Title Crawl & Prologue

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Admiral Deontah, a tall human from Umbara with her dark hair bound behind her neck in a tight bun, approached the throne room with trepidation for her first audience with the Supreme Leader of the First Order. 

It's going to be okay. I made admiral. 

She smoothed her uniform trousers, tugged on her tunic, and adjusted her new rank badge.

I just hope I live through this day. Every time someone goes in there, he gets dragged out by his feet. I hope I'm not next.

Taking a deep breath, she entered the stone edifice, progressed to a round circle on the floor, and bowed before the throne set on a three-meter-high pedestal. The basalt throne swiveled, revealing a deformed, tall man dressed in a black, heavy robe with a cowl.

What she could see of the face under his hood revealed a skull-like head with sunken eyeballs. The right eye sat higher than the left eye, and the mouth was smashed to the left side of the face. Wrinkles covered the visage like slime on a Hutt.

Deontah lowered her eyes to the floor, willing her breakfast back down as she revolted at the feeling of evil within this domain.

"What is it?" the booming voice asked, irritated.

"Admiral Deontah reporting as requested, Supreme Leader."


"We have taken three more systems, Supreme Leader. We now control a quarter of the galaxy," she spoke, knowing this was the best news she had to share.

As he leaned forward and curled a claw at her, he rumbled, "What aren't you telling me?"

Beads of sweat formed on her brow as she shuddered at the voice. "My Lord?" she asked, feigning ignorance.

The Supreme Leader stretched forth his hand and probed her memories. Deontah twisted and turned as he yanked the information from the recesses of her mind. "Hmm, you failed to report we lost six systems . . . because of the Jedi Order."

When Snoke released Deontah, she collapsed, holding her head in pain.

"Doesn't matter. We will soon gain more systems as they grow frustrated with this New Republic."

The creature spat at Deontah, his spittle landing on her hair. The admiral resisted the urge to wipe the sputum dripping down her neck.

"Many even now are clamoring in the Senate for a stronger government. As for the Jedi, once we get the coordinates to their academy's location, we will finish them once and for all—including Skywalker. We now have an agent on the inside."

Deontah shuddered as she pressed her face to the floor, knowing the next time she failed she would not be so fortunate.

Tell me what you think . . .

● Why would Deontah be promoted to admiral while she is still in her thirties?

● What would you have done had your superior spit on you?

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