Jedi Starbird Elenium (Vader's Lambda Shuttle)

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All artwork in this chapter by the author, under copyright of S. A. McCaffrey, 2019.

In my story, the Jedi Order has two spacecraft at the beginning of the novel:

✈ Luke's X-wing fighter that was his pensioning out reward (like many of the pilots who were leaving the service—see Poe Dameron comic that indicates his mom Shara Bey received her A-wing fighter as her pension.)

✈ Vader's Lambda-class Imperial shuttle with which Luke escaped the Death Star.

Since the Jedi Order has no temple, no land, and no home, the shuttle becomes their home.

The Republic and the military hope to curry favor with the Jedi Order and offer a retrofit to something more suitable than the original 2 cargo compartments, 20 jump seats, and 20 bench seats for troops.

First Retrofit:

✇ galley (kitchen) where the weapons locker used to stretch across the stern

✇ full refresher unit

✇ crew quarters that can accommodate 6 comfortably, more if necessary

✇ captain's quarters with office space and meditation area

✇ additional fresh water and oxygen tanks for long-term use

Second Retrofit: (a few months after the first Padawan joins Luke)

✇ remove the original head

✇ remove the original head's aft and port bulkheads but keep the forward bulkhead

✇ install a washer and dryer

Up until this time, they had been taking their laundry to Zaxyn Base Laundry.

Captain's Quarters: 

Port side of the main cabin near the galley:

✇ a single bunk with drawers and bookcase

✇ a control panel for the shuttle with communicator above the bed on the bulkhead

✇ a footlocker

✇ a desk and chair (sorry about the Mac)

✇ a full-length mirror

✇ 4 storage lockers

✇ a meditation chamber screened off by beads (pretend their various shades of blue instead of black)

Crew's Quarters:

Starboard side of the main cabin, nestled between the old head and the new refresher:

✇ 3 double-bunk beds, 2 parallel to each other running along the beam of the ship, and 1 parallel to the full refresher common wall

✇ 3 footlockers

✇ 6 storage lockers

✇ 2 small desks and chairs that fold and secure to the wall while in flight

✇ a half mirror

✇ a meditation stool

Galley (kitchen):

Aft of the main cabin:

✇ cooling unit

✇ nano cooker

✇ thermal cooker

✇ sink 

✇ storage compartments

✇ trash and recycling compactors

✇ weapons locker

For meal prep and dining, a table and folding chairs are secured in the port side maintenance closet.

Main Cabin:

✇ 2 rows of jump seats, 10 in each row

✇ benches above each row of jump seats provides cramped seating for another 10 troops each

Third Retrofit:

✇ starboard jump seats and bench seat removed

✇ medical bay installed

✇ port bench seat also removed to provide another location for a stretcher when more than one Jedi is injured


The cockpit rests at a 15-degree downward pointing angle, which makes entry and exit treacherous. While in space, the artificial gravity adjusts for the angle, but on the ground it's more than inconvenient.

✇ Pilot (required)

✇ Copilot (highly recommended)

The shuttle can be flown solo with difficulty. It is best with a pilot and copilot.

Combat positions: 

✇ navigator behind the pilot

✇ comm officer behind the copilot

✇ rear gunner behind the navigator

✇ forward gunner behind the comm officer

Doors (hatches): All hatches are powered, pocket sliding hatches. In cases where there isn't enough room for a single panel, the doors are split in two with one panel sliding behind the other panel.

Full Refresher:

One of the first things added to the shuttle during retrofit. It is part of the starboard cargo hold conversion and rests at the aft portion beside the galley.

✇ shower

✇ commode

✇ basin

✇ waste receptacle

✇ towel hooks

How could I forget the 4th Retrofit?

Much later in the series, Luke gets fed up with his quarters and invests in a larger bed. He gets rid of the desk, but keeps the meditation area and gear lockers.

Google Sketchup and the 3D Warehouse used to create these pictures.

I referred to the Lucasfilm game schematics available on line.

NOTE: Almost every official blueprint is wrong in at least some area when compared to the shuttles seen in Return of the Jedi.

And if you think my layout is wrong ... well, it did go through a number of retrofits, so it's not.

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