Chapter 49 - Extraction

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The main communicator interrupted Naluma's nightstand during her brief midday nap. Even though it was only the middle of her midday meal, she was exhausted. The last few weeks she had scarfed her meal and grabbed twenty minutes of sleep before returning to classes.

She fumbled for the communicator, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, expecting it to be the Senate again. She said with weariness, "Jedi Academy, Master Fau."

"Lum—" The transmission crackled.

"Luke, how's the mission?" Naluma asked, sitting up slowly, struggling to hold back the nausea she always experienced when she first got up.

"Not what we were led to believe. I'll tell you everything when you [crackle] here. I need you to bring the shuttle and evacuate us."

"I can send Tandolleau," Naluma said as her stomach churned.

"Naluma, the power converter took a hit. I need a mechanic for the X-wing who can also [crackle] Ben. That's you," Luke said with firmness.

"Luke, I really shouldn't," Naluma said with a gulp. "How about I send Kallay in the shuttle with Tandolleau in a fighter for air support? Let Kallay fly your X-wing back once it's—" Naluma could not hold down the nausea anymore and spewed into the bucket next to her bed. After a minute, she finished, "—fixed."

"Are you all right?" Luke asked. "No? You aren't?"

"Yeah, I am," Naluma said with a warm smile.

"How far along?"

"Ten weeks."

"You aren't sparring, are you?"

"No sparring." Blaster shots rang out over the comm. Naluma's heartrate increased. "What's going on?"

"Gotta go. I'll have Artoo transmit the coordinates. Bring a new power converter. Send that shut—" The transmission cut off.

Anxious about Luke's safety, Naluma crawled out of bed and tugged on her boots. She bit back the tears that threatened to spill down her face as she ran to the chapel. The Jedi Master interrupted Jedi Kallay as she was delivering a message on self-sacrifice.

Grabbing the sides of the lectern to steady herself, Naluma said, "We've got an emergency. Listen up for assignments. Jedi Duwamba and Jedi Leer, prep your fighters for combat. Jedi Flo'et, prep the shuttle for evacuation maneuvers. Also, be ready to assist Master Skywalker with the repair of his craft."

Naluma scanned the room, looking for Wei'ahht. "Jedi Ahhzteen, assemble a combat squad and prepare to lead the evacuation. Padawan Pilar, you are lead medic. Assemble an advanced life-support kit and take it to the shuttle. Those of you who have completed flight school, please assist with pre-flight inspections and launch. Everyone else, class is canceled until further notice."

Tandolleau asked, "Where are we going, Master Fau?"

"Classified. Coordinates are being transmitted to us now. Once I have received them, I will stream them to your navacomputers directly."

Kallay asked, "Anything I should take with me for parts?"

"Power converter," Naluma said, fighting back tears in her eyes.

Kallay said, "I'll grab new cables, too." Catching the tears in Naluma's eyes, she laid her hand on the Jedi Master's arms. "He'll be all right. We'll get him out. You'll see."

Naluma sucked up the tears and wiped her nose with her handkerchief.

"There's room on the shuttle. Why don't you come with us?"

Naluma shook her head. "I can't."

Kallay tilted her head and said, "Someone else can take care of the academy for a few days."

"I can't, Kallay. Don't press—" Naluma said until the urge to spew returned. She ran to the closest refresher unit.

Kallay followed her. "Are you all right?"

"Yes." Naluma heaved. "Just pregnant." As the mood swing hit her, she ordered, "Will you obey orders and rescue Master Luke? Now!"

"Yes, Master. You have my word." She flashed a reassuring smile and pulled her into a hug. "Oh, Naluma, congratulations!"

After Kallay released the hug and headed to the quartermaster's office for the converter, Naluma shouted, "May the Force be with you."

As they approached the planet Apathaska, Kallay said, "Scanners show no one else in system, Tandolleau."

"They could be hiding on the dark side of the planet." Tandolleau described the maneuver with his hands. "We'll make a standard insertion run. You come in low, and Zeke and I will cover you from above. Hit the dirt hard and scatter your teams. Hostiles in the area. Quick swoop and grab."

Kallay with Pilar as co-pilot flew the shuttle in front of the battered X-wing and landed it with a jolt.

Tandolleau and Zeke raced ahead in their fighters, firing nonstop. They split formation at the last moment, over the legion of stormtroopers perched on the edge of a ravine that looked down on the evacuation point.

Kallay smiled when the E-Webs in front of their ranks blew apart from the assault. Tandolleau followed up by pulling into a tight loop. He fired, taking out a pair of enemy speeders zooming to the battle.

"Nice going, hotshot," she cheered. "Looks like we arrived just in time. You and Zeke, keep those troopers busy while we make the repairs and deploy our med-unit, okay?"

Tandolleau's voice shot back. "Roger that, Kallay. There's nothing in this universe that can stop me."

"Uh, you mean us," Zeke chimed in.

"Isn't that what I said?" Tandolleau snorted. "Uh-oh. Looks like their setting up more E-Webs, Zeke. Let's circle around and make another pass."

Static streamed over the channel for a moment, and then Zeke replied, "They won't know what hit them."

On cue with his words, yet another E-Web joined the battle, this one farther away and on its own. A hellish spray of laser fire erupted from the weapon, forcing Zeke to evade.

"Better make that quick, Kallay," Tandolleau warned. "We've got company closing in fast."

From the shuttle cockpit, Kallay cringed as a swarm of TIEs screamed across the sky. The squad broke away and pursued the Jedi fighters. She knew she'd have to act fast.

As Pilar jumped from the co-pilot's seat and grabbed the medkit, Kallay flicked the switch the console to open the hatch and grabbed her tool belt to join them. "Let's go, Ground Team. Establish a perimeter around Luke and Ben. I'm going to need a few minutes to make the repair, so don't forget about me, too, will ya?"

Affirmations over the scrambled channel warmed her, but not as much when she saw Wei'ahtt leading the charge down the ramp into battle.

Following Wei'ahtt, the combat-ready Padawan worked in tandem, leapfrogging forward with lightsabers to deflect and blasters to retaliate. The progress was slow but efficient, and they soon found shelter behind an outcropping of jagged rocks with enough cover between it and Luke's position.

Heated Tibanna gas from the shootout consumed the air.

Tandolleau flew overhead pursuing a pair of TIE fighters. Lasers streaked from his cannons and strafed one of the two. The other bogey took a direct hit and exploded into a burst of flames.

Luke hefted Ben over behind the lines and set him on the grass.

Ben shrieked in pain and collapsed. "I told you, I can't walk," he said through gritted teeth and breathing heavily. "Oh Force, I can't feel my legs." Pilar rushed to his side and pulled out the medscanner.

Enemy fire pocked the ground around them. Luke drew his lightsaber and deflected fire away from their group, but that didn't stop the troopers on the ridge.

"Flo'et to Duwamba and Leer. We've made contact. Medical assessment in progress. I'm on the repairs."

Padawan Pilar kneeled down beside Ben. "It's okay. I've got this. Just let me do the work."

She closed her eyes and Force-lifted him aboard the shuttle. In less than a minute, the comm channel crackled with an update on his condition.

"Jedi Kallay. Ben is in bad shape. He has a serious concussion, spinal compression, punctured spleen, and collapsed lung. Those are the primary traumas. He also has a broken arm and sprained ankle with all the toes on his left foot broken, multiple lacerations and something going on with his eyes ... although that's probably from the shock or concussion."

Kallay grabbed the power converter and extra cables from the main cabin. She hauled them out to the X-wing, pleased to find that Master Luke had already stripped the damaged fuselage and removed the blasted power converter.

"You're lucky that hit didn't blow up the ship," Kallay said as she wedged the new converter into its compartment.

"It wasn't a direct hit—I think debris from one of the TIEs I shot down snagged it," Luke said as he assisted Kallay with the installation.

"I'm glad. Don't know what we would have done without you." Kallay winked at him. "Master Naluma would have gone dark on us, I'm sure."

As Luke attached the cables he asked, "How is she?"

"Nauseated and grumpy. Are you sure you want to go home?"

"Yeah, I'm sure," Luke said with a goofy grin. "No other problems with the pregnancy?"

"I have no idea. I just found out before I left," Kallay said as she pushed in the power converter. "Congrats."

The squad had drawn the firefight away from the X-wing, but a few shots were still getting through. Luke ducked as one hit the stone outcropping nearest him.

"Who else knows?"

"No one that I know of. No rumor mill yet, at least. I think she was waiting for you to find out," Kallay said with a soft smile. "She's been sleeping a lot. I've been back for five days and didn't see her 'til today." She shoved the fuselage cover back into place. "Well, you're all set."

"No, you are. I'm flying the shuttle back," Luke said. "Here, I'll boost you up."

As the shuttle and X-wing launched, four TIE Fighters raced above them. Tandolleau and Zeke zoomed in, giving the shuttle cover.

Tandolleau said, "Elenium, bug out. We'll cover you until you're in hyperspace. Bug out."

He was shocked to hear Master Luke's voice from the shuttle. "Copy that, Silver Leader. Bugging out and heading home."

Coming out of hyperspace above Khalkha, Luke tapped into the secure link communications system. "This is Grand Jedi Master Luke Skywalker with a priority-one communication for the Chancellor ... No, this cannot wait ... Yes, I'll hold ... Chancellor, I'll transmit my full report by the end of the day, but intel was wrong. Apathaska has been under First Order attack for over two months. The natives have been holding out to their best ability, but they are outmanned and outgunned. They will be a First Order outpost if we don't do something now ... No, I can't make a personal report right now ... Yes, Chancellor, as soon as possible."

Did you know . . .

● It's been a year since Naluma's miscarriage.

● Luke doesn't know that the Apathaskans are working with the First Order.

Tell me what you think . . .

● How were Ben's eyes different?

● Did you catch the Easter Egg in this chapter (not a line, but a situation)?

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