A spark of the force

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On the Jedi Star cruiser were two of the Republic forces generals, Anakin Skywalker.

and his former mentor, Obi-wan Kenobi.

They overlook the planet that was said to contain the new energy source.

Anakin: As soon as we can land the sooner we can beat back those Separatists and take this new energy so that we can get fresh troops to fight.

Obi-wan wasn't as sure, looking back at his former padawan.

Obi-wan: Don't you think that it appears rather odd that the crystals that we were assigned to collect seem like the Khyber crystals used in our lightsabers?

Anakin: Not in anyway. All I'm saying that they may give out a surge, but it doesn't completely feel like the force.

 He was trying his best to prevent keep the Jedi from interfering with Chancellor Palpatine's interest in the energy crystals.

The alarm blared as a small number of Separatists Frigates and dreadnaughts emerged from hyperspace and began firing on the cruisers.

Frigates have two saprate shields and two saprate wings 

Dreadnaught are larger and have a hooked front like an eagle, the command at the back. 

Trooper: Generals, the Separatist have launched all of their fighters while they're sending their main troops down to the planet's surface.

Obi-wan: Anakin, lead the space forces and get rid of those vulture droids.

Anakin: What will you do, Master?

Obi-wan: I will be leading the ground assault and force their commander to surrender.

He then leaves the room. Anakin nodded as he rushed to keep in step with his former master. The two jedi entered the hanger and saw Anakin's Torguta padawan, Ahsoka Tano.

She was speaking to the jedi's clone commanders. The Clone with the yellow coloring on his uniform was Obi-wan's Clone commander, Commander Cody

 while the one with blue on his armor was Anakin's own Clone commander, Captain Rex.

Ahsoka: "Hey, Master. I'm ready to join in the space battle."

Anakin: That might not be the best idea, Snips.

The expression on the young padawan's face changed from excitement to a deep pout. She had been given time to get ready to pilot a star fighter like her master, but how could she if she can't join her master now.

Anakin: Don't give me that look. Master Obi-wan may need you and Rex to lead the ground assault on the droids."

Surprised Rex turned to look as astonished as Cody was.

Cody: You sure General?"

Anakin: Yea, we'll will take care of it.

Anakin assured Rex who saluted.

Rex: Yes General.

As both clone commanders went towards one of the gunships. Ahsoka was still fuming about being left behind.

Anakin: Look Snips, I know how you've been training in star fighter combat, but you're just not ready yet...next time we have a space battle, you'll be able to go in. I'll even have you lead a squad if you want.

Ahsoka's pout slowly faded turning to her master.

Ashoka: "Do you promise?

Anakin: Yea Snips, I do."

Ashoka: Good.

Ahsoka said while giving punch to his shoulder before boarding the gunship.

Smiling to himself Anakin Skywalker shook his head and went to his Delta-7B Starfighter, while R2-D2, the blue and silver astromech droid

hopped into position. Anakin looked to the droid

Anakin: You all set R2?"

Getting a whirl of approval the Jedi knight started the engine and left the cruiser's hanger to lead the Clone troops out to battle the Vulture Droids.

On the Gunship the Clone troopers checked all of their weapons and ammo clips while Obi-wan was mentally preparing himself for the battle when they make it to the surface. At his side the Clone commanders Rex and Cody checked their equipment as well.

Ahsoka, however, was concerned for her master, a concern strong that Obi-wan picked up on with the force. Turning to the padawan, the master asked,

Obi-wan: You are concerned for Anakin's safety?"

Ashoka: No.

Was her initial answer before changing it with a worried look

Ashoka: yes...I just can't help it."

Obi-Wan: I know...I was the same with Master Qui-gon. And I am still this way with Anakin now.

Obi-wan admitted to her as he looked off into empty space. Obi-wan had remained that way until the pilot spoke up,

Pilot: General, We're approaching the drop zone."

Shaking himself out of it Obi-wan nodded in understanding.

Obi-wan: Y-yes good. Why don't you tell the men then, Cody."

Cody nodded and began speaking to the assembled Clone troops onboard,

Cody: Listen up troops! We'll soon be heading out into terrain familiar to other battles, but remember, we are short on troops at the moment so that means we need to be more careful than usual."

Rex: That means do not fire unless you know you can take the shot. No heroics under any circumstances, unless absolutely necessary. Remember we may seem expendable, but we're not.

Rex picked up where Cody left off before looking at them all and asked.

Rex: Is that understood?"

"Sir, Yes sir!" The troops chanted.

Obi-wan: Here is the plan. When we land, we need to find some kind of stable surroundings to serve as our temporary base of operations before one of our cruisers can land to provide more assistance and supplies.

The gunship began shaking violently and blaster fire is heard.

pilot: Hang on people, we're getting the red carpet treatment!"

Obi-Wan: Try to get us in a secure drop zone before getting out of here, Pilot!

shouting through the sounds of explosions around them as the gunship continued to shake.

Pilot: I'll do what I can, sir!

the pilot said as he kept flying, diverting power to the forward shields and flight controls.

Rex: Ready your guns, we're gonna be in one heck of a fight!

Rex ordered as the troops began checking and charging their blasters. Others had detonators packed and ready for deployment, especially Droid poppers, electromagnetic pulse grenades that are able to deactivate droids while doing no harm to the area itself.

Soon they felt the gunship lowering to land and the blast doors opened for the troops to being their assault. Ahsoka and Obi-wan activated their lightsabers and joined their troops on the front lines.

They used their lightsabers to deflect as many laser bolts, protecting as many of the Clone troopers as possible. A few bolts went by and struck the clones on their armor.

Obi-Wan: Take cover!

Obi-wan ordered, feeling the clones dying around him as he provided cover for the clones to retreat and take cover behind large rocks or trees. The troops kept turning to take shots at the Battle droids. Cody grabbed some Droid poppers and threw them at the droids as best as he could which landed in the midst of a group of droids. As the popper released their EMP charge, the droids around them deactivated by the dozens.

From the corner of his eye the Jedi master saw that one of the Jedi cruisers descend from the clouds and land somewhere behind the trees and the republic army. The battle seemed long as the clones tried to avoid being hit by the enemy blaster fire. It looked like the republic would win if it wasn't for the second wave of droids.

Obi-wan can see the Super Battle Droids arriving on to the battlefield with AAT, the Armored Assault Tanks

were one of the main ground assault vehicles used by the Separatist army since the beginning of the Clone Wars. If it weren't the dual laser blasters on either side of the tank's haul that would make the jedi worry, then the main cannon at the top of the vehicle certainly would.The tank opened fire at the clones. Obi-wan had no choice.

Obi-Wan: "FALL BACK!

Ashoka: What?! But we can take it, master!

Ahsoka called as she kept deflecting laser fire away from her and sometimes back at the droids.

Obi-Wan: We don't have any more EMP detonators! Ahsoka fall back to the ship!

Obi-wan ordered as he deflected and leaded the droids away from the clones. Turning to his clone commander Kenobi ordered

Oni-Wan: Cody, have the men fall back to the cruiser past the forest! Hurry!"

Cody: Yes Sir! All troops fall back! Move! Move! Move!

Cody ordered as the survivors obeyed and fell back. Ahsoka, frustrated over the retreat when they could've taken the droids down, she reluctantly obeyed and covered the troopers' retreat by deflecting the blaster fire back at the droids.

Meanwhile over the planet that his friend and padawan were on right now, Anakin Skywalker, in his Delta 7B Starfighter, led his clone pilots to engage the droid army's vulture droids fighters.

Anakin: Alright, all fighters keep the droids distracted and try to come back alive. Remember no one's expendable.

Clone pilots: Sir, Yes sir!

All the clone pilots called before they began firing at the droids. The vulture droids fired back and the battle in space commenced.

Anakin lost count on how many of the droid fighters he shot down, he was more focused on making sure that his troops survive this than keep up his little competition with his padawan. He can feel some of his pilots dying around him during the battle as their Starfighters explode.

He then got a channel from the Jedi cruiser's admiral Yularen as the Hologram of the man appeared before the jedi, this was Admiral Yularen

Anakin: Now's not the best time, admiral."

Yularen: Forgive the interruption, general, but we've detected a strange energy field coming from outside of the planet. The wavelength and frequency of the signal is similar to the power source we were sent to find.

The Admiral reported as he placed his arms behind his back. The small hologram looked up at the Jedi.

Anakin: But it's coming from deep space?"

Surprised as he kept firing on the droid fighters.

The admiral nodded before a clone officer on the bridge shouted,

Clone.officer: Admiral! Two ships just exited from the field! Their firing on each other!"

Anakin: Admiral, what is going on?!

His demand went unheard. He couldn't see while fighting the droids, but suddenly noticed the sun reflecting off two ships, one golden in color where the other dark grey and purple. The fire fight between the two giant ships caused nearly all eyes to watch, even the droids who stopped firing and were ordered to return to the cruisers.

Opening a channel to all of his men.

Anakin: This is General Skywalker to all pilots, return to the ships for repairs and hurry. Tey seem to be heading this way!"

He heard concerned beeping from his astro-mech as he sighed.

Anakin:  "I know Artoo..I know...I don't like the looks of this either...

He and all surviving clone fighters returned to the Jedi cruiser. Anakin used the force to make himself move faster.

As he made it to the bridge before the door opened and he asked the Admiral on the bridge,

Anakin: What's the status of the alien vessels?

Yularen: They appear to be too caught up in their battle to notice us.

Admiral Yularen reported while looking at the holograms of the ships firing at each other.

Clone. Op: Sir, could be some kind of new Clanker ships?

evidently worried as they watched the battle on the holograms.

Anakin: No I've never seen anything like this. And look at the designs; they seem too alien for something from any known quadrant of the galaxy.

Anakin says while pointing out the comparisons out between the ships in front of them to the ships on the holograms.

Yularen: That first ship to have exited out of the field appeared to be a cargo freighter of some kind with sixteen very powerful engines.

Yularen pointed out about the first vessel.

Op Clone: I'm surprised a ship like that is able to hold its own against a cruiser that size.

The clone op commented as they saw the blasting fire between the two ships.

They saw that explosions on both ships a bridge

op Clone: SIR! The first ship is falling, it appears to be caught in the planet's gravity well!"

Anakin: Radio the other ship! Tell them to put all power to shields!

Anakin ordered as he approached the bridges windows, "Let's see if they fire on us as well as their enemies."

Yularen: General the first ship will pass by in three, two, one!

the Admiral called before their ship began vibrating violently. A dark shadow covered their cruiser as all personal, clone, droid, and other, turned to see that the ship was the same size as a city.

Op Clone: Its ginormous..."

Everyone on the bridge could see humongous symbol on the top of the ship's haul, representing a face composed of different parts. The General could tell that the face had the expression of determination, nobility and maybe compassion, but the ship went by too fast for the Jedi to get any more description.

Clone. Op: Sir the engines on that first ship are on fire, it's on collision course with the planet...near the area where General Kenobi is.

Alerted Anakin tried to reach his master.

Anakin: Obi-wan! Come in! Obi-wan!

Anakin cried into the comm. but all he got was static.

Turning to the clone op.

Anakin: Is my Star fighter refueled and ready for me to launch?"

Op.Clone: They're nearly done, General.

Anakin: Alert me the second that you do.

Helmsman: General the second ship is locking on us!

forcing the Jedi's attention back to the front of the ship. He shouted,

Anakin: Tell the other ships to begin descent into the planet's atmosphere. We'll see if the Separatists are dumb enough to attack an unknown vessel.

Bridge op: Yes, General!

Says as he relayed the orders. The ship began its descent down to the planet. The cruiser shook violently as the energy bolts from the unknown giant vessel pelted their shields.


Obi-wan took deep breaths after sensing that they had escaped the droid army. He noticed Cody leaning against a nearby tree as he asked,

Obi-Wan: How many men have we lost, Cody?"

Cody: We lost about a third before that tank arrived. After the tank came that third turned into a half of them lost."

Obi-wan didn't like those odds. He might not seem like he cared but he did. His mind needs to be on the mission. He wondered what his former master, Qui-gon Jin, would do in a situation like this.

Obi-Wan: Have the men rest as much as they can before we head to the cruiser.

Obi-wan told the commander, who nodded in response.

Cody: Yes General."

Ahsoka was sitting near Rex who was checking his blasters. He didn't need to be a jedi to know that something was upsetting the padawan. He asked,

Rex: You ok, kid?

Ahsoka: I'm fine.

She snapped at the clone. Realizing how she was acting, the torguta padawan sighed.

Ahsoka: No...it's just, I don't understand why we had to fall back when we could've taken down the droids.

Rex: I know...normally I would agree with you, but seeing that we nearly lost all of our men, I would've given the same order to make sure we live to fight another day. Look at it this way, we were able to see what they got now and perhaps now we ca come up with a better plan to get back at those Clankers.

Rex telling her while checking his DC-17 blasters.

Smiling appreciatively back Ahsoka said,

Ahsoka: Thanks Rex...

Rex: No problem, kid.

Cody came over, his face showing concern.

Rex: What's the matter, Cody?

Cody: It's the General. I've never seen him so worried before. It's making me concerned about the mission's success.

which shocked the bald clone. Rex sighed as he looked around at the other Clone troops.

Rex: I guess we're all feeling down about something...

The clone troopers handling the energy scanner tuned in for the new energy source they were looking for began lighting up.

Clone: Sir! The En-scanner's detecting something."

Ahsoka: Maybe things are beginning to look up. From where?

Clone: From...

He said looking at the scanner and then continued bewildered, he pans the scanner up pointing it to the sky.

Clone: above us...

All four of them looked up as a golden colored ship the size of a city, appeared from the clouds, falling in their direction.

A thick cloud of flames emerging from the engines. From the bottom and the side, ships and star fighter size crafts appeared to be exiting from the large cruiser.

The last of the fighters left the cruiser before it made the biggest and most destructive crash landing that anyone in the galaxy might have seen.

Rex: I'm gonna need a cable...

Said as he picked a clone trooper's rifle, aimed and fired the cable at the tallest point of a tree, and went up. When he got up, Rex lowered the scope on his helmet and zoomed as far as possible.

Soon he was joined by the jedi master who used the force to leap up from branch to branch until he was on a stable high branch. Taking out his electro-binoculars, he zoomed in as much close as he could.

Obi-Wan: Reminds me of how Anakin seemed to crash landed nearly every ship he piloted. Looks like the hull of the ship is intact."

Rex: Yes general.

he then paused and thought about something.

Rex: Sir, about the ships that left that huge one...

Obi-Wan: Yes I'm concerned about them too...We don't have the numbers to spread out and locate the crew of this massive vessel.

Rex: Should we continue back to the Jedi cruiser, sir?

Obi-wan thought for a moment before nodding, and together the two went back to the ground in their respective ways.

Cody and Ahsoka took notice as the others returned.

Cody: What happened to the huge cruiser sir?"

Obi-Wan: Crashed....the crash site looked worse than one of Anakin's crash landings. The ship itself however seemed intact.

Ahsoka: "Shouldn't we go check for any survivors?

Obi-Wan: In due time, Ahsoka. First thing we need to do is get everyone back on the ship we need a plan.

Ahsoka (solemnly): Yes master...

they began their march to the jedi cruiser.

They arrived at the cruiser, The Redeemer, hours later to see all of the republic cruisers landing.

The ramp was lowered as clone troopers and crew men had begun doing repairs. They heard the sound of a Starfighter landing as Anakin got out of his jedi Starfighter and hurried over to the group,

Anakin: Are you all alright?

Obi-Wan: Yes...tell me why all of our forces are on the planet and not in orbit?

Obi-Wan feeling suspicions arising. Anakin sighed before he began explaining what went on in the space battle. How Admiral Yularen detected the same energy source they were sent to retrieve becoming an energy field before two city sized ships came out one after the other and began firing on each other.

How the golden ship was hit in the engines while the dark grey one began firing at both the Separatists and their republic cruisers. And how Anakin had to order all of the cruisers to land in order to prevent lives from being lost.

As Obi-wan listened to his former apprentice's explanation, his face showed grave concern about these alien ships. If one ship just attacked both the republic and the separatist forces for no reason, then how would the beings from the second ship act? Would they just attack as well or would they try to be peaceful?

Turning to the Admiral

Obi-Wan: Admiral, General Skywalker, Captain Rex, Commander Cody, and myself will go out on patrol for the crew of the first ship.

Yularen: Do you think that's wise, General? We don't know if all of these species are hostile or not.

Anakin: We don't have a choice, Admiral.

supporting Obi-wan's decision. This way there'll be more troops guarding the assault ships and less exposed to an unknown threat.

Ahsoka, upset about not helping on a situation like this.

Ahsoka: You're not going to bring me with you?

Anakin: Sorry Snips. But it might be better if you help Admiral Yularen oversee the repairs to the cruisers than join us, something that was able to do such great damage to our shields.

Turning away from her master Ahsoka Tano crossed her arms in a huff. She was still upset that Anakin doesn't seem to trust her as much in this mission. She turned in time to see the four of them boarding their speeder-bikes and zoomed off in the same direction.

Obi-Wan: Split up! If you find anything matching what we saw call it in and do not engage unless they provoke you! Do you understand Anakin?!

turning to the Jedi knight who nodded in response. Then he and Rex veered off in a direction away from the other two.

Obi-wan and Cody continued in their direction before he and the clone commander turned to the left.

It was some time later when Obi-wan sensed a disturbance in the force as he slowed his speeder to focus more on where this feeling was coming from. Noticing his general stopping, Cody stopped as well.

Cody: What is it, sir?

Obi-Wan: I'm detecting something...in the force...

He said that, Cody's En-scanner began reacting as well.

Pulling it out Cody checked the readings

Cody: General, the En-scanner is detecting the new energy North by-

Obi-Wan: North west.

Obi-wan finished for his commander, because that was the direction of where he was sensing the disturbance.

They looked at each other before restarting their speeder-bike's engines and hurried along towards it.

When they arrived, they heard voices, metallic voices speaking a language that was unknown to either of them.

The two of them got off the bikes and cautiously approached, keeping low so they would not be spotted.

After they made it to a pile of rocks, they took out the electronic binoculars and scanned he area.

They didn't see anything. When they finally spotted something.

Obi-Wan: Are these zoomed out?"

Cody: Yes General.

not liking on what they were seeing. The beings on the other end of their binoculars appeared to be roughly 8.5 meters tall (or roughly 28 ft tall), humanoid machines. The two can tell instantly that the machine looked more advanced than anything they've seen before.

Instantly Cody thought they were new battle droids made by the Separatists but Obi-wan, held his arm in front of the scared commander and shook his head.

Retreating behind the rocks

Cody: General, why are we not firing on those clankers?

Obi-Wan: Things are not always what they appear, Cody.

the Jedi master went to look back at the giant mechanical beings. He noticed how more human they appeared than the droids, with liquid metal like faces. Their eyes were moving and appeared similar to an actual humanoid like being's eyes instead of a camera that were obvious on other droids.

Cody, still hesitant, held on to his blaster, just in case. He still had faith in his general's decisions as they had never failed a mission before. After calming down, the commander could see that the giant droids shared similar coloring of red while others kept their armor color a light grey or silver. The color of their eyes all appear to be electric blue. On their chest plates or the shoulders displayed the same symbol meaning that the either belonged to the same army or the same master.

Obi-wan pondered about how both he and the clone commander were able to detect these mechanical beings. He asked,

Obi-Wan: Cody, are you still receiving the energy signatures from the energy crystals?"

Checking to make sure Cody looked at his general,

Cody: Yes sir.

Obi-Wan: Are they coming from those mechanical beings before us?

the Jedi asked contemplating of a thought that would seem impossible had it not been for the Jedi teachings.

Checking the scanner, Cody's eyes widen behind his helmet.

Cody: "Y-yes sir..."

Cody's response was confirmed what Obi-wan had surmised while studying the beings. Glancing to his clone commander, Obi-wan ordered.

Obi-Wan: Tell Anakin and Rex where we are and that we might have found the crew of the golden vessel."

Cody: Y-yes sir..." Cody replied before making the call.

Obi-Wan mind: 'Anakin may not like this.'
he studied the metal beings a little more. He looks to one. The giant was bulky looking, with rusted red colour and a screen on its chest. The other was white and had red striping with star fighter wings on its back

Next to the hulking giant was another droid that had a more flashier red paint job with flames and exhaust pipes on its arms


Soon Anakin and Rex arrived and approached.

Anakin: So, Cody told us that you found the crew?

Obi-Wan: Indeed I did.

leaning against the rocks with his arms crossed. Anakin looks around trying to find the crew

Anakin: Where are they?

Obi-Wan: Follow me. And no matter what happens do not fire or ignite your lightsaber.

Obi-wan warned as he began his approach.

Anakin walked out of the rocks and, seeing the giant looking droids this time another joined with a box look and periscope on there shoulder, reached for his light sabers. Obi-wan noticed and used the force to pull the lightsaber away from his friend.

Obi-Wan: Anakin, No!"

Anakin: But master!

Anakin shouted back as it became apparent to both the Jedi and the clones commanders that the mechanical giants had heard them.

Ironhide, one of the senior officers onboard the Ark, turned towards the sound of shouting and spotted the small life forms,

Ironhide: {What's that?}

Slingshot: Oh great... this planet's infested with organic life forms...}

he shifted his hand into a neutron assault rifle, taking aim at the organic creatures.

He would have fired had it not been for Warpath who wrapped around him.

Warpath: {Hold on kid!}

Slingshot: {What're you doing? Let me go before they destroy us!}

he tried to get out of Warpath's grip. Ironhide joined and helped the tank bot keep the loud mouth flier from doing something they knew he'd regret.

Ironhide: {Silverbolt! Tell your loud-mouth lieutenant to stand down!}

Ironhide ordered as he kept the flier's gun arm down.

Silverbolt, leader of the Autobot Aerialbots went over and shouted at his lieutenant.

Silverbolt: {Slingshot, stand down now!}

Slingshot: {But their organic!}

Slingshot spat back. Many of the autobots around him sighed and/or shook their heads at this. Slingshot was a big supporter of anti-organic groups, and while they was an able commander and leaders of said groups go as far as call all non-vehicle mode cybertronians a menace and kidnap them to parts unknown.

Silverbolt: I'm not telling you again, Slingshot, Stand Down.}

The Aerialbot leader ordered, his tone showing no room for any silliness or defiance this time.

Slingshot {Fine, see if I care when you're torn apart or something.}

Hot rod: {I don't know; they seem like cool looking guys to me.}

Hot Rod said studying them. During the commotion, the young autobot was one of the ones to hold his hands up to try and calm the situation down so there wouldn't be any misunderstanding.

Perceptor, the chief scientist aboard the Ark, approached and kneeling down looked at the two organics,

Perceptor:{Hmm. Fascinating. These two organics appear to be highly evolved bipedal beings.}

Looking over, Air Raid asked,

Air. RAID: {What gave you that impression doc?}

Preceptor: {Look at their coverings. They appear to be cloth and some form of armor. And notice the weaponry on the two in the full armor? Clearly they are members of an army. Either associated with this planet or this galaxy. And seeing how their armor differs must mean that they're specialized in different means of combat.}

Perceptor explained as he told his fellow Autobots,

Preceptor: {The two with the cylinder like objects must be their commanding officers given that they do not have that much armor covering their heads.}

Then a large bot walks over with gold chestplate, wings with so many weapons he could fit a small army. This was wing saber the Weapon Specialist of the autobots.

Wing Saber: {So you think they'll able to understand us?}

When he approached, the four small organics looked alarmed by the number of different weapons on his person.

Hot Rod got between them

Hot Rod: {Ease up, Saber. You're making them nervous.}

Wing Saber: (Shrugging) {Good luck trying to get some communication going then, kid.}

Taking a deep breath Hot Rod approached the mini-con sized organics and, kneeling down.

Hot Rod: "Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong."

Anakin didn't trust the giant advanced looking droid before them as he reached for his light saber.

Anakin: What's it saying.

Obi:Wan: It appears to be a universal greeting.

He was intrigued by these metal titans to do this as their circuitry and armor seemed too advanced to be any kind of droids created by the Separatists.

And the language they were speaking was certainly not something you would find in their galaxy, even in the outer rim.

However the Jedi master understood what they were saying this time. Obi-wan slowly approached and greeted back.

Obi-Wan: Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong.

The smallest of the fliers rolled his optics and made a sound that resembled a complaint. The bigger, silver one, probably the group of fliers' leader, gave an annoyed shout.

The Mech that had first used the universal greeting repeated it again,

Hot Rod: Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong."

Cody: What does that even mean, General?

Obi-Wan: Hard to say, It could mean either: 'We come in peace', 'Take me to your leader', or even 'Care to dance?'"

The two clone commanders and Anakin looked at him with bewildered expressions of their own as he said, "

Obi-Wan: I know, I don't get the last part either."

One of the flying bots tried to speak to them but neither of them are able to understand, not even Obi-wan,

Obi-Wan: We need to understand their language though...Cody, do we have a protocol droid with us?

Cody: I believe so, sir, why?"

Getting what his general's master was planning, Rex asked,

Rex: General, you can't seriously expect one of our droids to understand these things. I still think they're some kind of new Droids.

Obi-Wan: I don't believe so, Rex...Look how more detailed and advance they are. There is no way any of them are a separatist's new model. And...the symbol they all share seems to suggest more evidence of them not being built by anyone in our galaxy.

Obi-wan added indicating the red face like symbol on the giant bots.

Cody: I'll call it in, Sir.

Cody told Obi-wan as he opened a channel for a protocol droid to be transported to their location and by a clone trooper.


Time passed and a speeder bike came zooming to their location. In the driver seat was none other than Anakin's own Togruta Padawan learner, Ahsoka Tano, and a protocol droid.

Ahsoka: Here's your Protocol droid, Master.

said as she got off and helped the droid off of the bike.

Anakin was surprised to see his padawan to be the one to deliver it,

Anakin: Ahsoka? What are you doing here? I told you to stay with the ship.

Ahsoka: I know master, but I couldn't let the chance of being more help pass by.

said not facing her master.

The protocol droid walked forward.

P.D: How might I be of service, master Jedi?"

Obi-Wan: Yes, we need to find some means of communicating with our new friends.

Both newcomers turned and gave a shock gasp on seeing the giant machines with the blue colored eyes.

Ahsoka: Master! What-

Ahsoka reaches for her Lightsaber but Anakingrabs her arm.

Anakin: Ease up Snips, Master Kenobi seems to think we're in the presence of newly discovered life-forms.

Ahsoka: Them?

skeptical, but then began focusing on the force to sense truth in her still skeptical master's words.

She then calmed down as the Protocol droid approached the giants and tried every known language in the galaxy for hello before turning to them.

P.D: I'm afraid, sir, that I am not able to speak with them.

Next they heard the smaller one to the giants made say something in their language that made them think that it was complaining. Immediately the red and white flier shouted at the smaller one.

Obi-Wan: They seem as complex as we are.

Obi-wan pointed out to those who were still doubtful about the giant mechanical beings before them. Ahsoka finally relaxed after sensing the living force coming from inside the giant machines.

The Protocol droid approached and tried every language that was saved in its databanks. After receiving a thousandth shake of the red and dark grey bot's head, the droid returned to the jedi, in defeat.

P.D: I am sorry I was not able to help, but I think that I might be able to try a menas of communication after witnessing some other droids do-

Anakin: Just do it...

Anakin ordered angrily. The protocol droid approached the giant machines again and tried a language that sounded similar to the titanic visitors.

P.D: {I am unit F-9I4G. If you are able to understand what I am saying, please tell me your number.}

Silverbolt: {We do not have numbers. We are autonomous robotic organisms from a planet known as Cybertron.}

Silverbolt knelt down to be leveled with the small.

P.D: {How is it that Droids like you are able to have such advanced technology?}

silverbolt looked confused, looking to Ironhide who shrugged before looking back.

Silverbolt: {Droids? Tech?}

Slingshot: {Great the primitive machine thinks we're like it...} the small white armored flier groaned.

The Protocol droid was surprised by the complaint

P.D: {Then how does your masters know what to call you?}

Slingshot: {Masters? You mean serving those puny organics?!}

The smallest flier asked angrily pointing to the organic creatures as he got in the droid's face and started to shout

Slingshot: {Get it through your CPU! We're not droids! We're not machines! We're from another galaxy where we were born!}

Silverbolt: {Slingshot, stand down!}

The silver flier ordered as several of the others pulled their smaller comrade away from the droid.

The red and dark grey droid walks over and bends down and looks to the smaller droid.

Ironhide: {Eh, sorry about that. The kid's new to this. We don't have masters, we're our own masters. We call each other by our designations. Name's Ironhide.}

Preceptor: {Ironhide, as much as I would love to begin speaking with another mechanical being from another galaxy, I suggest that we don't doddle so that we can convince these organic beings that we are not hostile and see if we could get Optimus out here.}

The red bot with the Shoulder cannon said as he began typing on a holographic keyboard on his wrist.

Ironhide rolled his optics in annoyance

Ironhide: {Got it, Perceptor...}

He reaches to the side of his head and talks through it like a comm

Ironhide: {Optimus, we got something out here.}

Optimus: {what is it Ironhide?}

Ironhide: {there's a couple of organics out here and they're attempting communication with us, what should we do?}

Optimus: {continue to do so, once you reach the ship introduce me to them.}

Ironhide: {alright, Ironhide out.. Preceptor go.}

Perceptor: {Good...fascinating, this kind of drone or droid as it calls himself appeared to be programmed with nearly a wide index of languages known throughout this galaxy.}

The scientist said as he pressed a few keys and it seemed to have been able to hack into the CPU of the small droid inside him making him jolt and was already able to convert what he found into Cybertronian for him to view.

Hot rod, a little annoyed by the scientist's lack of manners. Goes over and pulls him.

Hot rod: {You just hacked into another being's database without asking? What are you Perceptor? A Decepticreep?}

Perceptor: {Please refrain from insulting me, Hot Rod; we are pressed for time and I figured that if we were allowed to we could download all of this droid's linguistic into Teletran 1. He could then download them into our datatacks then so that we might be able to communicate with them more effectively.}

As he talked a large bot comes over. The bot had a bright red scheme, yellow chest and visor on his head. This was the chief communications officer Blaster

Blaster: {Hold up. That fast of a download might cause us to go into Stasis lock. Don't think our boys are ready for such a shock.}

The red bot saying in a rhyme like a song.

Perceptor turns to Blaster while typing at his wrist.

Perceptor: {As if we have a choice, Blaster...}

Ironhide turned to the droid then points to the organics

Ironhide: {Tell your organic friends what we're trying to do to make sure we understand each other better.}

The droid nodded and waddles to the Jedi and the clones.

P.D The beings before us are called Cybertronians, from the planet Cybertron.

Rex: I don't buy it. There's no planet called Cybertron.

P.D: Begging your pardon, Captain, but they are not from this Galaxy.

The droid informed him. Rex looks up at the mechanical being squinting his eyes.

Obi-wan took this news as an interesting notion, whereas the others were not as quick to believe what the droid was saying as it explained what the Cybertronians told it. Anakin and Rex, however, were refusing to believe what the giants said.

Commander Cody, however, decided to trust in what his general's decision as he wasn't as rash as Rex or any of the younger, inexperienced clones he had met.

Ahsoka was caught between what to believe. Like her master, she thought, at first, that they were just new battle droids; but like Obi-wan she felt the living force in them as she did in every living creature.

Obi-Wan: We'll never know until we are able to get some form of communication going.

Obi-wan told his former Padawan.

For different reasons, Anakin and Rex shared a glance before sighing in defeat. To Anakin, Obi-wan still had influence over the young Jedi knight even though they were not master and apprentice anymore. For Rex, he couldn't say anything because the Jedi master out ranked him and he couldn't refuse even if he wanted to.

Obi-Wan: Tell our guests that they have my permission to download what they need.

The droid turned and gave Perceptor the news. The Autobot scientist nodded as he began the downloading procedure.

Perceptor: {Loading local languages into Teletran 1, now.}

Perceptor told the autobots as he watched the droid's lights flicker before it froze in place as the download was commenced.

A few seconds later the download was complete.

Perceptor: {Download to Teletran 1, complete, Beginning downloading into Autobot memory banks.}

Soon all of the autobots began stiffening as though they were shocked by a bolt of lightning. Ironhide had gritted his dentures to make sure that he didn't go in Stasis Lock. He did have faith that not many of the autobots would succumb to the pain. It wasn't long before he was proven right about the massive amount of files of all the languages in the galaxy being transferred into their processors.

(Meanwhile at the Ark)

Two autobots were walking in the halls of the ark. The first of them had shades on their face with red and silver colours with anti gravity wheels on each limb

The other had a blue paintjob, human face and two blades on each arm

Jazz: so what sideways galaxy do you suppose we ended up

Mirage: I don't know? But I feel like we weren't suppose to be here.

Then the two bots stiffen, like a surge of electrical charges hitting through their whole body

Jazz: (groan) what was that?

Mirage squints a little

Mirage: what's this language.


With the other autobots, they were getting the dropships into their hanger when all of them surged in pain

(Back outside)

Hot Rod leaned against the nearest tree and groaned in pain

Hot Rod: Oh, my Aching Processor...

Slingshot: Betcha mine hurts more...

Slingshot muttered as he groaned holding the side of his head.

Ironhide let his dentures go as he growled,

Ironhide: Perceptor...did it work?

Perceptor: I had Teletran 1 download the most basic language used in this galaxy. So it should be easy to speak to the organic beings now.

Perceptor said as he looked towards the five bipedal organics before them.

Perceptor: Is that correct?

Obi-Wan: Yes. Indeed, Perceptor.

Obi-wan said as he walked forward

Obi-Wan: I am Obi-wan Kenobi, General of the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic. This is Anakin Skywalker, also a general in the Galactic Republic.

Ironhide: Pleased to meet you boys. Name's Ironhide, I'm an Autobot

said as he knelt down to get a better look at the humans.

Anakin: Autobot? Is that your species or your faction?

curiously asking. Anakin remembered the symbol on the haul of the gold ship and saw the same symbol on the chest plate of the autobot.

Ironhide: Autobot is the faction that we belong to. Although some fellas are starting to think that it's our species rather than being a Cybertronian.

Ironhide explained as best as he could to the beings before him.

Obi-wan: Is it usually a part of Cybertronians to have their armor similar to vehicles?

Ironhide: As a matter of fact.

Wing Saber: Yo, old timer!

Wing Saber called, much to the frustration of the land-based bot, before continuing,

Wing Saber: I'm gonna go and tell the others where we are and what's going on.

Ironhide: You do that kid.

Anakin: Exactly how are you-

Anakin couldn't ask before Wing Saber leapt up into the air.

His body actually began to twist and turn until it became a star fighter size transport of some kind as it rocketed into the air.

Anakin seemed to have gotten his answer as he stopped talking.

Obi-Wan: I take it that is the reason?.

Chuckling to himself, Ironhide looked back at the general.

Ironhide: That's one way of putting it."

Obi-Wan: Then please explain as we offer aid of any kind when we get back to our star cruiser.

Perceptor: Much obliged, General Kenobi. However must hurry to make sure that our leader and our ship survived the crash landing onto this...planet.

Anakin: I'm sure that our equipment would be able to help find your lost ship.

  an idea igniting in his head as bright as a lightsaber's blade.

Perceptor pondered if that would be beneficial or disastrous, when Hot Rod exclaimed,

Hot Rod: Hey, I'm gamed.

The young Autobot reminded Obi-wan of Anakin when the jedi knight was his padawan. The young hot shot autobot then began to transform into a land speeder size vehicle with four wheels.

Rex gave an impressed whistle at the look of the vehicle before walking over and examined him

Rex: You don't look like you have doors or even a seat."

Hot Rod: What for?" Hot Rod asked confused as the two clones turned to each other perplexed. Obi-wan, on his bike, told the autobots, "Follow us on our speeder-bikes."

The clones, Anakin, Ahsoka, and the Protocol droid boarded their speeders. Ironhide nodded as he turned to the other Cybertronians and exclaimed, "Autobots! Transform and Roll out!"

One by one the autobots began transforming into advance looking vehicles. Perceptor and the red bulky looking Autobot transformed into hover tanks, similar but with different designs than each other.

Silverbolt and his men all turned into different kinds of air-vehicles that not even Obi-wan had ever seen before. Ironhide transformed into a vehicle that was wider and taller than Hot Rod's vehicle mode. The autobot with the red arms and head, yellow chest plate turned into a communication vehicle similar to Hot Rod's and Ironhide's.

They all began to drive themselves after the jedi and clones. Anakin and the clones were surprised that Perceptor and Warpath were able to keep up with the other autobots given that they might be the fastest tanks that the officers of the Republic ever saw.

Obi-wan: (whispered) 'Impressive...'

He commented, as he led these possible new allies to their cruiser.

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