Lothals destruction

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So I've been watching the Star Wars Rebels trailer for season 4 over and over and there was one scene that always bugged me.
It's the picture that's above and do you want to know why it buggs me. Because what is happening here.

When I first seen this, I though this planet was ryloth but after a few more minutes of staring, I realised something.
It looks a lot like Lothal. If you look closely, you can see it's grassy plaines and the ocean's surounding the planet. The reason I belived it was ryloth at first was because of the red colour.

If you look closely, it almost looks like the planet is on fire....

This is when realization slaped me in the face.

Now let's ask this...why? Why is this happening. How is this happening.

Well we know that the rebels have been planning to destroy the imperial factory on Lothal for a while know. So what if the Empire decided to destroy the planet to destroy the rebels, thinking this would kill them all. Sounds posable.

Now we asked how. How would they be able to cause this much damage.
Well i have two theories.
1) planetary bombardment
2) miniature death star.

Now let's go over the first one.
We all seen what a planetary bombardment can do, we all seen it in Zero Hour's at the end of season 3.
We seem his much damage it caused on the environment.
Now imagine that happening to Lothal. Imagine a whole fleet of of Star Destroyers came and started shooting at Lothal, a planet that has cities, town, villages and life.

Now for number two. Miniature Death Stars.
Now as we seen in the epsidoe where Zeb and Kallus got tuck in an ice moon together, there where there small stations above Geanoses.
Now I believe these to be miniature deathstar's or prototypes.
And if you watch the trailer, we seen that Hera was in a Uwing passing through some of these small stations.
Now if these were small death stars, imagine how this would affect things.

One thing that annoyed me about Rogue One, is that the rebellion knows that the Empire is making a mager wepon, but the only question I have been asking is how. How do they know.
Well what if that are rebels witness these minatur Death Stars in action and report them, they get more information about them and soon find out about the empire's wepon.

This would also be why I think Ezra might leave the Rebellion.

"WHAT. SWRGIRL YOU CAN'T SAY THAT. HE WOULD NEVER LEAVE THE TEAM OR THE REBELION. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, DID YOU GET RUN OVER BY A SPEDDER OR SOMETHING?" Many of you may ask, and the awser is maybe, I may have been hit by a speeder, but we aren't talking about that.

Now why would I think this. Well we know that the Rebellion wants to free Lothal from the Empire by destroying the factory on Lothal.
Also Lothal is Ezra's home planet, which he had lived most of his life on.
So imagine that he watched and witness the destructionof his own home planet by the Empire. Ezra would probably blam the Rebellion for what happenedand leave, never wanting to help the Rebellion again, seeing that trying to do good can cause more death and destruction.

Actually can some one write that as a one shot. That would actually make a good one shot if you ask me..
Anyways, do you guys think this could happen?

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