Chapter 26 - As the Force Leads

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❶ "Valise Septembre"—Titanic AST

❷ "Jessica's Theme"—The Man from Snowy River OST

Two days later, Luke and Naluma boarded an antiquated cruise ship, the Kattadan Empress. The vessel would transport them to three different islands on Kattada. The luxury liner boasted exciting activities, fine dining, and luxurious staterooms—everything the honeymooner or wealthy retiree could desire. They even had the latest scrubber droids sanitizing every surface and filtering the air.

As they unpacked their bags in their cramped stateroom, Luke said, "We could have just stayed at the hotel for all this without the motion sickness, Cami. This is costing us a fortune. "

Naluma whispered into his ear as she ran his hand down his back, "Relax, sweetheart. It's all inclusive. We'll actually save money." Besides, I know the Force led us here, Luke.

I know. Just playing it up for anyone listening in. He pulled the straps of her sundress off her shoulders one at a time, planting a trail of kisses down each arm.

Luke. She giggled as he reached a sensitive area. What if someone is listening?

Let's give them something to enjoy then.

"Jed." His name was an objection.

Use the Force, Master Fau. Check the area. The only ones around us are otherwise occupied.

Her eyes widened as she scanned the area. Oh, so that's how it is. You've forgotten how to shield, Master Skywalker?

He trailed his tongue down her neckline as he unzipped her dress with the Force. Not at all. Not at all.

She laughed as they fell onto the bed. She ran her hands over his shoulders, sliding his blazer off his arms. Good. Don't want anyone hearing what I'm going to do to you.

The first day aboard consisted of settling into their stateroom and participating in the send-off. Luke and Naluma had brought one uniform each and had hidden their lightsabers in their luggage, disguising them as cans of hair shellac.

❶ Tonight they dined with two other couples during the second seating. The meal was a delicately seasoned seafood dish.

The company included two computer techs on their honeymoon. Dark-featured Tosam spoke a shy greeting at the start of the meal, remaining silent the rest of the evening. If anything, his wife Polulak was even shyer.

The other couple came from the upper aristocracy from the Inner Rim world Chandrila. They were First Order citizens who believed everything should be catered to them.

The wife was an older human in her sixties named Bruden. She wore her red hair in an elegantly coifed style. Her gem-studded evening gown spoke volumes, but her garish make-up drowned out any positives.

While they were waiting for the first course, she said with a grating voice, "I can't believe how long it is taking to bring out the food. It's probably been sitting under a heat lamp this entire time and will be rubbery when it gets here."

Her husband Jono agreed. "If I had known we would have to share a dinner table, I would have never booked this cruise, darling."

He was overdressed in a formal black suit with tie. Instead of holding his wife's chair when they were seated, he stood until the steward held his own chair.

Naluma, dressed in an elegant blue gown, spoke to Luke, who was in a semi-formal business suit of black. "Isn't this dining room elegant, Jed?" They were seated beside a Plas-glass window that extended from floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall. "Look at those creatures jumping above the waves."

Luke said, "That's beautiful. I've never seen anything like that, Cami. I'm glad you insisted we take this cruise."

The older couple rolled their eyes at their enthusiasm. Bruden said, "It is inappropriate to shout at a dinner table, young lady."

Naluma bit her tongue, dying to say something to annoy the woman. She controlled her emotions and said, "Oh, sorry to have disturbed you."

Jono said, "You disturbed the entire dining room. If you continue to behave in such a manner, I am going to request a different table."

Naluma maintained a stolid expression, but Luke had to cover his mouth as he laughed, knowing exactly what his wife was up to. The first course interrupted the admonition.

Luke and Naluma nibbled on the small shellfish in a bed of ice while speaking silently to each other, struggling not to giggle too much at the annoying couple. The computer techs were both glued either to their food, the ocean, or each other. They ignored everyone else at the table. Bruden and Jono whined about every part of the meal. Dinner was not the pleasant time it was meant to be, but the food was delicious.

❷ Luke and Naluma ran five-clicks on the promenade and sun decks, chasing each other up and down the ladders. Naluma had gained another kilo in the last week, but she was still four kilos away from her goal. Until she reached her weight, he was not going to allow any extra exercise beyond the five clicks.

They ate breakfast on the terrace of their stateroom, watching the sun climb high in the sky. When Naluma stood up, she winced in pain again.

"Back again?" Luke used the Force to determine if she was stressed or merely injured.

"Yeah, the lower back," Naluma groaned. "Muscles are cramping on me—those stairs." She stood up slowly and crawled to the bed, collapsing face-down on it.

"I don't like this, Naluma. Stress is one thing. An injury is something else. You need to be checked out. They have a med droid and a med tech on the ship ..."

"I'll be all right. Just need to loosen up." After a moment, she asked, "Luke, do you want them looking into my medical record right now? As Cami Darklighter, I don't have one. As Naluma Fau, I shouldn't actually be here—and we would blow our cover. I don't think we're done here yet."

Luke thought on her reasoning. He, too, felt that something was going to happen. There was a reason they were here, and it had something to do with those First Order troops Naluma had seen on the mainland.

"I picked up some Felucian balm at that market. It's in my case in the refresher. Can you rub it on my lower back?"

"I don't want to hurt you."

"Trust me, this will help. Just don't rub your eyes after you use it."

He returned with the small bottle and gently rubbed it onto her affected muscles. They were contracting the small of her back into a weird angle. He could feel the heat emanating off her back as he worked in the balm. "You know, they have licensed physical therapists on board. Why don't I schedule a massage for you?"

"I'd love that." She groaned as Luke worked the balm into her muscles, pushing against them and stretching the fibers along the spine.

They spent the rest of the morning viewing a live comedy show at one of the theatres on board. Later that afternoon, Naluma went to the massage appointment for her back. The physical therapist made some progress on the pain. She recommended that Naluma return two days later for more work.

Did you know . . .

● Nothing is ever as it is seems in the life of a Jedi. This is a set-up chapter, but many things in this chapter hint at some things coming on the horizon.

Tell me what you think . . .

● Why do you think the Force is leading them on this cruise?

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