Chapter 39 - Regrets

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Jedi Carron Mourzee peered out the window of her classroom as a ship's engines shook the windows. The newly knighted instructor pulled her dark, wavy hair out of its clasp and smoothed it, hoping Master Luke was back—hoping he had good news. She did not feel up to running the academy by herself.

She sighed when she saw Captain Solo and the Wookiee Chewbacca approaching the lodge. "Class, take a break. I need to deal with something."

Carron met the visitors in the expansive lobby. The river-stone fireplace soared three stories, a fire blazing on the hearth.

Captain Solo leaned on the back of one of the nerf-leather couches, his legs crossed at his ankles. The Wookiee stretched out on an overstuffed chair, slurping on a meilooron. The large fruit trailed juice down Chewbacca's fur, sending streams onto the leather chair. I don't know what Master Fau is going to be least pleased about—Chewbacca eating her prized meiloorons or the mess he's making.

The freighter pilot asked, "Where's Naluma? Got a delivery."

"Greetings, Captain Solo, Chewbacca. I'm Jedi Carron Mourzee." Carron held out her hand in greeting. She had only met the captain once, but it was obvious he didn't remember her.

Carron thought through her last few lessons on Jedi policy, trying to decide if she could tell Solo anything about the incident. She decided on the safest course of action—by the book, it was Jedi business, and Jedi don't discuss Jedi business with outsiders. "I'm sorry, Master Fau isn't here—Jedi business."

"How about Luke or Kalder?"

"Unless you want a Padawan, I'm it."

"Huh. Well, I've got a shipment. Need help unloading."

"No problem. I'll call the Padawan."

Carron called the entire academy out for the delivery. She was surprised to find Padawan Ben working harder than anyone else, levitating the heaviest containers by himself and quickly returning for more. That boy usually hides until the unload is over. What's gotten into him?

This day is certainly odd. First, Master Fau collapsing during training, then Master Skywalker finding her near death, and now this delivery. I wish Master Luke had told me he was leaving. I don't feel up to running the academy by myself. Well, at least Ben's behaving himself for once.

Carron followed the straggling Padawan to the freighter and supervised the unloading, making hasty decisions for each item.

Once the delivery was completed, Carron asked, "Captain Solo, do you need payment or anything?"

"No. Senate paid already. Got the next order?"

"I'm sorry. I don't." Carron quavered as she felt even more unqualified for this task.

"Well, when Naluma gets back, have her call me, okay?"

Chewie growled an affirmation before heading on board to fire up the Falcon.

"I'll give her your message at my earliest opportunity, Captain Solo." Carron returned to the lodge, wishing this day would just be over.

As Han mounted the boarding ramp, Ben ran up behind him and yelled, "Dad!"

Han turned and looked at his son. He had grown a few inches since the last time he had seen him a few months before. Then he regarded Ben's troubled face. "What is it, Ben?"

With his hands shoved in his pockets and his eyes staring at the scuffed toes of his boots, Ben asked, "Can we talk?"

Han was taken aback with that request. Ben usually ran away from him every time Han had a delivery. "Sure. Come aboard."

As they sat around the Dejarik table, Ben stared glumly at the table, unable to speak.

Han asked after a few moments of awkward silence, "What's on your mind, Son?"

Staring at his hands, as his fingers moved, he asked, "You've killed people before, right?" His voice wavered on "killed."

Han lifted his left hand above his head and stared at it as he answered, remembering Greedo, remembering his time with the Rebel Alliance, remembering Leia. "Yeah, in battle or when the situation warranted it."

Ben looked up. "How did you feel after?"

"I never thought about it before, Ben. I did what I needed to do to survive and moved on."

Ben stared at his fingers, waiting a long moment before asking his next question. "Did you ever kill anyone by accident?

Han leaned forward and clasped his hands together. "Are you saying you killed someone, Ben?"

"I didn't mean to. She wasn't supposed to die," Ben cried. He pulled his hand to his cheek to brush away an errant tear.


"I think I killed ..." Ben took a breath and spoke rapidly. "I think I killed Aunt Naluma during saber practice today."

"What do you mean think? When you kill someone, it's pretty obvious. Besides, Jedi Mourzee didn't mention anything about it. She would have told me."

Ben stared back at the table and then his left hand, clenching it.

"Tell me what happened."

"Master Fau and I were sparring. I kept messing up, and she kept mocking me in front of the whole class," Ben said, anger punctuating his words. "I got mad and stopped holding back. I must have overpowered her, because she collapsed to the arena floor, twisting in pain."

"Sounds like she was hurt but definitely alive," Han said. Ben overpowered Naluma? Is he really that powerful now? Huh.

"Some of the Padawan took her to her quarters. When Master Skywalker arrived a few hours later, they found her on the refresher floor, almost dead."

"Did you mark her with your saber?"

"No, but I should have insisted we stop fighting. She didn't seem well when we started." Ben's tears ran down his cheeks.

"Relax. You didn't do anything wrong. Training accidents happen. You're not to blame." Han pulled his son into a hug.

"I know I'm to blame."

"You have to forgive yourself, Ben," Han said. "I'm sure Luke and Naluma have forgiven you already—they're Jedi, after all. When they return, apologize, if it will make you feel better."

"I wish I could talk to Mom."

"You and me both, Son."

Did you know . . .

● This scene with Han and Ben marks two milestones in their relationships: their first father-to-son talk in over a decade and their first hug since birth. Han's character is growing through this season of his life. Unfortunately, his lost a bit of his edge, too—he's not picking up on his son's dishonesty and depravity. Or maybe Ben is using a Jedi mindtrick on him. You never know with that boy.

Tell me what you think . . .

● What would propel Ben to change at this point?

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