Chapter 97 - Setbacks

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❶ "Alliance Assembly"—Return of the Jedi Extended ST

⊘ Silence

The primary landing bay aboard the Freedom bustled with activity. Jannah and Naluma hopped out of their craft and joined Tandolleau as he levitated Ensign Frensu to the hover stretcher. Artoo finished the shut-down procedures on Tandolleau's fighter while the maintenance crew swarmed the deck. 

When a squad of security forces arrived, the MP corporal said to Naluma, "We'll take over from here, ma'am."

Naluma shook her head and gave a tight smile. "Orders to guard the target until we deliver him to Zaxyn HQ."

"Our orders are to escort the target to seclusion." His squad formed up on either side of the stretcher.

The lead medtech said, "Well, neither of you will have a target if you don't let us take him to medbay. You're welcome to follow, but stay out of our way." The muscular petty officer pushed the hover stretcher through both the Jedi and the MPs toward the medbay.

❶ After they had reached the medbay, the medtech said, "Two people only. They will have to scrub."

Naluma nodded.  "Tandolleau, take first watch. Jannah, grab some chow and some rack time. Relieve Tandolleau in four hours."

They nodded their heads as Naluma turned. Jannah asked through mindspeech, Where are you headed?

Check on Luke.

Jannah said, Surprised he didn't meet us in the landing bay.

He's sleeping. Naluma scrunched her nose and clenched her teeth as she sensed his exhaustion through their Force-bond. Get going. Those four hours are going to speed by.

Yes, Jedi Fau.

Naluma entered the room with soft footsteps. She restrained a gasp when she saw him—paler, thinner, and with an oxygen tube attached to his nose. He slept in an inclined position to aid his labored breathing.

As she rested her hand on his burning forehead, she wondered what had caused this setback. His lungs gurgled with each breath. She kept her hand on his hot forehead, transferring energy to him through the Force until a medtech entered the room.

"Oh," he said in surprise.

"What happened to him?"

As the tech unhooked the empty intravenous bag from Luke's venal catheter, he said, "He overdid it the day you left. Collapsed after a secured holocomm call. Developed pneumonia a few hours later." The medtech's eyes narrowed. "You shouldn't be in here." His eyes traveled up and down Naluma's torn uniform and filthy skin. "At least scrub next time."

She considered using a Jedi mindtrick on the guy. "I'll leave in a minute. Jedi business."

He hooked up another IV bag before leaving. "Two minutes. No more."

She nodded. As soon as the hatch slid shut, she grabbed a pen and a piece of paper from the counter. She scrawled "love you" on it and wrapped it around the hilt of his lightsaber. Placing it under his left hand, she tucked the blanket around him.

After kissing Luke on the forehead, she left the medbay in search of fresh clothing from fleet stores, as well as some needed rack time. Soon as I'm recharged, you and I are going to have a healing session, my love.

⊘ A few hours later, Luke woke with a wracking cough. As he raised his left hand to cover his mouth he found it holding his lightsaber and a piece of paper in Naluma's handwriting. He covered his mouth with his right hand as he hacked. He sent out to her through the Force, More, as his wet cough shook his body.

The medtech hurried into his room. The thin young man held an emesis basin to his chin. "Master Skywalker, expel the sputum. Only way to clear your body of the infection."

Between coughs and spitting, Luke asked, "Naluma?" Even uttering one word took too much effort. He closed his eyes to regather his strength.

"Jedi Fau? She's back," the medtech said with a smile. After emptying the dish, the medtech attached another IV to Luke's catheter and adjusted the flow of the medicine. "This should help you rest easier."

Luke turned in alarm, sitting up straighter. "No sedatives."

"Not a sedative. Just an antibiotic and some saline," the medtech said as he pushed Luke against the bed. "Sleep, Master Skywalker."

Unable to resist, Luke drifted off, dreaming that Naluma and he were on a green island climbing a large staircase to the summit.

After a few more hours, Naluma arrived to find Wedge in the room chatting with Luke. Rather, Wedge rambled, and Luke nodded. His friend stood to leave when he saw Naluma.

"Captain," Naluma said before he left. "When are you sending Frensu to Zaxyn?"

"Medtechs said he should be able to travel tomorrow. Y-wings will be ready by then," the dark-haired man said as he lifted his eyes.

"Make it a military transport. I want to transfer Luke to the med center on Zaxyn." Naluma lifted her hands onto her hips. "Besides, Frensu requires a Jedi escort, and we're not flying in those dilapidated Y-wings ever again."

Wedge scratched his head and sighed. "Thought you might see it that way."

"Our mission doesn't end here, and I'm not leaving Luke."

Her partner nodded.

The captain said, "Very well. I'll see what I can do. You'll have company, though. Two MPs at all times."


As Wedge left the room, Naluma climbed onto the bed next to Luke and grabbed his left hand. Refreshed after a few hours of sleep and a hot meal, she began a long healing session, shooting the tendrils of the Force at the bacteria in his blood stream. When he drifted off once more, Naluma focused on his lungs. 

A few hours later, his breathing improved. Exhausted once more, she gave a slight smile and leaned against the bed. She checked her chronometer. Two hours until we leave for Zaxyn. Hope Kalonia has some magic potion for this infection.

Did you know ...

● Wedge is Luke's oldest surviving friend other than Han, Leia, Chewie, and the droids? They fought the Battle of Yavin together, the Battle of Hoth, and the Battle of Endor.

● Denis Lawson, who plays Wedge, is the uncle of Ewan McGregor, who plays young Obi-Wan in the prequels.

● Hospital-contracted pneumonia is a serious issue around the world, especially for patients who have been on respirators. The infection can hit the bloodstream, causing life-threatening sespis and atrial fibrillation.

Tell me what you think ...

● Why do you think Wedge is so different from Madine in his outlook on the Republic?

● Why did Jannah comment that she was surprised Luke hadn't met them in the landing bay?

● Why did Naluma leave Luke his lightsaber, since he wouldn't need it in med bay?

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