Chapter 17 - Sparring on Zaxyn

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❶ "The Return of the Jedi"—Return of the Jedi OST

⊘ Silence

❷ "The Clash of Lightsabers"—The Empire Strikes Back Extended ST

⊘ Silence

Trails of bugs marched across the gravel road in front of Luke. The abundance of life-forms on the planet brought him a sense of comfort and belonging, the Force permeating him with each step.

He strolled past a row of one-story buildings, each a few hundred square meters in size. Branches from the thundu trees crossed over many of the rooftops and afforded the structures a natural camouflage.

General Crix Madine rambled on about the new military facilities and training grounds on Zaxyn. They bypassed bunkers ensconced in low hills and camouflaged by the arching thundu trees. A squad of soldiers dressed in physical training sweats double-timed it past them. "Our med center here extends across three bunkers, all connected by tunnels."

Luke nodded. I guess he doesn't know I've been over here already. I wish the tremors would stop.

He pointed to the bunkers at the far end of the ravine. "Supply ..."

The Jedi's mind wandered as they toured the complex. They may have called me "Jedi Master," but I still have so much to learn. Those sacred Jedi texts I found on Jedha are so confusing. I can't make head or tail out of most of them.  And what will happen if those fits start again in the middle of a battle?

At least I have a home now—even if it is just the shuttle parked in a field a few clicks from here. It's private. A sergeant blew a loud whistle, jostling Luke out of his reverie. It's peaceful. 

Madine interrupted his speech long enough to acknowledge the troops in front of him. "Very well, men, as you were."

With long strides, the general guided Luke out of the ravine and onto a field dotted with pre-fabs and hangars. "Mess hall here. Officers' Club over there—you should join my wife and I tonight. High command is starting a weekly dinner."

They approached the only two-story building on the base which sat beyond the mess hall. A few smaller buildings surrounded it. "And our showpiece installation—our state-of-the-art training center and shooting range with full-combat simulator. Come on. I think you're going to enjoy this. I know the troops will."

Demonstrating for the military is one thing, but how do we keep the military—or the Senate for that matter—from ordering me around? I'm not even sure I'm comfortable receiving medical benefits and supplies from Republic coffers, but how else am I going to live?

He ran his fingers through his hair as he ignored the tour speech. Maybe I should ask Leia about it. There has to be a way the Jedi Order can remain neutral. Father warned me about not letting the Senate make me their puppet.

Madine's demeanor changed to the "gruff general" he portrayed in front of his troops. The man's back straightened. His step quickened. His voice barked.

The glaring sun disappeared in the shadows of the combat arena's eaves. The general swiped a code cylinder from his left sleeve across the security panel and led Luke into the dojo. 

"Attention!" a voice from inside the arena echoed. Two dozen soldiers straightened their posture and rested their hands at their sides.

"Carry on, Sergeant."

The soldiers engaged each other again, fighting and grappling, while a large Iktotchi drill instructor barked orders. The man's long tusks wagged as he swung his head from side to side.

"Welcome to our combat arena, Master Skywalker." The strawberry-blond officer extended his arms toward a large room with thick mats on the floor, high windows, and an observation balcony that ran along the north end. His mouth broke into a proud smile as he introduced Luke to the facility.

Luke curled his nose at the stench of body odor.

"As you can see, the Pulsars are one of our best-trained units in unarmed combat. After the last few battles, I was wondering how we can train them to defeat a Sith Lord." Madine raised his blue eyes in question.

I'm going to be on the receiving end of those maneuvers. What's Madine really up to? Luke grimaced and gestured with his right hand. "I'm not sure there is, General. The Jedi and the Sith, well, they can do anything in hand-to-hand combat that a seasoned warrior can. However, the Force augments their strength, and no item is too far away to add to the battle."

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Care to demonstrate?"

The Jedi Master rubbed the back of his neck. Guess I'm not getting out of this one. He removed his lightsaber and flexed his mechanical right hand. At least the med center was able to fix this, but the plastiskin is still crackling. Hope it doesn't rip.

When the drill instructor called the squad to attention, the troops ceased their brawling and saluted in unison.

"Troops, this is Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. He's here to demonstrate Sith techniques."

Luke coughed at Madine's description and spared a glance around the room. Sure hope Master Yoda didn't hear that one. I'm sure the Jedi Council would frown on "demonstrating Sith techniques."

A scrawny ordinance specialist with "Eth-dan" emblazoned on his tunic cocked his large head, sending his dark-brown hair into his eyes. "Aren't the Sith all destroyed?"

All right. I can take you without a problem. Maybe this won't be so bad. "As far as we know, yes. But according to historical records, the Sith aren't the only wielders of the dark side of the Force."

When Eth-dan crossed his arms in front of his chest, the man's wiry muscles flexed. Luke sighed. Then again, maybe not, and I don't like that look in your eyes.

Madine asked, "Who wants to spar?"

❶ A brute named Tor came forward. His coarse, beige hair framed his chiseled face, and his green eyes locked onto Luke like a laser sight. His muscles rippled on his towering frame and strained his physical training uniform. "I will."

The artillery specialist glared as he entered the ring, circling to maintain eye contact with his prey.

Luke almost laughed. Sorry, buddy, but you've got nothing on Vader in the intimidation department.

Tor charged Luke without warning.

The Jedi lifted his cybernetic hand and pushed him away with the Force. On the soldier's next pass, he flipped Tor over with ease, propelling him across the arena into the plascrete wall and knocking him senseless.

⊘ Narrowing his eyes, Master Skywalker placed his hands on his hips. "I'm not here to fight you, but to demonstrate maneuvers. This isn't a contest. If you ever go up against the dark powers, charging at your adversary won't help you."

As Luke spoke, Tor revived slowly and hobbled to the sidelines.

"The Sith are capable of powerful Force-pushes that will render even the toughest man unconscious. They won't waste their time and energy fighting regular troops. However, if your opponent is distracted, you may be able to approach him from behind, like this."

Luke demonstrated a roundhouse kick on General Madine. As he stepped into the kick, he lifted his leg high, his boot soaring over the top of the general's head. Better not take him out in front of his troops. I'm still not sure what our relationship with the military is going to be. Don't want to start on the wrong foot.

"General, I want you to try the same thing on me, while I am dueling." He extended his arm and called both his lightsaber and a training remote to him. He activated both as soon as they reached him. The Jedi matched the blaster bolts with a steady rhythm before the pace picked up.

Madine timed his kick perfectly, sending Luke sprawling and his lightsaber flying. As the Jedi rolled over on the ground, he grabbed his lightsaber with the Force. He vivisected the sphere with a quick slice before spiraling onto Madine and pinning him to the ground.

"A distraction and kick is about all you can hope for. This would be a delaying move only. As you can see, your opponent would not be down for long. He would instantly rearm himself, killing his attacker as easily as you might swat a nunga on your arm."

While offering his arm to the general, Luke deactivated his saber. "Sorry about the remote, General."

Clutching Luke's hand, the officer stood, brushing dust from his uniform and smoothing his disheveled hair. "Perfectly all right. Thank you, Master Skywalker. I think this is the first time any of these troops have seen a Jedi in action. I know I'd forgotten how damaging your skills are."

Stroking his beard, Madine scouted the arena before asking, "Does anyone else want a turn?"

A soldier with her sable hair bound in a rectangular chignon advanced forward. Her tall, sinewy form slinked across the arena with the grace of a dancer, while her challenging eyes locked on Luke. As the soldier moved forward, the rest of her squad chattered in anticipation.

"Go ahead, Specialist Fau."

Scout Sniper Naluma Fau entered the arena with Master Skywalker as General Madine activated another training drone. A wave of energy passed through Luke as she approached. Why is she so familiar? I don't remember meeting her before. Certainly weren't that many young women in our unit.

He sized her up, judging where her weaknesses might be. Taller than I thought. Must have been leaning against the rail earlier. His eyes settled on her almond-shaped, deep black eyes.

She bowed to her opponent.

Master Skywalker returned the bow. At least she's following dueling etiquette.

The arena buzzed with muttering as the soldiers staked a few wagers for either side.

❷ Luke ignited his lightsaber again. However, he had to use full effort to avoid being shocked since Madine programmed the remote to attack upon activation. While focusing on the sphere, the Jedi did not notice the soldier creep up behind him.

She landed a kick in his back, sending him down hard to the mat. The lightsaber skittered across the arena.

Tor kicked the lightsaber at Fau. She dove and tucked into a roll, grabbing the weapon. She stabbed the activation stud, and the green blade hummed to life. The spectators cheered for Fau, their hurrahs echoing around the arena.

The Jedi rolled the other direction and reached for his saber as he slowly came to his feet. He rubbed his back and stretched, wincing in pain.

The crowd quieted.

Naluma seemed to sense the turning of the battle and spun around. The weapon steadied  in her grip. She leaped into the air at the same moment and landed a kick square on his chest.

Luke faltered back, a sloppy somersault that got him out of the way of the lightsaber swinging at his head.

The cheers grew. The arena shook.

Fau struck again, slashing high and low. Luke ducked and jumped.

Where did she learn that? Her technique ranked poor, but her aim true enough, until Luke tapped into the Force. He narrowed his eyes and allowed a slight grin to cross his face. Her grip is too tight.

The Jedi called for his saber again, this time waiting until she swung. The result came in a blur. When the sniper couldn't let go, Luke drew her hand around her own back, singeing her across the buttocks.

With a scream, she dropped the weapon like a hot iron.

The watching troops hooted and guffawed.

Luke forced her to her knees with his power and called his saber. He pushed her down with the Force, onto all fours.

With hair escaping her bun and sweat dripping from her face, she grunted. Her eyes glowed. Her face froze. Her anger stabbed at him.

He kicked her hands, and she fell flat on her face. "Don't underestimate the power of the Force." Luke lit his blade and swung it to the left of her head and then the right.

Fau's eyes opened as he brandished the blade in front of her. She groaned when the Jedi Force-pushed her three meters back onto her behind.

The laughter grew an octave.

When she raised her hands in defeat, he deactivated his blade and returned the lethal weapon to his belt before helping her up.

"That was a cunning effort, Specialist Fau. You almost had me," Luke said with an arrogant smirk.

Naluma stood with her hands on her hips and her chin lifted a few feet away from him. She extended her arm, drawing the lightsaber to her hand. Activating the saber, she challenged Skywalker quietly as the saber hummed in the hushed room.

Luke stretched forth his hand to grab the weapon, but it would not come. They fought over the sword mentally, striving against each other.

After a few seconds, Master Skywalker tossed her to the mat with a Force-push and retrieved the saber as she collapsed.

⊘ Luke fastened the hilt to his belt. "Never underestimate the power of the Force."

As she stood, Naluma rubbed the back of her head and said with an edge to her grave voice, "And never forget that a battle isn't over until the enemy is dead, Master Skywalker." She bowed to him before returning to her comrades.

Madine swiveled his gaze from Skywalker to Fau and back again. His cheeks reddened. "That finishes today's demonstration. Thank you, Master Skywalker. Company, dismissed."

The general escorted Luke out of the arena. "Sorry about that, Master Skywalker. I didn't realize any of my troops were capable of that."

Luke raised his eyebrows. "Who is she?"

"Specialist Scout Sniper Naluma Fau joined us about a year ago." Madine pulled his hand to his chin and lifted his eyes. "Hmm, from Felucia, if I recall correctly. She's been dominating her cadre ever since. Up for promotion next rotation. Why do you ask?"

"She is now my Padawan." Luke smiled.

"Your what?"

"My Padawan, the first Jedi Apprentice in the New Jedi Order. Please transmit her service records to my shuttle and transfer her to my command."

"By whose authority?"


Did you know ...

● Felucia was the site of many battles throughout the Clone Wars. It was under constant attack for four years.

● I originally had this base on D'Qar, but I moved it after I found out that location was not selected by the Resistance until a year or so before The Force Awakens. Zaxyn is my own creation, purposefully located within a short hyperspace hop of the Republic capital, Hosnian.

Tell me what you think ...

● What can you determine about Madine's character from this scene?

● Is Madine happy that Luke is taking one of his best soldiers?

● What is your first impression of Naluma? 

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