The Winter Never to be Forgotten

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One Freezing Republic Day, Anakin woke up to no sound. He was used to the crickets and birds chirping every morning, but now they weren't chirping. Anakin got out of his bed. He was heavily dressed, explaining how cold it was.He went to look out the biggest window in the building, but it was behind Ahsoka's bed,and he wasn't tall enough. Ahsoka slept on a pile of mattresses, the top mattress covered with blankets. Ahsoka was the only person who could really see out the window, when she was in her bed. Anakin mumbled, "How in the WORLD does she get up there?" to himself. He just took off his thick tunic and got his fluffy blue robe from the bathroom.Then he went into the freezing main senate room. He walked across the small hall and went down the short steps.

He went through the open passage doorway to see that Yoda was actually, actually,ACTUALLY NOT frying eggs! Anakin screamed.Yoda was the only Jedi among the thousands who actually KNEW how to fry eggs.Even Anakin didn't know how to fry eggs.In fact, he didn't even know how to work the stove.So he went to Yoda's room, knocked on the door, and Yoda answered it.He was dressed rather funny.He wore a blue snow-coat with a fuzzy collar and the ends of the sleeves were fuzzy, too.He wore a little blue fezz-like thing on his head.He also wore white mittens and a white scarf."Good morning, Master Yoda!" Anakin said, trying not to laugh at Yoda's appearance."Could you get started on breakfast?" he asked."Sure." replied Yoda.

He slowly walked out of the room and went to the kitchen.He fired up the stove and got the eggs ready in a skillet. Then he got out another skillet and some bisquick pancake batter.He poured some batter on the skillet and placed the skillet on another heating spiral.Then he got out a black tray-looking thing on stands.Then he plugged it in. He got all kinds of bacon out of the fridge and placed the frozen sticks on the now-burning tray.They soon started to pop and sizzle.Once the bacon started sizzling, the first pancake finished. Yoda told Anakin to look after the bacon.So he went up to the frying juicy sticks and got a tweezerlike cooking tool.He carefully gripped each piece of bacon with the tool and flipped them over."Ahhh," Anakin said, smelling the juicy meat.Meanwhile, Yoda got a third pancake cooking after delivering the second. "Many Jedi, we have to feed.Make more bacon, you should." Yoda instructed Anakin. Anakin sighed, and placed more frozen bacon on the tray, which soon started to sizzle.After making a second batch of bacon, Yoda told him to make a third.

There were thousands of Jedi to feed and they ALL liked bacon.Yoda made a stack of twenty pancakes and then the cloth napkin couldn't cover any more.So Yoda got a NEW plate and started all over again.Anakin made ten batches of bacon, but Yoda still urged him.By now Anakin was getting very hungry, and cooking all the food really tempted him.But he worked strong, and soon he had made twenty batches of bacon. Soon Yoda had made fifty pancakes and used up two and a half big plates.About an hour later, Anakin had made eighty-six batches of bacon in all, and Yoda had made about one-hundred sixteen pancakes.By nighttime, Anakin had made eight-hundred fifty-two batches of bacon.After completing his final batch, he dropped to the ground, asleep.

"That's what I call WORK!" said Obi-Wan, entering the kitchen."Hello, Master Kenobi." Yoda said a little tiringly.He had made one-thousand one-hundred sixty-eight pancakes. The table was cluttered with batches of hot pancakes."Need some help?" asked Obi."Thank you, yes." said Yoda.So the two worked, with Anakin asleep on the ground, with Yoda on pancake duty and Obi on bacon duty.Soon they had made enough for the entire Jedi Council.Yoda called everybody to breakfast.But then Obi realized that it was past midnight.Everyone was asleep, including poor Anakin. Yoda then calculated their finishing time.He said that it had taken them a day and a quarter to make just BREAKFAST.The whole Jedi Council had gone a whole DAY without food.Obi felt ashamed.The job could've been done faster if more Jedi had helped.Obi sighed.Then, with all his might, picked up Anakin and carried him to his bed.Then Obi collapsed on his own bed snoring loudly.

The next day, Anakin and Obi slept really late, but Ahsoka got up really early.When Ahsoka got up, even YODA was still sleeping.He got tired out, too. Ahsoka looked at all the cold food when she arrived at the kitchen.She sighed and grabbed a plateful of pancakes and bacon and put it in the microwave.She heated up all the food, and the food was still hot by the time the whole Jedi Council was gathered there.Then they all devoured the food that Anakin, Obi, and Yoda had worked so hard to make.Once everybody was finished, all the male Jedi got up, and stood with the front of their bodies facing the windows.Then, Anakin, who was standing with them, said, "One..Two..THREE!" All the females knew exactly what the Jedi were about to do.Ahsoka did too, and she was slightly laughing.But she didn't reveal that, though.She knew that in a matter of seconds ALL the females would be laughing, too.Then Anakin said, "GO!" Then, All the hundreds of men let out a huge "BURP!" They all were so intense that they blasted the screens off the windows.ALL the girls practically choked themselves laughing, and the men just said, "Excuse ME!" 

After that breakfast, the winter turned fun.It snowed, and all the Jedi went outside to enjoy the cold, nice, weather, when the gnats weren't shoving themselves in people's ears and there were absolutely NO bugs or insects around.Anakin, Obi, and Ahsoka dressed in winter coats, heavy pants, snow hats, and mittens, then went outside into a winter wonderland.The SECOND Anakin stepped foot in the snow, he made a big ball of snow and pelted it right in Obi's face.Obi slightly giggled, and shook the snow from his face."There's no bugs, but now there's YOU!" Obi told Anakin.Anakin had built a wall of snow that came up right under his neck.Obi threw many snowballs at his wall, but it just absorbed all of the snow and Anakin's hits were destructive.Finally, Obi formed a plan about how he would take the wall out.He built a hump of snow to take cover behind, then went and got the wheel-barrow.Then he charged at Anakin's wall, and split it in half.The wall was still balanced when Obi ambushed Anakin with a spray of snow balls, leaving him almost totally white.Obi pointed at Anakin, and laughed.Suddenly, the wall of snow came crashing down, crushing Obi! Anakin pointed at the cone-shaped pile of snow burying Obi and laughed back.

Suddenly, Obi's head shot out of the top of the pile, covering Anakin's head and face with snow! When Obi realized what he had done, he pointed at Anakin and laughed once more.Anakin got so mad the snow on his face melted.He grabbed handfuls of snow and pelted Obi until he fell to the ground.Then Anakin pointed at Obi and laughed again.Obi got up and went far away from Anakin to join Ahsoka, who was making snow angels.He laid down with her, and made more than twenty snow angels.

After a few hours with the snow, all the Jedi pulled sleds over to a very large hill only used for sledding during the winter.Anakin got a raft that he used as a spare bed.He was using it for sledding now.He tied a rope to the front of the raft, and Ahsoka pushed him.Right after he started to move, Ahsoka hopped in with him.They slid down, the wind whipping in their faces.When they reached the bottom, they short-stopped over a rock and the raft delivered Anakin and Ahsoka to the ground."That was FUN!" said Anakin."Lets do it AGAIN!" "Again?" asked Ahsoka wearily."Oh, fine."said Anakin.So they hauled the raft up the hill.When they reached the top, Obi slammed into them on his way down, and they were bumped BACK into the raft and Obi, Anakin, and Ahsoka slid side-by-side down the hill with many other Jedi and padawans.When they reached the bottom, Anakin hauled the raft back up the hill and put it away.Then they spent a little more snow-time, and THEN they went inside to make hot chocolate for them.But Yoda came in after them and told them to make some for the whole council.Anakin sighed very loudly.But then the whole Jedi Council came in and helped make the hot chocolate.This happened every day,all the snow play. Winter was mostly over, only about a month and a half remaining after awhile.Even though winter wasn't over, it had been a fun winter, and just because the fun was over didn't mean that the Jedi couldn't be excited for Christmas.In the future it sure would become a winter never to be forgotten.

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