Chapter 38 - Now We Wait

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❶ "Speeder Bike Chase"—Return of the Jedi Extended ST

❷ "The Return of the Jedi"—Return of the Jedi OST

They hiked southwest for ten clicks, birds chirping in the upper branches of some of the largest sosna trees Han had ever seen. If not for the threat of Imperial pursuit, the fragrance of the kevina flowers dotting the steepening hillside on their flank would've been a soothing treat. Beyond the shroud of chaparral close by, a stream gurgled and covered the sounds of their footsteps. Han bit his lower lip and then glanced at Luke.

He shook his head and turned his eyes down tothe game trail they traversed. Looking back at Luke, he asked, "So, kid, why are you here, on Telti of all places?"

"Blowing up the biohazard plant," Luke said with nonchalance as he gnawed on a ration stick.

Han looked at them both. "Just you and her? You've got to be kidding me."

Chewie agreed with a rumble.

"Hey, you guys can leave anytime you want to. We appreciate your help, but we have a mission to fulfill."  Naluma stood and brushed the dust off her pants.

"Listen, sweetheart, I can do whatever I please. I answer to no one. If I want to help you guys, then I will," Han said as he crossed his arms. "Right, Chewie?"

Chewie roared an agreement.

"Just don't mess it up," Naluma said. "And don't call me 'sweetheart.'" She marched away a few meters.

"Han, just calm down. Naluma and I have a plan."

"Yeah? How are you going to blow it up? With your lightsabers or something?" Han stared at the smoke from the crash rising above the expansive forest spreading out below them.

Luke followed his gaze to the crash site where their explosives had been stored in the food crates and said, "Well, we'll improvise."

"What are we dealing with here, kid? Nukes? Bio?"

"Not sure." Luke bit his lip.

Chewie and Han conversed for a few minutes. "Well, Chewie and I, we'll stick around and see what we can do."

❶ The hike to the factory consumed the rest of their daylight hours. By the time they reached the well-guarded facility, the sun had dipped low on the horizon. They arrived in time to observe a crew shift rotation.

"How are we going to get in there?" Han asked from behind a tree.

Naluma said, "We don't have to be inside to contain the explosion."

Han snorted in derision. "Again, sweetheart, what explosion?"

Luke said, "I think we could do it from here."

Han looked at Chewie who barked something at him. "Yeah? Good idea."

"What's a good idea?"  Luke asked, warily.

"Chewie and I are going to steal a speeder and high-tail it back to the Falcon. We'll come in low and blast it from the air."

Luke cried out to him as he and Chewie ventured toward the speeder, "Han, Chewie, no wait, don't."

The disastrous duo kept walking.

Naluma shook her head at Luke. "Great."

He raised his eyebrows at her and shook his head in disbelief.

Han and Chewie lured the guards to the speeder, running their hands on the chassis and examining the controls. Solo ran his finger down the triangular cockpit of the V-35 landspeeder, the transparisteel windshield glinting in the growing moonlight. 

Chewie admired the hefty repulsordirve and the three cannon-esque engines mounted atop the aft of the speeder.

"Emerald green performance edition, matte black intake ports," Han said practically drooling over the black striping running down the length of the V-35's slender body. "These Imps sure know how to pick 'em."

On an unspoken cue, the Wookiee lunged at one of the guards and shot two others with his bowcaster while Han jumped into the driver's seat.

Luke and Naluma Force-pushed the remaining guards, knocking them against the solid trunks of the sosna trees.

"Chewie, get in!"

The Wookiee hopped in and fired to their rear as Han sped off.

Luke turned to Naluma. "Now we wait. Let's hope it's not too long."

They settled down in the woods, leaning against the trunks and ranging out with the Force for any disturbances.

❷ Each passing moment the Falcon did not return put them in more danger. After what seemed like an eternity, Luke sensed the presence of the enemy approaching from behind them in the forest. He silently motioned to Naluma to hold still. He held up three fingers and motioned her into a different position.

The Jedi Master and Padawan rose in silence and spread out, ready to defend themselves. Three dark figures marched out of the forest in a V. They all wore black leather suits, black capes, black masks—and lightsabers. They drew their crosshilted blades in one motion and attacked with their red blades.

The evil that emanated from their opponents revolted Luke. The Jedi activated his saber first, with Naluma following his lead. He sent to her, You take that one, and I'll handle these two.

Who are these guys, master?

No time for questions, Padawan. Become one with the Force and focus. Luke raised his saber to defend the first attack from the opponent on his flank. 

He parried with a high, inside move. Luke's blade crackled on the other's. Force flowing freely, he swept down to block his second opponent. As the first one charged again, Luke swiveled his blade in an attempt to disarm. He spun wide, not able to pry the saber away, but the attacks kept coming.

Naluma blocked her opponent with a high inside parry and pushed him off. She raised her saber to strike from an outside high position. The battle progressed back and forth, each trying to get in a vital hit on the head. The battle continued on, each seeking to score a vital blow.

She took a sweep at his head. But he raised his saber at the last moment, flinging sparks as the blades struck. Naluma let go over her hilt and grabbed at her throat.

The dark figure clenched his fist as she fell to the ground. He called her saber.

In an instant, she called for her saber, stopping it short of his outstretched hand.

"Oh, no. That's mine." She yanked it back, into her hand, and jabbed the activation stud. Her training kicked in.

She dashed low for his side, moving in a blurring burst of speed. Before her foe could understand what had happened, she sliced him at the waist.

His torso toppled to the turf, the attacker's moan cut short.

She straightened into ready position, and searched the area for her master, blade humming.

Luke skirmished with intense speed and agility. He slashed the closest assailant, nicking the man's bicep. The strike, although cauterized, left the arm dangling and unusable. His other opponent, however, growled and rushed him with fresh vigor.

Naluma thought to Luke, Need a hand?

Take that one. Nice work on the other one, he said with a wink as he continued to fight the uninjured opponent.

Glowing with her master's praise, Naluma shouted at the injured opponent, "Hey! Over here!"

The dark creature turned his attention to her, marching to where she stood, lightsaber raised.

Luke, relieved from fending off two at once, applied himself with vigor to defeating his remaining opponent. He blocked and parried, blocked and parried, spun, kicked, and swiped his blade at his opponent's head.

His opponent barely avoided the attack and brought back his saber into head position. Their blades crossed and locked for a three rapid heartbeats, fighting against each other in tension for several seconds. In the heat of the battle, the seconds felt like minutes.

When the opponent pushed away Luke's saber, the Jedi almost lost his grip on his weapon. A few more swipes, and again it was a battle of strength, struggling to push the lightsabers away.

They turned in position until Luke backed against a burned out, gigantic fallen log. His opponent lowered his guard, just a bit, and the Jedi Master zeroed in with another swivel move to disarm. The enemy blade spun and hummed into the dense foliage while Luke leaped onto the log.

His opponent joined him, calling his lightsaber to him. Pieces of rotted and half-burned bark chipped away as they advanced and retreated atop the treacherous log.

After multiple passes back and forth, Luke's opponent caught him off guard, charging at him and sending the Jedi's lightsaber flying.

The Millennium Falcon ripped through the air a few meters above the battle, heading for the manufacturing plant, swirling debris all around them.

Luke lost his balance and landed flat on his back on top of a rock. He rolled over in pain and barely called his lightsaber back to defend against the death blow his opponent delivered. He edged back as the glow of the enemy saber lit his face. He grunted and strained. Not having the high ground was not part of his plan.

Naluma high-kicked the wounded attacker, and his head snapped back. She sliced him like the other before an alarm rang in her mind. Master!

She watched him lower his weapon, inch-by-inch, his attacker using leverage with the Force. Naluma acted without thought. She somersaulted across the space between them and landed with a thud, her teeth clenched.

This dark man was more skilled than their other opponents. Naluma fought with every ounce of her strength to prevent from being killed. Their sabers clashed and hissed, humming with a false peace when they broke off for a split second, only to strike again. At last, she found her opening and decapitated the final opponent in one stroke.

The villain collapsed on top of Master Skywalker, lightsaber still active. Luke cried out in agony as his opponent settled on him.

Did you know ...

● This is the first appearance of the Knights of Ren in this book. When I wrote these chapters, very little information existed. I am sure my story deviates from canon here.

Tell me what you think ...

● What does Naluma's jumping between Luke and his attacker say about her character?

● Do you find Naluma's preference for decapitation offensive? Why or why not?

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