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So, my girlfriend, Bawwbs, and I are doing a bit of a collab. We are both giving our own analysis of our favorite western fictional series. Mine being Star Wars and hers being Lord of the Rings. However, I can only talk about the original trilogy (A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi), and she can only talk about the Lord of the Rings trilogy (Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King).  From this, we'll have you, the reader, read both sides of the argument and decide which is the better series. Bawwbs, has broken her analysis down into different chapters. Personally, that's too much work for me, so I'm just going to make the next chapter one big analysis. 

However, we have some rules:

1. No mentioning of the opposite series

2. No mentioning of other parts of the stories (The Prequels and Sequels for Star Wars. The Hobbit for Lord of the Rings.)
3. Follow the Categories

What are the categories you may ask? They are:

World Building

That's a lot to cover, but, hopefully, we can get through it all in no time!

So, how did this argument come to be? It began when a YouTuber named Star Wars Only posted a video asking this very question and giving his argument for both sides. Then, that spread into a group chat with my friends which finally spread to the beautiful Bawwbs. Now, for fun, we wanna do this! So, I hope you enjoy! 

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