Chapter 11 - Training of a Jedi Knight

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❶ "Lesson One" 0.44–2.12—The Last Jedi OST

⊘ Silence

❷ "Tales of a Jedi Knight" 2.45–4.28—A New Hope OST

Parked on a grassy field and surrounded by transports, shuttles, freighters, and anything else that could be used for temporary accommodations, the Falcon served as home for the time being. Luke followed Leia aboard the old freighter.

The Falcon retained a particular odor that the scrubbers could never remove—part hydraulic fluid, part dirt, part booster fuel, and even part Corellian brandy—but to Luke, it would always smell of home.

With a wry grin, he recognized the well-worn social area. "I love what you've done with the place." The white padding around the chess table with the gun-metal gray bulkheads brought a warmth to his heart he hadn't expected.

"Oh, you be quiet." Leia playfully punched him in the stomach before laying out emergency rations and a water container on the circular holographic game table.

"Ooh, just what I was hoping you'd serve—emergency rations and water. I haven't had that since ..."

"Yesterday," they chimed in unison, grinning at each other.

After Luke took a bite of the protein stick, he slurped some water. "How are things going with you and Han?"

"We're doing all right." Glaring at her brother, she sipped her water.

He stared at her and mulled over her response. 

"Don't pry, Luke." She scowled at him.

"Hey, I just want to maintain peace in the galaxy. Your altercations could affect the whole system, you know." He snorted and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Stop it." She leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms.

Luke wondered if things between them would ever be the same. He tried not to show how much it hurt when she shut him out like this.

After a few bites, she leaned forward. "So, what's your next step?"

He took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts before answering. "Well, the Senate wants me to start recruiting new Jedi apprentices and training them, but ..."

"You don't think the Jedi should answer to the Senate, do you?" Leia pressed her lips together.

Luke shook his head and crossed his arms. "Absolutely not. The Jedi Order serves the Force, not the Senate."

"As for training new apprentices, Leia," Luke asked, looking up through his bangs and reaching out to grab her hand, "when are we going to start your training?"

She removed her hand and brought it to her chin. "I don't know. Maybe once the Senate is settled."

He leaned over the table and riveted his eyes on her. "You know if we don't start soon, it's never going to happen. Everything else will take priority." 

She bit her lip and scrunched her face.

He could perceive the turmoil pulling her apart. Whatever she's not telling me—no, it's her business. She won't appreciate me butting my nose into her relationship.

She squeezed her eyes shut and turned away from him.

"Leia, it's dangerous for you to be so strong with the Force and not be trained. At least let me teach you to control your emotions." When she finally looked at him, he arched his eyebrows to the cockpit. "I can't risk losing you to the dark side."

She tossed her utensil on the table with a clang. "Let's start now, then."

When he touched her arm, his eyes widened. "You're tired. Perhaps we should wait until morning."

"I don't think I'll ever not be tired. Really, I'm ready."

Luke inhaled and measured her with his piercing eyes.

❶ After a moment, he nodded his agreement and stood. "Okay. I want you to close your eyes." His voice transformed into a silky stream that initiated a cleansing ritual. "Clear your mind of everything. Become at peace."

She closed her eyes and clenched her hands together in her lap. Her back straightened under his scrutiny.

"Listen to your breathing. Inhale ... exhale ... inhale ... exhale."

The senator took in deep breaths as she followed his instructions. Eventually, her back muscles slumped, and her face relaxed.

After a few minutes, Luke asked, "What do you feel around you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Can you smell the grass?"

"Of course I know what grass smells like—"

"But can you smell the grass outside?"

Leia huffed and then inhaled sharply. "Yes. I can smell the rich mud, the sweet grass ... ooh, and that clump of Kevina flowers over by the landing claw."

His heart raced as a smile broke out on his face. "Yes, and what else?"

"Ugh, Chewbacca ... he needs a bath." She pinched her nose. "And Han—oh, I'm los—" Her sentence cut off as she gagged.

Luke laced his fingers together and rested his hands on the Dejarik table. "Do you see how your emotions can cloud your judgment?"

Her face fell. Her eyes hardened. Her lips clenched. After a long moment, she regained her meditative state.

"Good. Now, do you see what is tying them all together?"

She remained quiet for a moment before answering. "Yes. Yes, I do." Her face lit up, and the corners of her mouth upturned.

"Now, I am going to push into your mind. I want you to use that energy field to shove me back." He was gentle with her. I hope she's focusing on that flower, otherwise, I'm going to pick up all of her surface thoughts.

The thoughts weren't just on the surface. They screamed at him.

No privacy. No time with Han. Alone. The Senate is falling apart. Just like—Han's going to blow up when he finds out.

He still sensed no resistance from her. "Leia, push. Push me out of your mind. Don't you sense my presence there?"

⊘ "No. Oh, yes! Stop reading my thoughts." Leia shoved him out of her head once more.

He fell against the freighter's hull and slid down to the deck. "Leia, you must be at peace when you use the Force. Anger, fear, aggression—they lead to the dark side." He stood once more. "Now, let's try it again ... return to peace."

He stared at her for a few seconds, waiting for her to find her bearings. 

He infused his mind into hers again. This time she blocked him the right way—until Han and Chewie entered. Fear overwhelming her, she propelled Luke onto the deck.

Luke rubbed the back of his bruised head with his hand as the initial shock of the blast dissipated. Where did she learn how to do that? 

The Jedi stared at Han as he put away his tools and took out a canteen of water. Both he and the Wookiee dripped water on the deck and tracked in muddy footprints, carrying the miasma of a wet tauntaun.

Leia glared at the mess and narrowed her eyes at them.

"Hey, Han, Chewie." Luke waved at them from his sprawled pose on the floor.

"Hey, kid." Han slumped his shoulders.

Chewie barked a tired greeting.

Luke glanced at Han and then at his sister. He smirked as he stood. "Chewie, could you help me with the coolant tank on my shuttle? I think it's got a leak."

The Wookiee grabbed his tool bag and followed Luke out with an affirmative squawk.

Han sat next to his wife and relaxed for a few moments. "I'm exhausted." He wrapped his arm around her and crossed his legs on the curved bench.

"Um-hmm. Me, too."

❷ He murmured, "You were impressive today, Leia."

She rested her head on his damp shoulder. "Thanks."

"Hey, I gotta hand it to Luke," he said with a wide smile.

She smiled, inhaling his musky scent. "Why?"

He smirked at her. "This is the first time in weeks we've been alone together."

"Let's not waste it." She kissed him, dragging him to the captain's quarters.

As she pulled him through the corridor, he asked, "I thought you were tired."

"Not anymore."

Han peeked back over his shoulder as they passed through the hatch. "How long do you think Luke can keep Chewie occupied?"

Before the door slid shut, Leia said, "Long enough for you, flyboy."

Did you know ...

● Han is 33, and Leia is 23. If they had known each other 15 years earlier, it would be like a third-grader dating a college guy. Go figure.

● Luke is the older twin, but only by mere seconds. Their mother Padmé died right after she named Leia.

● Leia's adopted mother, Breha Organa, was the Queen of Alderaan. Her adopted father, Bail Organa, was the Viceroy of Alderaan as well as the Senior Senator of Alderaan. Leia's mother Padmé Naberrie Amidala was a former Queen of Naboo [elected position on that planet] as well as the Junior Senator of Naboo.

● That makes Luke a prince ... right? 

Tell me what you think ...

● Now that you've read eleven chapters, how did you find this book? starwarsfans reading list? New user selection screen? Recommendation from a friend? Search box? Social media? Something else?

● What do you think is Han's greatest need in his marriage?

● What do you think is Leia's greatest need in her marriage?

● Do you think they both understand their spouse's needs?

● It's been two months since Endor. What pressures do you think Luke is under right now?

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