Chapter 70 - An Invitation

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❶ "Marion's Theme"—Raiders of the Lost Ark OST

While grounded on Zaxyn so Naluma could undergo physical therapy, the Jedi Order spent their days in field medicine classes. At night, they trained in the Force and academics, with a little time for socializing in the Jedi Enclave. The balmy weather led to campfires in the glade each night. Camaraderie and hijinks were never too far away.

Each week Luke attended the High Command Dinner in the Officer's Club as a guest of General Madine and his wife Zera. The general's wife epitomized class. Her blonde hair, coifed in tasteful curls on her head, framed her face and highlighted her gold hoop earrings. Her angular nose and blue eyes alluded to her tenacious drive, but her wicked sense of humor kept Luke guessing the true meanings behind her polite conversation.

At one of these dinners toward the end of the Jedi Order's stay on Zaxyn, Zera asked, "So, Master Skywalker, will you be attending the military ball? It's only three days away."

"What's it like? More of these High Command dinners?"

"Oh, no, it's a big formal affair. A cocktail hour, receiving line, banquet, and the dance. We ladies look forward to this evening all year," Zera said with a coy smile.

As he stroked his russet beard, General Madine asked, "Can I put you down? If you need an escort, I have some officers who are dying to meet you."

It would be nice to get away from the kids for once, even if Naluma wouldn't be able to dance. His eyes lit up at the thought of time with her, transforming his placid face into a goofy grin.  "Yes, I'd love to attend. But I don't need an escort." A broad smile and twinkling eyes replaced his grin. "Ma'am, where do the ladies get their evening wear? Is there a dress-shop on base?"

"Unfortunately not. Hosnian Prime is the closest. They have a wide selection," Zera said with a graceful wave of her hand. "One word of advice, though. Lean on the tasteful side for this event."

The next afternoon, after he had finished the field medicine class, Luke took a military transport to Hosnian Prime. After spending three hours in five different shops, he had found plenty of formals but nothing that he would call tasteful.

As he retired to the transport empty-handed, he observed the Hosnian citizens heading back to their housing units after the primary work shift. Then he felt the bright, warm Force-signature of his sister. He saw Leia in the crowd of pedestrians and sent out a tendril via mindspeech, Leia.

Luke? Where are you?

To your left, across the street. Wait, I'll come to you. He dodged transports and sprinted between vehicles, taking his life into his hands with the traffic.

Leia hugged him with enthusiasm. "Luke, what are you doing here? You weren't in the Senate meeting."

"Picking up supplies." He raised his eyebrows. "Speaking of which, do you have some time to help me out?"

The senator looked at her chronometer. "I've got an hour before I need to pick up Ben from nursery. Is that long enough?"

"It will have to be." He scrunched his face together. Both of them were short on time. "Military ball is in a few days. I need a dress for Naluma, but I can't find anything tasteful. I've looked all over."

Leia gave him a knowing smile and grabbed his hand. "Hmm. Only one shop on this planet caters to tasteful. Follow me."

About a half hour later they stood in front of Fleur-de-Marguerite, a shop with only a simple window layout and a shaded door. Leia approached the communicator and said, "Marguerite, this is Senator Organa with Jedi Master Skywalker."

The door opened automatically, ushering the couple in. A large Sanyassan woman with dinner plate earrings and a beaded necklace, dressed in something that looked like a tent tossed over her large frame, greeted the senator. Her hair flowed over her shoulders, but her face looked more like a skull than a proper head. "Senator," Marguerite greeted, as she kissed Leia on both cheeks. She turned to Luke and said in a thick accent, "And vat haf ve here?"

"Marguerite, I would like you to meet Jedi Master Luke Skywalker."

"An honor, Master Skyvalker, an honor," Marguerite said as she circled him. "I've never designed anything for a Jedi before. This vill be a challenge."

"It's not for me," he said as his eyes widened. "It's for my ... for my partner. She needs a formal gown for the military ball—tasteful."

Marguerite took a sharp breath. "Everyting I make is tasteful, Master Skyvalker, never you fear." As she led them to another part of the store, she mumbled, "Tasteful. Really." She asked in a loud voice, "How tall is she?"

He looked up at the ceiling. "She's shorter than me but taller than Leia."

"Exact measurements, please." Marguerite pursed her lips.

Leia said, "Maybe a centimeter shorter than Luke."


The Jedi blushed. "Normal?"

"But vat is normal? My size? Your sister's?" She crossed her arms. "Do you know her top or trouser sizes?"

Luke thought back to the uniform orders he made the year before. He clenched his teeth in uncertainty as he said, "Medium?"

Marguerite became flustered. "Master Skyvalker, I need a little more information than that. Perhaps you can bring this woman in so I can measure her."

"No, it's a surprise."

Marguerite sighed. "How about her coloring?"

"Dark hair, sable. Black eyes, golden brown skin with a luster ..." Luke described, getting carried away as he remembered her.

Marguerite left the room to pull some samples. She came back, presenting a black evening gown with a severe neckline and long sleeves. She also held up a few gowns in bright, fluorescent colors, as well as a red gown.

Luke shook his head at all of them. "They are all lovely gowns, Marguerite, but they just aren't Naluma."

Marguerite said with her face flushing in anger, "Vell, Master Skyvalker, if I actually had some information to go on, I could provide a better selection."

"I could show you what she looks like. Would that help?"

"Yes, show me the holo."

"It's not a holo. If I may have your permission, I can place an image into your mind."

Marguerite looked at him, perplexed, but then agreed. "Vhy not?" Her eyes popped wide as an image clearly entered her mind. "Hmm, she is beautiful. I know just the ting."

The large Sanyassan returned to her stock and brought out a violet satin gown with an A-line skirt and lacy cap sleeves. The dress sported a sweetheart neckline and a slit up the left leg. "Senator, vhat do you tink?"

Leia examined the dress, fingering the beading and lace. "Exquisite, as always, Marguerite. This will be perfect for Naluma. Luke?"

"I love it. It's just ..."

"Just vhat?"

"The slit. Naluma's got a splint on right now, and she'll have a ghastly scar on that leg in the future. Any chance it can be sewn?"

"Easy-shmeazy, Master Skyvalker. Anything else?"

Leia prowled through the shop's accessories. "Luke, Naluma will need some shoes, too. She can't wear her boots to the ball. And maybe a necklace. Oh, and definitely some evening gloves." She selected a few pairs of shoes, ranging from heels to flats.

Luke insisted on the sequined dance slippers in a matching violet. "With her leg injury, only flats right now."

"Flats, hmm? I'd better hem this a bit more so she does not trip." Marguerite took the dress in her workroom to make the alterations.

Leia started pulling different necklaces from a rack. She held up a gaudy necklace with heavy beads. "How about this? It would look gorgeous on that neckline."

He shook his head. The price tag on that piece was higher than he wanted to pay for costume jewelry. "Is there anything that's a little more delicate?" Maybe one day I could buy the real thing for her.

Leia selected a small teardrop pendant on a gold chain. "What about this?"

"I like it," Luke said with a slight nod.

Marguerite returned with the dress in a box. "Hmm, marvelous choice of necklace. Let me wrap that up, and then ve'll settle the bill."

Leia looked at her chronometer. "Luke, I've got to go. I'm late already to pick up Ben. Stop by for dinner before you leave."

He kissed her on the cheek. "See you then. Thanks, Leia. I couldn't have done this without you."

"When are you going to learn to bring these little problems to me?" She patted his cheek and then kissed him before leaving.

Naluma worried when Luke did not arrive back at the shuttle that night. When she tried to reach out to him through their Force-bond, she found him on a different planet.

She summoned Kalder through mindspeech. Do you know why Master Skywalker's not back?

He said he had some errands to run.

I hope he's not in any trouble.

He's fine. Kalder laughed through their link. Try to get some rest. When he returns, I'm sure he'll tell you what's going on.

Kalder, you'd better tell me right now.

He chuckled. Good night, Jedi Fau.

How can he laugh about this? Luke could be in trouble, and no one would know. She calmed herself as hyperventilation took over. Zaxyn is not the location of the dream, and we still do not have enough Padawan for that to come true. Naluma sighed. I wish Luke had told me about this mission. Doesn't he trust me anymore? She drifted to sleep as the thoughts bombarded her.

She woke up around zero dark thirty. Luke had not returned yet. She flipped her pillow to the cool side and adjusted her injured leg before sleeping for a few more hours.

Not long after drifting off asleep, the nightmare on the hill of shale and turf haunted her dreams. After weeks of experiencing it, she expected it each night. She used breathing techniques to squelch the fear when it appeared, but every night she grew more certain it was not a dream but a Force-vision.

When she awoke at 0400, Luke had returned. Exiting the cabin to use the main deck refresher, she tripped over him, waking him up. "Sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you. Know you had a late night." It took every ounce of control not to ask him about the mission. He'll tell me when he's ready. If I push him before then, he may push back in our relationship.

Luke turned on his side and gazed at her with a warm smile. "You look absolutely beautiful."

"You should take short trips more often. I think it's affecting your brain." She winked at him and grinned. "Be right back."

As she exited the cabin, Luke combed his hair and applied some cologne. He rubbed his scruffy chin. Hope she doesn't notice. Don't have time to shave.

❶ When Naluma entered the hatch, he knelt in front of her, holding out a package with a flower on top of it. "Luke, what are you doing?"

"For you," he said with a touch of emotion in his voice. He sat on the shipping crate while she sat on the bunk.

She took the light-purple flower from the top of the present and drank in its intoxicating scent. After placing it in her hair, she opened the ribbons with care and then removed the wrapping paper. The box held a floor-length, violet evening gown trimmed with beads. She held it up to herself and glowed. "Oh, this is lovely, Luke."

After she kissed him, she then spied the shoes in the box. She picked up the sequined slippers from the box. As she set the box down, black evening gloves, a delicate necklace, and a small envelope fell out. She placed the dress, slippers, and gloves on the bunk and took the card out of the envelope. The note read in neat printing: Naluma, would you join me at the military ball tomorrow evening? Luke

She looked him in the eye and leaned in toward him. "I hope you can interpret this answer." She grabbed him and pressed her lips to his with such fervency his breath quickened.

Luke jumped up. "Naluma, don't do that to me."

"Didn't you like it?" she asked with a mischievous smirk.

"You know very well that I liked it."

As Luke marched out of the cabin in feigned outrage, Naluma tried on the gown while laughing at his reaction.

Did you know ...

● Marguerite's name and the fact that she owns a dress shop is a nod to Fleur in Sassinak by Elizabeth Moon. Her personality and species are entirely different.

● Marguerite may have a French name, but she has a Russian accent. I don't know where that came from either. The character was born with it.

● When developing Marguerite, I wanted a character that would break traditions—a dressmaker who believed beauty lay in every woman and every species—not someone who body shamed for people having larger figures.

● I wanted to bring out Luke's bashfulness. This is the first time he has pursued a love interest. I wanted him to go through some of the awkwardness that early courtship brings.

Tell me what you think ...

● What else could Luke have done to show his affection for Naluma without overstepping their boundaries?

● What do you think Leia is thinking right now about Luke finally pursuing Naluma?

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