Chapter 33 - Jedi Healing

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During the two-day flight to Zaxyn Base Medical Center, Naluma's condition deteriorated. Between her concussion and the backlash from the sedative, her head pounded with such strength she was unable to keep her eyes open or even walk to the refresher. Gashes on her head and back festered with pus. Her muscles spasmed in agony. 

And Luke could do nothing to alleviate her discomfort. 

Neither slept well. Luke had to wake her hourly due to the concussion. By the time the pain dulled enough for her to fall asleep, it was only mere minutes before Luke was nudging her awake again.

When they arrived on Zaxyn, Luke carried her directly to the emergency wing of the med center. Naluma's lucidity faded in and out, each jolt sending spasms through her back.

Dr. Shuren rushed to the pair, followed by medtechs Ikeda and Oayamei guiding a hover stretcher. "Put her down. Carefully. What happened?"

"Mission on Kattada. Took some kicks to the head and back. Concussion. Sedative backlash."

"You shouldn't have moved her. One wrong move, and you could have killed her. Get a C-collar on her." 

Ikeda held Naluma's neck steady while Oayamei fastened the cushioned brace.

Shuren pushed a few buttons on the stretcher. The soft cushion strengthened into a hard board, and straps snaked across Naluma's legs and torso.

The constraints triggered her fear. "No. Ughh." She squirmed against the bindings, growing more violent. The bonds snapped when she reached out with the Force.

"Sedate her!" Dr. Shuren said to the medtechs.

"No. She can't handle it. No sedation." Luke grabbed Naluma by the shoulders. "Naluma. Naluma, look at me."

She struggled more.

"Naluma, I'm here. I'm not going to let them hurt you. Relax. I need you to relax." 

She shuddered.

"Eyes on me. Come on. That's right. Breathe. Just breathe."

Dr. Shuren said, "Master Skywalker, I can't operate if she's conscious. We have to sedate her."

Naluma's face shrunk back in fear. "No. No sedation. No more."

"Shh. I'll take care of it. Jedi trance," Luke said with assurance.

Her breathing regulated. She nodded.

Luke put his hand on her forehead and closed his eyes as the trance took effect. "I need to stay with her."

"You'll have to scrub," Ikeda said as she and Oayamei secured Naluma to the stretcher again.

"Let's not waste any more time." The doctor pushed the stretcher toward the emergency operating theater.

Seven days and fourteen Bacta treatments later, Naluma was on the road to a full recovery. However, Dr. Sindain caught up with them on her scheduled release date.

The blue Chiss stood at the foot of Naluma's bed with his arms crossed. "So," he asked Luke while ignoring Naluma in the bed in front him, "she tried again, didn't she? I wished you would have listened to me."

Luke rolled his eyes and shook his head. Naluma opened her mouth, but Luke stopped her. Let me handle this one.

"No, she did not. Training exercise injuries."

"So you say." Sindain circled the bed and pressed a few buttons on the vitals monitor. "Hmm. A concussion. Lacerations. Mental trauma." Sindain turned to Luke. "Master Skywalker, you may have fooled the emergency room staff, but I am a trained psychiatric professional. These signs all point to another attempt."

Luke felt Naluma's anger bubbling under the surface. Relax.

She sighed before starting her relaxation techniques.

"Dr. Sindain, I'm so glad you could check in with us. Really, Master Fau has worked through her problems."

"How do you explain these injuries, then?"

"The Kattada Conflict."

Sindain advanced on Luke. "You mean to tell me that Master Fau was on Kattada, a resort planet with millions of sentient beings? I thought you agreed to sequester her."

"She was fine. No problems until the First Order arrived."

"I knew it. She snapped under the pressure."

"No, she was captured. Back injuries, concussion, and a bad case of sedation backlash."

"Well, the patient could have chosen to have those things—"

With her brows furrowed and a headache starting, Naluma jerked her head toward the Chiss. "Hey, I'm right here in front of you. Stop ignoring me. And who in their right mind would choose to have any of that done to them? You think I want to be tortured with Force-visions? You think I wanted to be kicked so many times I convulsed and nearly choked on my own vomit?"    

Luke laid his hand on her. "Peace. Dr. Sindain is worried about you. Mistaken, but truly worried. " He turned his attention to the doctor and leaned forward. "Doctor, I have been with Naluma for the last two months. She has overcome her other problem through Jedi techniques using the Force. Even when she was most distressed, it did not resurface. Trust me. The only reason we are here is for her physical injuries."

"Well, I still need to release her for duty."

Luke feigned a smile. "If it will make you feel better." How little did this doctor know that his opinion was worth nothing now. "All right, let's get it over with. Can you focus enough to use a datapad, Naluma?"

"Maybe for a short while."

"Oh, this will be an oral examination. Master Skywalker, you will need to leave the room," Dr. Sindain said as he pulled the doctor's stool to the bed. "At least, you already have the biomonitors in place. This should make it easier." 

The doctor put Naluma through extensive testing. Naluma pulled on the Force, not only for strength through the numerous sessions but also guidance in her responses. By the end of the three hours, she was pulling on Luke's energy just to stay awake.

"Master Skywalker," Dr. Sindain said when he opened the hatch. "Please come in."

As Luke entered, the obnoxious doctor continued. "The patient seems to have made a complete recovery. But this is highly unusual. Patients with this type of illness can relapse at any time. I am returning her to duty, but I do recommend—"

Luke raised his hand. "You have no authority, Doctor. We're done. I should have never agreed to this."


"Good-bye, Doctor."

Naluma sighed as Luke pushed him out the door. "Thank you."

"I was about to use a mind trick on him." 

Naluma giggled.

He sat on the edge of her bed and pulled her into his embrace. "You ready to blow this place?"

"You going to use a mind trick on the staff or are we breaking out the sabers?"

"Whatever it takes." 

Naluma grabbed his hand and played with his fingers. 

"You want a nap first? You seem pretty tired."

"We've got four days in hyperspace. I can sleep then. Just get me out of here."

Luke kissed her forehead. "As you wish."

When they reached the academy four days later, Naluma was able to face her duties with peace and even pleasant anticipation. For the first time in months her back did not hurt, no matter which way she moved. The advanced training on Ahch-To and Kattada had stretched her Force abilities beyond her previous limits. Now she felt like she could take on the whole universe, including Ben. 

And she had Luke. These last two months of working so closely together had amplified their Force-bond. The only thing they regretted was not having time to check-in on Sabé, Cordé, and Leia on Naboo.

Did you know . . .

● Koda Station is about a two-hour hop from Khalkha. While it is the closest for emergency care, the Jedi pay for every charge. Many rural communities in the United States have even longer distances to emergency medical care.

● Zaxyn Military Base Medical Center is four days out but fully covered by the Republic.

Tell me what you think . . . 

● Do you think Naluma is fully healed, both mentally and physically?

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