Chapter 2 - Victory Celebration

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❶ "Victory Celebration" 0.01–1.20—Return of the Jedi Extended ST

❷ "Rebel Briefing" 0.01–1.20—Return of the Jedi OST

❶ Nestled in the pupagi trees that grew to over a hundred meters in height, the tree-top village reverberated with festive drums and glowed in the warm light of bonfires. Everyone from Ewoks to Rebel pilots celebrated the destruction of the second Death Star and the defeat of the Empire. The Ewoks, a race of ursine warriors that grew to a meter tall, welcomed the Rebel Alliance to Bright Tree Village.

Standing over two-meters tall, their most-honored guest hailed from the wooded planet Kashyyyk. The Ewoks adored the Mighty Chewbacca because he had turned the tide for the Alliance in the middle of the battle by commandeering an All-Terrain Scout-Transport walker.

Younger scouts climbed on the tall Wookiee, while others supplied him with a steady stream of raw meat and intoxicants. The hero moaned and roared in Shyriiwook while foam dribbled down his beard and pieces of meat clung to his fangs.

Across the village square, Rebel Alliance pilots in their bright-orange flight suits as well as infantry in their green camouflage ate, drank, and danced with the furry natives. 

However, a lone figure leaned against a red tree. Han Solo—smuggler, pirate, and now Alliance general—nursed a mug of potent Ewok ale in his hand while searching the bustling crowd. Where is she? 

The tall smuggler scanned the village square, as the woodsy scent of the red bark and green needles mingled with the smoke of the bonfires. He ran a hand through his dark hair before draining his tankard. She'd better not—

Ah, there she is. Calm down, Solo, she's just doing her duty, seeing to the troops. He tossed the mug to the deck.

With his arms crossed and his eyes riveted on Leia Organa, Princess of Alderaan, his thoughts wandered. Am I reading this all wrong? I mean, it's not like I've got anything to offer ... and, besides, she'll be a senator—

He sucked in his breath. Her brandy-colored eyes twinkled at him as she swirled her tan dress. The leather laces across the bodice flapped in the breeze. Han caught himself imagining what lay below those thongs. A warm smile sneaked from his lips—not his signature lopsided smirk, but a smile filled with all the emotions that thumped in his heart.

When a pilot slid his arm across her back, Han growled and leaped forward. Relax, Solo. She can handle this. Not her first Rodian rodeo. 

Her chestnut hair swinging behind her back, Leia grabbed the man's hand and placed a mug of brew in it. With a superficial smile, the princess moved to the ground squad that had disabled the shield generator only hours earlier. 

It's now or never, Solo

❷ Han weaved his way through the celebrants until he reached his target. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Can I talk to you?"

She nodded as led her away from the noise and excitement to a secluded catwalk

"What is it, Han?" When they stood close together like this, Leia had to crane her neck up to look Han in the eyes.

"I just want to be with you for a moment, Leia, and not the rest of the galaxy." Han motioned to the festivities.

They gazed at the stars above the trees. In the distance, they spied a bonfire burning out as twilight settled on the area.

She leaned her head against his chest. "Ah, I wish it could always be like this." She sighed. "Just you and me and a universe at peace. Not running, not fighting ..."

Han wrapped his arms around her from behind and rested his chin on her head. "Uh-huh, I know what you mean." He inhaled the earthy scent of moss and wildflowers that graced Leia's braided crown. "You're trembling. What is it?"

Breaking free from his embrace, Leia took a deep breath and gazed at him. She averted her eyes to the ground as she mumbled, "Han, there's something I have to tell you."

He tilted her chin up. "Is it about you and Luke?"

Turning her back to him, she whispered, "Yes."

"Look, Leia, it's okay if—" Han's jaw dropped before he slammed it shut. Luke's her brother ... but when did she find out? What happened while—

"No, it's not like that at all." Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. She pivoted to face the smuggler, standing almost a meter apart from him, her voice cracking. "Han, Vader ... He's my ... f-f-father."

Han pulled her to his chest, holding her as she sobbed. "Hey, is that all?"

"Isn't it enough?"

"Huh." He took her hand and caressed it. "Well, you can't pick your relatives."

Leia yanked her arm away from him.

Han pressed her to his chest. "Sh. He's gone. He can't hurt you anymore."


He rested his chin on her head and lightly kissed the top of it. As her muscles relaxed in his embrace, he murmured, "Leia ..."

The princess angled her head to view the tall smuggler. She looked him in the eyes, beaming her enchanting smile at him.

Fidgeting with his fingers, he struggled to speak. "Leia, I-I-I don't know how to say this, but my last thought before the carbonite was ... well, if I ever get out of this mess, I wasn't going to let you out of my sight again." He turned his head away. "Oh, I'm saying this all wrong."

"No, you're not." Leia stroked his rough fingers to calm him, catching his eyes.

"Well, the thing is ... when we leave this place, I don't know when or if I'll ever see you again."

She clasped his hands. "Don't say that, Han."

"Come on, you know you'll get pulled back into politics. And Chewie and me, well, we'll end up somewhere on the other side of the galaxy." Han waved behind him. "And I don't want that to happen."

He brushed a stray hair from her forehead while staring into her bewitching eyes. "Look, I know I'm just a two-bit smuggler, a scoundrel," he said with a smirk. "What do you think? Do you think a princess and a guy like me ..."

Leia cocked her head. "Is this a proposal?"

Han nodded with a shy smile. She reciprocated with her own quicker nod.

He took her in his arms and pressed his lips to hers, tasting the sweetness of her lips. For once, no one interrupted them.

The smuggler took the princess by the hand as he led her back to the celebration. I'm ... getting ... married. As he looked at Leia, Han set aside his doubts and fears.

Dedicated to Carrie Fisher. RIP. 10/21/56 - 12/27/16. Our galaxy has lost its shining light.

Did you know ...

● The Ewoks ate human flesh. They had trussed up both Luke and Han on spits, planning to barbecue the heroes earlier in Return of the Jedi. At the end of the movie, we see Ewoks using stormtrooper helmets for drums. I wouldn't eat the meat at that feast, if I were you.

● When Harrison Ford signed on for The Force Awakens, he insisted that his contract specify that there would be no Ewoks in the movie.

● The original music for the ending of the film was replaced when the Special Edition was released. Original Song (Yub-Nub):  "Ewok Celebration and Finale"  Replacement Song: "Victory Celebration and Finale" Most fans on Twitter prefer "Yub-Nub" to the new one

Tell me what you think ...

● Why did Han move so fast? He's been so against commitment in the past.

● What is Han's next move?

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