revealing a smoking hole in his chest.

"BLASTBOLT!" Cobalt exclaimed.
Blastbolt smiled at Bluestreak and Cobalt as he slid against one of the trees struggling to breathe as life left him.
"I'm sorry you guys." Trix said before running after Fives and Echo.
Cobalt and Bluestreak watched as Blastbolt breathed his last breaths before running after the others.

They arrived at the depot to see soldiers surrounding it.
"Kriff." Fives cursed.
"Not a problem, you four go ahead, I'll cover from above, those crates should help me get a good position." Bluestreak said.
"Alright, let's do this." Echo said.

Soon they were in position.
"I'm in position." Bluestreak said.
"Alright, let's move." Trix said.
Bluestreak nodded and opened fire on the soldiers.
The temporary distraction allowed the the other four to advance.
"Good job Bluestreak." Fives called.
Bluestreak moved from crates to crate as he fought the soldiers even having to use the fuel barrels as explosives.

While fighting some soldiers Bluestreak took a hit to the shoulder.
"I kriffing hate these guys." Bluestreak growled.
He killed those soldiers and covered the others until they got on the shuttle.
Fives got into the cockpit and the shuttle started to rise.
"It's been an honour serving with you boys." Bluestreak called.

"Bluestreak we can swing back around and pick you up." Echo called.
"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, I'll make my way home...I promise, NOW GO." Bluestreak ordered firing at the soldiers who advanced on Bluestreak firing their blasters.

The others went Inside the ship and Fives called them on the monitor.
"Where is Bluestreak...where is Bluestreak?" Fives demanded seeing Bluestreak wasn't there.
"He's doing what a soldier does...sacrificing himself for the lives of others." Echo said.

On the ground Bluestreak was being completely surrounded.
In desperation he shot at a barrel of fuel and it exploded killing a number of soldiers.
He destroyed a couple more barrels and the resulting explosion consumed the ground covering up everything on it.
"Good luck Blue, we hope you make it back one day." Cobalt said mournfully.

The shuttle began to head back to the resolute.
Suddenly the whole ship shook.
"We've got company." Fives said.
A lone fighter was chasing them firing it's blasters at them.
"I'll handle this." Cobalt said grabbing his blaster.

Switching his blaster to rocket mode Cobalt opened the hatch of the ship and jumped out.
Activating his rocket boosters he flew alongside the ship.
Firing several rockets he hit the ship in its wings and engine and it plummeted downwards.
Cobalt flew back to the shuttle.
"Nice work Cobalt, we could do with those kinds of skills in the 501st." Trix said.
"I may take you up on that." Cobalt said smiling.

On the ground the ship lay in a flaming wreck.
Suddenly a red blade cut through the roof slicing it open.
Gideon emerged from the ship wielding a crossguard lightsaber in his hands.
He watched as the shuttle left, silently formulating his next plan.

Later on the resolute Domino squad and Cobalt were explaining the situation to Anakin.
"I've heard of this army before, the Angivites, a terrorist army who tried to claim the galaxy as theirs in a galactic scale war 40 years ago." Anakin said.
"I've read about that war, the former moff Gideon was their leader, he was one of the most ruthless military generals to exist." Echo said.

"Evidently his son is trying to live up to his name, we'd best watch out, he could be a dangerous advisory." Anakin said.
Anakin turned to Cobalt.
"Cobalt, I'm very sorry to hear about your squad, but I want you to know, you have a place in the 501st if you wish to take it." Anakin said.
"Thank you general." Cobalt said shaking Anakin's hand.

"And one more thing." Fives said suddenly.
Cobalt turned to look at Fives, Echo and Trix.
"Commando Cobalt, welcome to Domino squad." Trix said.
Cobalt smiled.

I quickly settled in with the 501st and formed close bonds with everybody there.
Warnings were also posted about Gideon and his army to the chancellor as well as the senate who began to discuss ways on how to deal with the number of small armies and terrorist groups that were beginning to grow on several planets at this time and they began to crack down on many different operations.
However, I'm afraid this wouldn't be enough to stop all of them.

It was raining and the smell of smoke hung in the air.
Two battle droid captians were inspecting the scene.
"Definitely couldn't have kept this operation secret without help...this has disaster written all over it." One of the droids said.
"You worry too much." The other droid told him.
They heard footsteps and turned to see a wounded but alive Bluestreak walking towards them.
"This doesn't look to good." The first droid said.

"Looking for trouble." The droid practically taunted as Bluestreak advanced forward heading directly towards them.
The droid raised it's blaster to fire but Bluestreak stabbed it in the neck cables with his knife.
The droid fell to the ground disabled.

The other droid fired a few shots, a lucky couple of them hit Bluestreak.
Bluestreak ran forward and began wrestling the droid throwing it's blaster away from it.
The droid jabbed Bluestreak hard with a punch and dived for it's blaster but as it grabbed it and tried to fire Bluestreak stabbed it in the chest disabling it.

Bluestreak then walked away from the droids into the distance.

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