Chapter 68 - Boundaries

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❶ "Diego's Goodbye"—The Mask of Zorro OST

The next day Naluma passed the time in hyperspace by reading an adventure novel on her datapad and thinking about Luke. He had spent much of the day by himself in the cockpit. She feared he was avoiding her because of yesterday, because of that kiss. 

While her heart wanted to pursue him, and enjoy another sweet kiss, she knew he needed his meditation time. She could feel the edges of his anxiety even through his shielding and hoped she was not the cause.

Earlier that day, the girls had helped her shower. Now, the throbbing of her leg chained her to the bunk. Her pain meds only dulled the pain, not removed it, and she didn't want to risk the Force-visions with anything stronger. 

As the tiny cabin's bulkheads pressed in on Naluma, she picked up her datapad again, focusing her thoughts on the story and ignoring the claustrophobia. After the hyperdrive engine engaged with a rough jolt, she felt Luke approaching the cabin. She scribbled a note on her datapad to service the hyperdrive when they reached their next destination.

Datapad in hand, Luke poked his head in. "Mind if I come in?"

"Please do," she said with a shy smile while she made room for him on the bed. She rotated her leg to a supply crate.

After he lowered himself to the bed, she put her arms around him and hugged him. "Missed you all day. What've you been up to?"

When he pulled away from her embrace, Naluma frowned. Is it always going to be like this—one day so close, the next day closed off?

"Thinking ... about a great many things." He pressed his lips together with a short sigh.

Sensing the fear, she kept the conversation light. She unwrapped herself from him and leaned against the bulkhead. "Where are we headed?"

"Four days to Hosnian Prime and then maybe a jump over to Zaxyn. We need supplies for Khalkha. We may have to charter a freighter or something, too." He picked up his datapad. "Would you mind going over this with me?"

She took his list and looked at his calculations. "Well, you've got enough grains ordered, but not enough vegetables. Even frozen would be better than nothing. And we could use more protein."

"I thought we could hunt some of the indigenous wildlife for protein."

"Do you think they're safe to eat?"

"Taznek's files say they are. We could also revitalize that garden he had for greens. Fresh is better."

"Hmm. I'd love to work on that project. I miss the gardens on Felucia," she said as she scrolled down the screen. "Large stock of uniforms. Not bad. I don't know when we'll get to using all those, though."

He smiled and added with a small laugh, "We're going to need them. I've seen it. Get ready. We're going to have our hands full pretty soon."

❶ She smiled with coyly at him, gazing into his brilliant blue eyes that matched his Force-signature. Both blazed.

As Luke turned his head to her and grinned, he asked, "What are you thinking?"

She opened her mind to him. You're amazing. I wouldn't even consider tackling this assignment without you.

I think you're pretty amazing, too. After staring into her obsidian eyes for a few awkward moments, he dropped his head back to his lap. "I've been thinking about bringing in some more help."

"Like who?" Her face stiffened. "Civilians are liabilities, Luke."

"The lodge is large. We're going to need some help in the kitchen, with the grounds."

Shaking her head, she said, "I disagree. In the military, everyone has KP duty, sanitation duty, and whatever else they can throw at you. If we brought in someone to do these basic tasks, the Padawan will get lazy and too full of themselves."

He opened his mouth as if he were about to debate, but she had not finished yet.

As she gestured toward the hatch, she said, "Look at how hard it is to get Jannah to do anything other than her studies and her training. She would never survive on a mission if she had to go undercover in a working class or agricultural society."

Luke nodded his approval. "You're right."

"I know," she said with smugness as her eyebrows rose.

"How about a med tech?"

She snorted. "Good luck at getting one of those. There's so much of demand for them through the galaxy, military trains their own."

"Well, I'm going to at least ask Madine if he can spare one." Luke took his datapad back and set it on the deck. "We may not be so lucky next time."

He clasped her hand, but he pulled away when Jannah peeked around the hatchway. He sighed at the disturbance.

Naluma stared at her with sternness. "Yes?"

As her blonde hair with blue tips shimmered around her shoulders, Jannah asked, "Just wanted to know if you two needed anything."

Not falling for that excuse, Naluma waved her fingers at the minx. "Go away, Jannah. When are you going to learn that you cannot lie to a Jedi?"

Luke smoothed over the tension. "Private conversation, Jannah." 

When the Padawan stepped back into the galley, he used the Force to lock the hatch.

"What are they going to think we're doing, Luke?" She liked how his name sounded each time she said it.

"Whatever they want to think. Kalder could tell them anything we are doing in here, you know. He's probably spying on us right now."

He tilted his head and smiled at her. He took a deep breath before speaking again. "Naluma, we can't hide our feelings from them. Even Leia has noticed our auras are resonating off each other. But we also can't do certain things without the kids knowing."

"Even when they're not around? We have a whole planet to disappear into now."

"They'd find out. And what if you get pregnant?" he said as he gestured his hand toward her. 

"You don't want kids?"

"No, I do. Just our vows. We have five youngsters with hormones raging watching us all the time. They're looking for any excuse—and we have to be role models, be above board." He took her hand as tears started forming in her eyes. "Trust me, it's not that I don't want you. I do. Some days it takes every bit of willpower not to give in."

"Like this morning?"

He nodded.

"But there's more. It's not just the physical. My love for you is just as much of a weakness as my love for my sister is. The Emperor told me my compassion would be my undoing. He was right." Luke looked at his fingers, searching for the words and the courage to continue.

Naluma waited, allowing him the time he needed.

After a few long moments, he said while he gestured with his hands, "But the thing is, whether it's you, or Leia, or these Padawan, or Han, or Chewie, or even my nephew Ben—unless I run away to a deserted island and spend my days in exile, I will always have people around me that I care about—targets. They will always be my weakness."

She laid her hand on his arm and waited for him to continue.

"'Luma, if things were different with us, if neither of us were Jedi ... well, you're ..." After trailing off, he rattled off the rest. "The most remarkable woman I have ever met." He pursed his lips together before continuing, gazing once again into her eyes. His voice quavered as he stroked her hair from her face. "My truest friend ... The only one I have ever loved."

The Jedi Master closed his eyes in anguish before taking a deep breath. "Naluma, you know things about me that nobody else does—the darkness, the pull of the dark side. You are why I haven't given in. You keep me in the light. But I don't want you expecting something I can't give you. We're Jedi. As much as my heart breaks to say this, we cannot marry. I can be your friend, your very good friend, but not your husband."

Naluma's countenance fell into abject dejection. "Just friends?"

"More than friends?" Luke said with a slight smile.

"That would be dishonorable in my culture, Master Luke." Naluma fought the conflict between her desires and her inner being. Her body desired him. Her personal code of honor controlled her.

Luke blushed and said with shame, "I wasn't asking for more than your affection, your gentle touch, your pure thoughts. I respect you too much to ask for more. As long as we don't take it beyond that boundary, I believe we can hold true to the Jedi Mandate."

Naluma looked at him and then dropped her head to her lap, evaluating herself. Would kisses and caresses be enough?  "Are you able to hold yourself to this? It's harder for men than for women, you know."

Blushing again and turning his face to his hands, he said with hesitation, "Naluma, I've never ... well, you know ... It won't be so great a temptation." His cheeks burned a rosy red with that admission.

She rested her head on his shoulder and grabbed his arm. "I love you, Luke Skywalker. If this is the only way I can have you, then so be it. It won't be easy for me, but you're worth it."

"I know," he said with a raised eyebrow. "It won't be easy for me either, but you are worth every sacrifice." He turned to her, taking her face in his hands and kissed her gently.

She inhaled in response to the release of tension the kiss had provided. She now knew how far she could go, at least in private. "What about our public face?"

"What about it?"

"The kids?"

"The kids already know we're close friends—maybe more, considering Jannah. I think we might want to keep our intimate moments private, but I don't think it would hurt them to see how much we care for each other. Anyway, after your accident, I don't think any of them question it."

He took her hand in his and traced around her thumb and forefinger with his thumb. "When I thought I had lost you, I didn't think I could go on." He opened his mind and allowed her to see the dark thoughts he had at that moment. Despair swallowed me, as the dark side pressed in. I needed you, and you weren't there.

As Naluma wrapped her arms around him and stroked his hair, she murmured, "I know. Even under the drugs, I could feel it, Luke."

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her tight to his chest.

At least we have this. They opened up their Force-bond and luxuriated in the glow that encompassed them. It seemed that nothing could every pull them apart when the Force drew them together.

Did you know ...

● When I developed Luke's story, he was originally going to deny his feelings for Naluma. When she would refuse to kill the attachment, he was going to expel her from the Order. Third draft, that changed. I couldn't do that to either character.

● Luke has so many positive qualities—noble, honorable, compassionate, strong, wise—everything a knight in shining armor should be. But he also is afraid to fail in the eyes of the others. The reputation of the Jedi Order weighs heavily on his mind. He finds his struggle in his human urges conflicting with Jedi doctrine all the time.

Tell me what you think ...

● How do they both provide emotional support for the other?

● Where do you think this relationship will end if they cannot marry or engage in sexual intercourse?

● How will the general public react if they find out about their relationship?

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