Chapter 58 - I Won't Leave You

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The weather was finally warming up on Khalkha. The Jedi had all flown in for the graduation. Luke was home.

Baby Anakin would be here early, the doctor had said. Probably in just a few weeks instead of next month. Naluma could not wait to meet him. She rested her hand on her belly, feeling her son's life-Force, feeling the baby's emotions—love, contentment, peace. She smiled as sent her love back to him.

He kicked his legs in joy, sending sharp pains into her rib cage. "Ow!" she grunted.

Luke looked over at her, a dreamy smile on his face. He was at the desk in their study, working through the supply orders for the next few months, preparing for Naluma's maternity leave—permanent leave from the academy. "You okay?"

She nodded with a broad smile from the sofa. She was leaning back against the armrest with her swollen ankles propped up with pillow. A roaring fire blazed behind her in the fireplace. "Anakin's a little excited. Kicked my ribs." She massaged the area and then traced the outline of her baby boy as she felt his dimensions through the Force.

Luke set down the datapad before joining his wife. He lifted her torso and sat with her head resting on his chest. He laid his hands on her belly, feeling his son. Anakin. This is Daddy.

The same feeling of love came through, but Naluma could tell the difference in focus.

I love you, my son. Try not to kick Mommy too hard.

She giggled at the thought, knowing Anakin was unable to comprehend such complex thoughts. She reached up and kissed Luke. "You're such a goofball."

"That's 'Master Goofball' to you."

She laughed again, causing another pain to jerk through her body. "Don't make me laugh, Luke. Oooh."

"Is he still kicking?"

"No. It wasn't a kick. Just a sharp pain." She put her hand on her lower back, massaging the cramp.

"You sure you want to leave? Not come back here?"

She nodded. "We're all set. I can't explain it, but I know it's not safe here for Anakin."

"But will Tatooine be any safer?"

"It was for you. You can get lost in all that sand."

"You can get killed there, too. If the First Order finds out who he is . . ."

"The Hutts kept the Imperials at bay. They'll keep the First Order out."

Luke shook his head.

Naluma grabbed his hand, holding it in silence. As their worry crossed their Force-bond, their love moved across, building each other up. "Luke."


"Have you had any Force-visions recently?"

"Just one."

"Was Anakin in it?"

Luke shook his head slowly. "No."

"I'm afraid. The only vision I've had this entire pregnancy has been the . . . the one I've had for 16 years. It feels so close now."

"It's the dark side. It's clouding everything. Don't let it bother you. It sends these visions to paralyze you with fear."

She inhaled, breathing in a relaxation pattern.

He kissed her on the top of her head. "Don't worry. Anakin will be here soon. We'll be a family."

She sighed, knowing that Luke wanted her here, here where he could see her when she was done with missions. She debated in her heart about her choice, but she knew she had to protect Anakin. She knew that here he was in danger. He was in danger right now. They both were. She could not get the vision out of her head.

"I can't stay, Luke."

He bit his lip and sighed. "I know. I'm coming with you."

"You're leaving the Order?"

Luke shook his head. "I've discussed it with Kalder. He and Jannah will handle the Senate. Kallay will handle the academy. I will check in here occasionally, but my home is with you. I'm not going to let my son grow up not knowing his father." Luke wiped a stray tear from his cheek.

Naluma sat up and swiveled her torso before embracing him.

"I'm not going to let him wonder how things might have been. He needs a father and not an absentee one." He clutched her to his chest. "And I can't live without you, Naluma. We'll be a family, a true family." He stroked her belly once more, feeling the life-Force of his son, seeing the aura shine a brilliant blue, matching his own.

The vigil day dawned bright and sunny. The weather dispelled the fears Naluma was harboring about the ceremony. Kallay was graduating to Master, with Kalder in attendance. Twelve Padawan were being advanced to knighthood.

The graduation site on Bald Mountain was prepared. Green turf and black shale interspersed, creating a mottled appearance. The light from Khalkha's single sun would hit the boulder behind them at dawn on the vernal equinox as the Jedi took their vows.

The Jedi would begin the rituals a little before midnight. The sunlight was wan, but at least there were no clouds. The Padawan were abuzz, as a large group were graduating to Jedi Knight. Additionally, they were elevating Jedi Kallay to Jedi Master tonight. Those who were not graduating prepared special meals and put the finishing touches on the new robes for the graduates.

In the middle of the preparations that afternoon, Luke took an emergency call in the study. When he found Naluma overseeing the preparations in the kitchen, he sighed.

She joined him in the corridor. "The Senate?"

Luke nodded.

"Any guidance from the Force?"


"Luke, you can't go. Please, don't leave us here undefended."

"I don't have a choice, Naluma. Look, it's not far. I'll be back tonight before the vigil is over." Luke held her by the waist. "Besides, the timing's not right. Little Anakin won't be here for a few more weeks."

"Your father never said that." She glared at him. "Please, I know it's close."

"We've gone through this every time I've left in the last few months. Nothing's happened in the past, and it won't happen this time." He brushed a stray hair from her brow. "Just let the stream flow around you. These dreams mean nothing right now. It's not the right time. I've felt nothing in the Force for some time now."

"Just because you haven't, doesn't mean that I haven't. Luke, please, stay," Naluma begged with tears in her eyes.

"Hush, nothing's going to happen yet."

"You don't know that."

He embraced her, resting her head on his chest. "Shhh, let's not fight."

Naluma broke away from him and asked, "But why now? Can't it wait two more days?"

"Not according to the Senate."

"The Senate. It's always the Senate. I have a really bad feeling about this," she said. "Please don't leave us."

"I promise, I will be back tonight. You'll see." He hugged her and kissed her softly, placing his hand on her belly.

She pulled away from him as tears ran down her face. You said you wouldn't abandon us. Can't you see, that's what you're doing?

Shh. I'll see you in the morning. I promise. Love you. Love you both.

Love you more.

Naluma stared at him, tears flowing down her face, as he strolled away to the landing field.

Tell me what you think . . .

● What do you think will happen when Luke steps away from the Order?

● What do you think will be Anakin's future?

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