Chapter 3 - Ahch-To Rendezvous

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❶ "Maz' Counsel"—The Force Awakens OST

⊘ Silence

❷ "Ahch-To Island"—The Last Jedi OST

❸ "The Magic Tree"—The Empire Strikes Back 0:OST

⊘ Silence

❹ "The Sacred Jedi Texts"—The Last Jedi OST

❶ When they returned to the shuttle, Luke and Naluma examined the passage in The Journal of the Whills that outlined the clues to the Jedi Temple. After punching the coordinates into the navacomputer, they discovered with dismay that the computer displayed the planet Corellia.

Luke puzzled over the passages and then realized the issue. "These must not be current navigational coordinates, but flexible coordinates from a set location." He raised his eyebrows at her. "How are your manual navigation skills?"

"Ha! You know I barely passed my flight training, Luke. You'd better plot the course, or we'll end up flying right through a supernova."

Luke grinned, remembering her last flight a year ago, when she crashed an X-wing into the Freedom's landing bay.

Once he had plotted the coordinates and triple-checked them, he punched them into the navacomputer. "Ready?"

Naluma nodded. Luke activated the hyperdrive.

When they reached a red planet twelve hours later, Naluma said, "Must be an intermediary point. This one's all rock."

"You're right. Let's return to the book."

⊘ Three days and five planets later, the shuttle Elenium approached a blue world. They circumnavigated the planet, scanning for the island. They found it in the northern hemisphere, about one third of the way south of the pole. It was a rocky island with terraces of green and colossal steps leading to the summit, which rose about two hundred meters from the sea. Luke landed the shuttle on a plateau near sea level.

"Let's check it out," Luke said as he grabbed his jacket.

❷ A salty tang assaulted their noses as soon as they stepped off the shuttle. The wind whipped fiercely on the tiny island, buffeting the shuttle and spraying a fine mist of sea water on the couple. Luke and Naluma struggled as much against the wind as they did to climb the six hundred rough-hewn steps.

En route to the top, they encountered multiple terraces, including the remains of a garden, an assembly building, and six, small, beehive-shaped dwellings constructed from concentrically stacked stones.

The climb left them panting for breath. Naluma said in between gasps, "What a beautiful view."

"Did you recognize anything different here? The Force . . . it feels much stronger than any other place I've been."

"Yes, but I would expect it to. Let's see if the ancient Jedi left us anything." Naluma entered one of the buildings, hunching to clear the small doorway. Alas, the buildings were empty.

Before leaving the island, they mapped out the true navacomputer coordinates. Then, they flew back to Endor to verify the new coordinates—they were correct.

When they had returned to the island, Luke said, "Naluma, I don't think we should let people know where this site is."

"I was thinking the same thing," she said. "Your father said finding it would be vital to the survival of the Jedi."

Luke nodded. "We need to create a star chart of this area of the universe, Naluma."

"I agree."

❸ That night on the island, both Naluma and Luke experienced Force-visions. They awoke with a start and looked at each other.

Naluma spoke first. "I saw you. Older. Living on this island." Luke nodded. "We should leave the equipment, huh?"

Luke nodded. Tears welled in his eyes. He hugged her and held on tight as he whispered, "You weren't there, Naluma."

"I was. You just didn't see me." As she stroked his back to comfort him, he lifted his hand to her face, running his fingers over her contours, as if he were memorizing it.

⊘ At dawn, they unloaded the camping supplies and moved them to one of the beehive-shaped cells at the top of the hill.

Luke asked, "How are we going to protect the supplies? The elements are going to be rough on them."

Naluma thought for a minute. "A containment field, like on Telti, perhaps?"

Luke frowned. "That type of field is keyed to the person who places it. What if you get here first?" His brows furrowed as he remembered the Force-vision without Naluma.

"Let's do it together then," Naluma said, trying to cheer him. "With the resonant Force here, it should be easy to make it self-sustaining."

As they joined hands to begin the procedure, Luke said, "Wait."


"The emergency rations in the shuttle. What's their shelf life?"

"Twenty years."

"Let's pull them up here."

After they had packed the emergency rations into the cell, they joined hands and created the containment field.

When they each tried taking it down individually, it worked. "Gotta love it when your theory works," Naluma said with a laugh.

As she headed down the stairway, Luke stopped her. "Naluma, wait." She looked at him in question. "I want to try something. Could you come here to the summit?" he asked.

She climbed the last few stairs again and stood on the moist turf.

❹ "I want to recreate the dream. Can you be the girl? When I first notice her, she is here." He positioned Naluma into place. "And I am here, at first staring out to sea, at something . . . And then I know she is there, and I turn."

"She takes something out of her bag, Luke, and hands it to you. It looked like a lightsaber." Naluma mimicked the moves. "But if it is a lightsaber, why is it in a bag and not on her belt? And whose lightsaber is it?"

Luke remained quiet for a few moments, recalling the images. "It's mine."

Naluma pointed to Luke's waist. "Yours is right on your belt, and it looked nothing like that one."

"No, my first one."

"I destroyed that one, Luke, in training only a month ago."

"No, the lightsaber she hands me is the one I lost at Bespin—the one my father made," Luke said, raising his mechanical hand.

"How did she get it?"

"I don't know," Luke said as he rubbed his forehead. "Last I knew, it was  at the base of Bespin, in their Tibanna gas mine—if you don't count my Force-ghost training. Somehow, Anakin had it then, too." He shook his head and scrunched his lips together. "I don't know if it was the actual saber or something else, but if it were real ... maybe ..."

Naluma waited while Luke tried to put his thoughts into words.

"Maybe he gave it to he—no, why would she be handing it to me if Anakin gives it to her?" He clenched his fists. "But it's connected to her—as well as me. I could feel that in the dream."

After a few moments of his pondering the dream, he asked, "Naluma, you said last night you were there. Where were you?"

"I was in front of you until you turned to the girl." Naluma's voice trailed off when she realized where she had been standing.

Luke looked out to sea, recognizing Naluma had not been on terra firma. "Naluma! You knew. How can you be so calm?"

"I've been having Force-visions about my death for almost ten years now, Luke," she said with peace. "I will never leave you, my love. You can't get rid of me that easily."

After an awkward silence, she asked, "So, who's the girl?"

"I know her."

"Her Force-signature was distinct, but I know I've never seen it before."

"You saw her Force-signature? I tried, but I couldn't." Luke picked up a black rock from the mountain and focused on it as he tried to remember his dream.

"It was the color of sunlight streaming through the Endor trees, like bright sunlight, a cool yellow," Naluma said.

Luke returned his gaze to her. "I only know one person with that Force-signature." Naluma waited for him as he dredged through his memories. "I encountered it in the last few months. Let me think."

A few moments later he said, "Ah, I can't remember." He threw the rock into the sea in frustration.

Naluma laid her hand on his shoulder in comfort. "Don't worry about it. You know how these things work. It will come to you when you least expect it."

"How old would you say she looked?"

"Twenty, maybe."

"Less than twenty years then." Luke bit his lip, willing the tears back.

Did you know . . .

● Ahch-To is in Wild Space and is believed to be the location of the first Jedi Temple.

● Luke is staring out to sea when Rey arrives on Ahch-To. I don't think it was to look at a view he had seen for years. He must be looking at a Force-ghost.

Tell me what you think . . .

● Now that you've read four sections, how did you find this book? Cross-marketing? Recommendation from a friend? Search box? Social media? Something else?

● Why do you think Luke is having a hard time remembering that the Force-signature he saw was Rey's?

● Think back to The Force Awakens. What do you think is going through Luke's mind when he turns to Rey?

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