Chapter 23 - Confronting Naluma

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❶ "Who Are You?"—The Last Jedi OST

Luke discovered Naluma napping in the waiting room, her head resting against the wall behind her. He sat down beside her and sent his love to her through their bond. She did not stir. He scanned her mind with the Force, finding she was dreaming of him.

He decided to let her sleep. Her psychiatric survey had indicated sleep problems in addition to the other problems. Why wasn't I paying attention? She tossed and turned all night on the shuttle trip over. And she was so quiet, but I was absorbed with my own problems.

He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the shuttle, kissing her on the forehead and wondering how he was going to be able to save his wife and the Jedi Order.

On the shuttle, he secured both of their lightsabers in the weapons locker in the main cabin. He changed the safety device to retinal scan only.

Once she was resting peacefully in the captain's cabin, he transmitted a secured call to Kalder.

He had to initiate the call three times before Kalder answered.

"Jedi Academy. Master Flo'et."

"Kalder, it's Master Luke."

"Everything okay?"

"No. Something's come up. I need you to remain at the academy. Naluma and I won't be back for at least a month."

"What's wrong, Master?" The end of call warning sounded.

"Advanced training. I'll check in periodically. And, Kalder, keep your eye on Ben."

"Yes, Master." The secure link terminated.

Luke launched the shuttle and hopped over to the quartermaster's office a few kilometers away from the med center. After loading a month's worth of supplies into the shuttle, Luke called in an order to Chinot's on Hosnian Prime before departing for the galactic governmental center.

❶ Halfway to Hosnian, Naluma stirred. As Luke sensed her waking, he became more anxious. He rushed to the cabin and sat on the edge of the bunk, waiting for her to regain consciousness. He stared at her, concerned and unsure how to proceed.

Naluma sat up, looking around, patting the side of her leg and looking under the covers. "Where's my saber?"

"You won't need your weapon."

"You know?" she asked, more a statement that an actual question.

Luke nodded.

"How much?"

"Everything." Luke held her to his chest, letting her cry, sending his love to her through their bond. After a long time of holding her, Luke tried to scan her, but Naluma's shields were solid. 

"Naluma, does anyone else know?" Luke contemplated the damage control that awaited him back at the Academy.

"No." She wiped her nose with the back of her hand.

"What stopped you?"

Naluma looked at him, weighing her words with care. "Your father. The Force." She turned her head away and said with derision, "My own cowardice."

Adjusting his gaze to catch her eye once more, Luke asked, "How long have you felt this way?"

"Since the day you left for Bescane." She hung her head low and closed her eyes. "Do you remember the missed call on the shuttle?"

Luke nodded. "You never would tell me what it was about. This?"

Naluma nodded as she looked in his eyes.

Luke paused. "I've removed you from duty, Naluma."

"No, Luke, I promise. I'll change."

"Did you ever think what this would do to the Padawan? To me? To the Jedi Order? Your death would be felt across the galaxy—you know what it felt like when Dashka died."

"It's my life. I can do with it what I want." Naluma clenched her teeth.

"No, please don't. If you love me, you won't ever consider it again." Luke stroked her face, wiping a tear away. "Naluma, this can never be an option. It would reflect back through our bond. You would take me with you. Is that what you want? Do you want me dead, too?"

"No, I never said that, Luke. I never wanted that."

"Well, what do you want?"

"Peace ... strength ..." She gazed through her eyelashes at him. "You."

"Those I can give you, but you must change, Naluma. This is leading you straight down the dark path, and I can't lose you."

"What's going to happen to me, then?" 

Defeated. She sounds defeated. Where is the fighter I fell in love with? Where's the vibrant spark? Where's the woman I once knew? 

Luke pulled himself out of his thoughts and turn back to the woman he loved. She deserved an answer, however unpleasant.

"They wanted to lock you up. I couldn't let them do that." When she shuddered, he caressed her hand. "As your commanding officer, I am taking responsibility for you."

"So, we head back to the academy, and they'll all realize what a failure I am." Naluma bit back her tears.

"No." Luke shook his head. "We're not going back. I'm taking you to Ahch-To, after a short stop on Hosnian." 

Luke straightened his back, transferring his bearing from husband to Grand Jedi Master and all the authority that rank carried. "I'm taking you back to the basics, Master Fau. And the first thing I want you to do is to drop your shields—all of them—and don't put them back up until I tell you to. No more hiding your thoughts or emotions from me."

When Naluma lowered her shields, her fear and depression almost knocked him flat. 

After regaining his balance, Luke projected peace through their bond. "Naluma, close your eyes. Back to basics. Empty your mind. Breathe deeply. Come on. I believe in you. You can do this."

"It's too hard, Luke."

"Again. Take whatever you require from me through our bond, but do it. Return to your center."

After a few more minutes, she had reached the peaceful state of a Jedi Master for the first time in months. She smiled softly.

"I knew you could do it. That is today's lesson. Stay at peace, no matter what." He sensed her shields returning. "No, keep those shields down. If you raise them, I'm taking you back to the med center, and they will sedate you ... forever."

"I'd rather be dead."

"That's not an option, so drop your shields."

Naluma dropped her shields again.

When she reached up to his face to stroke it, he caught her hand before she made contact. "No."

She tried to break free and rubbed his leg with her other hand, but he caught them both with the Force.

"No. Not now. You aren't in any state to handle pregnancy right now."

When Naluma looked down, her shame at his rejection flooded him.

Luke perceived the shame turning into inadequacy and then despair within seconds. "Back to step one. Again, close your eyes. Empty your mind. Breathe. And trust me. Please."

Did you know . . .

● Ahch-To is the site of the first Jedi Temple. [canon] Luke and Naluma followed directions in The Journal of the Whills on their honeymoon to it. [non-canon] They mapped its location and prepared it for a place of exile. [non-canon] The Force overflows on this planet. [canon]

Tell me what you think . . .

● How has Naluma's character changed from the first few years Luke knew her and now?

● What was the catalyst of that change?

● How has Luke changed since he met Naluma?

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