Chapter Eight: What If... Omega meets her Brother Boba Fett?

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(A/N The top picture is what Omega will look like in the Chapter btw and This Chapter is set on Star Wars Rebels Season 2.)

With the Bad Batch on the Run from the Empire. After Tech had revealed that Omega had the DNA of the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter named Jango Fett. Meaning Omega is the Daughter of Jango fett and the sister of Boba Fett. We have all ponder the Questions of Omega and Boba Fett meeting each other. But in this Universe Omega is all Grown up and has the Sniper positions like Crosshair. Who stills remained as an Imperial.

Follow me, and let us See of the two lost Childrens of Jango Fett meet up. And work together to defeat Crosshair or try to change his mind about the Empire.





On the Planet Dantooine. The Bad Batch have set there ship there for the Night. Due to buying supplies, Fuel, Food, Medical Kits and some repairs for the Ship. Hunter and Wrecker went to go get supplies in town. While Tech, Echo, and Omega. Stayed with with the Ship and started it's repairs. Omega the fifth member of Clone Force 99 has grown into a Adult woman. She is now 24 years old, and dons her own custom armor. She still uses the Enegry Bow that she rightfully took for herself as her signature weapon from the slavers. Zygerrians.

They heard that they have Joined the Empire. To enslave the Rebellion fighters, including defective Imperials. They get paid by the Empire to keep there business going. They even let the Zygerrians sell there Slaves to the Highest bidders in the Galaxy. Such as Jabba the hutt, that will take Twi'lek women to have as Dancers for his Pleasures. But the Rebellion was about to end it all when the time is right to strike.

Omega was working on the Engines. She had a Screwdriver. She was putting in the new engine part. Until Tech accidentally activated the Engine and smoked flew over Omega's face. Echo saw this and ran in the ship and shuts down the Engines. "Tech! You activated the engines too early. And Omega was still working on it." Echo said as Tech didn't know about that and felt bad for it. "Apologies, Echo. I must have pressed the wrong button, i have been listening to the Rebels broadcasting systems." Tech said "again? Tech, you know the Rebellion is up against the Empire, sure we are fighting them as well... but We are Outnumbered still." Echo said to Tech. He still missed the Glory days of being in the Republic. But until it fallen and got rebuild into the Galactic Empire. All of it Changed...

"Agreed, but i have been listening to this transmission that used to be on the broadcasting system. However it stopped over a Few months ago, and I have decrypted the Signal and it came from the Planet named Lothal." Tech explained to Echo as he nodded fully understanding Echo. Since he was the other smart one on the team. "Lothal? Never heard of it. But did you find out who was broadcasting the Transmission?" Echo said Tech pushed his Goggles up and nod his head. "Yes, i have. It was from a married couple but they got arrested by the Empire. And they even had a Child, but the Empire didn't capture the Child." Tech said as Echo eyes widen in shock. He was Disgusted for what the Empire was doing, taking Parents away from there Children. Since having Omega when she was just a kid before she grown up. Echo had realized how important it was for a parent to protect their child at all cost. Echo was like the Protective Brother, so was Tech. Wrecker was like the Crazy and Wild Brother, Hunter lets just say that Omega sees him as a Father figured. A Mentor to her.

"Those Imperials will pay for that. I just hope that kid got away from them." Echo said feeling angry about what Tech told him about the Married couple being taken away from there Child. Even though Clones never grew up with Parents. They were made in Labs and sent into War with the Separatist army. Until Order 66 happend and the Death of all Jedi's. Some Survived, Some Turned into Inquisitors, Some Died, but meaning that Hope is not lost still. As Omega Finshed with the Engine Part. She Grabbed a Towel and wipes off the Smoke off of her face. Once she removed the Smoke Omega sighs and Tossed the Towel over her shoulder. She was wearing a Dark Grey Tank up. And half of her Jumpsuit. She had let the other half hang. Omega walks in the ship and saw Echo and Tech talking to each other. About the Empire, Omega just shook her head and walks over to the Co pilot seat and sat down for a Rest.

"Mira And Ephraim Bridger, is there names. They were Treason for Speaking out againts the Empire and got themselves arrested. And their Son named Ezra Bridger survived the Streets alone. But it said here on the Imperial Database he was last spotted with five Group of people." Tech said as Echo was curious about this and Omega was hearing there Conversation after she heard the name of Ezra Bridger. She wanted to make friends since she didn't get to meet her old friend Hera Syndulla again. She had missed her so much and wanted to meet her again.

"Tech can you get the Information of this Band of Rebels. Maybe we can have some Answers about Joining the Rebels since Rex, Gregor, and Wolfee joined them." Echo said to tech suggestion that they should meet the band of Rebels. Tech think it was a Good idea. But they didn't know how Hunter will think about this. So instead Tech began pulling the Information about the Band of rebels. It only took Tech to hacked into the Rebellion wanted list and it showed the Band of rebels as Top Wanted criminals.

"Here we go.... it's just six of them." Echo said as he looks at the Information then he saw the Twi'lek they helped escaped from Ryloth. "Tech... Remember that Twi'lek girl we've helped to escape Ryloth." Echo asked. As tech nod his head and replied "Why Yes, I do remember wasn't she Friends with Omega?" Echo nodded as Omega turns around and looks at the two Clones. Echo saw her and knew she heard everything. He sighs and signal her to come over. Omega gets up and walks over to her brothers. "Echo, Tech, what are you two doing?" Omega asked Curiously. As she looks at the Computer and saw her best friend on the Imperial top wanted list. "Hera....." Omega said she felt in shocked Echo saw this and Sat Omega down and let her take this time to process this information. "We didn't know she became a Rebel, along with a Team." Echo said. "Yes, they have a Lasat i never heard their Species before and never seen them in the Clone wars. Plus they even have a Mandalorian on there team." Tech said Echo and Omega looked at tech with shocked faces. "Wait wait, What!? A Mandalorian!" Echo said he always hated fighting those warriors. They were too Brutal and very skilled for combat. "Her name is Sabine Wren, Code name Specter 5 she is an Artist, Explosives Expert, and Former Imperial Cadet." Tech said to Echo and Omega.

"Can you read about Hera, Tech.. Please... I need to know." Omega said desperate to want to see Hera again. Tech nod his head and Opened the Information about Hera. "Hera Syndulla, Pilot of the Ghost and Phantom ships. Code name Specter 2. She is even the Captian of her Crew. Plus it says here they got two Jedi's with them. Huh.... a Mandalorian and Jedi's working together. That's strange." Echo said telling all the Information to Omega and Tech. Omega looks at the Picture of Hera. She was all Grown up now, and Has her own ship. But she was still sad that, she won't be able to meet her friend. Omega just kept looking at Syndulla's picture, she felt a connection between them both. Something was telling Omega to go and find her.

But she will have to sneak out of the Ship. Due to Her brothers being protective for her Safety. She can use the Turret's hatch to go out in Public, when her brothers are asleep. Echo saw Omega looking at the picture of Hera. He placed his hand on her shoulder. Wondering if she is ok. "Are you alright?" Echo asked her as Tech was curious about Omega as well. "I'm.... fine, Echo... is just... I miss her.." Omega said to Echo as she sighs and sits back on her chair. Echo has seen this before, missing someone else and they both had a Connection to each other. Echo did want Omega to start making friends, so did Tech. But they would have to talk to Hunter who is more Protective to Omega. Wrecker tries his best, to tell Hunter to let Omega go for a bit. Knowing that Omega would contact them if she ran into trouble with the Empire or even they're Brother Crosshair.

"You know, Me and Tech have been Planning to, contact Syndulla. Just to see about this so called Rebellion, and maybe we might joined them so we won't have to be struggling to keep getting supplies for the ship." Echo said to Omega as her face lights up with joy. She was going to see her friend again. But She worries if Hera will Remember her. Then Wrecker and Hunter came in the Ship with the Supplies. Omega turned her chair around and saw them. "Hey, Guys. How did Supplie run go?" Omega asked them. "It went well, There isn't any Imperials here. But we kept seeing these so called "Rebels" that Rex mentioned to us. He even offered for us to join." Hunter said to Omega and his Team. As she just nod her head and lets Echo and Tech have a Talk with Hunter about meeting with the Rebels.

While Omega decides to look up the Rebels information. She skipped Hera and Sabine since Tech read the Info about them. She went on to the Lasat's picture. "Zeb orrelios, Code name Specter 4. The Brute of the Ghost team? Huh? Wrecker is gonna like this guy." Omega said to herself in a low Voice. Since The Bad Batch are talking to each other outside of the Ship. Giving Omega her space for awhile. She then went to the Astromech droid that she Remembers. "Chopper!? Wow, he got a little bit old? But still with Hera." Omega laughed as she Remembers Chopper handling the Clone Trooper back on Ryloth. She found it cute and Funny of a astromech fighting back. Then she went to the two Jedi's on the list. She decided to read with the Blue Hair. "Ezra Bridger, Specter 6. Street rat, Con artist, and a Jedi?" Omega said she has never seen a Jedi before but she has heard Stories about them. She could ask Hunter or Echo. Since She Remembered that Echo was telling her. that he used to serve in the 501st Legion with Rex. Along with his Fallen Brother Fives. Until Rex, General Skywalker, and The Bad Batch found him and brought him home.

Omega still felt bad about what Happened to Echo. But she must remember that you cannot change the Past, and you must move on to the Future. Staying in the Past, Will Casue Dangerous Moments. You will not be able to Understands the new Beginning of the Worlds. You won't be able to evolving into the New Generation. But sometimes for the People. That are stuck in the past, You Must let go and forgot about it. And move on into the Future to see what lies ahead in your life. As you must know that Life is Short. And we must make every moment count. By spending time with Friends, With Loved ones, even with your Family.

Don't waste your Life... Make it Count.

Omega looks at the Picture of Ezra Bridger. She could feel her face heating. She couldn't tell what it is.. until She saw her A Reflection on Tech's helmet and noticed that. She had pink colored shade on her cheeks. Meaning that she was Blushing. Omega quickly closed the Information of Ezra and went to the last person. As her Blushing went away. And began reading the finale Crewmate.

"Kanan Jarrus, Code name Specter 1. Team leader, and Master Jedi." Omega said as she looks at the Picture. He looked so familiar to her. Hunter came in and before he could speak. He saw the Picture of Kanan. Hunter kept looking at the picture. Until he Remembers who he was. The Jedi that Fled from them during the Events of Order 66. Caleb Dume. Hunter shook his head and cleared his throat. As Omega heard him and turns around. "Hey, Hunter. What's up?" Omega asked wondering of what Hunter. Needed. "It's nothing, Omega. We've all Decided to meet up with one of the Rebels. Maybe we can join them." Hunter said to Omega as she was in shocked to hear about this news. She was excited about this, and is still hoping that it is Hera. They were gonna meet.

"That seems like a good plan. When do we leave?" Omega said to Hunter excited to go already and is still hoping to meet Hera. "We aren't... We have contacted them, and they're going to send someone from there own. So were stuck here for awhile." Hunter said as Omega was more surprised by this news. She felt like a new Person already and she is proud of it.

As the Bad Batch waits for the Rebel team to arrive at their Coordinates. Tech worked on his data pad learning more about the Rebellion that are in war with the Empire. And taking back planets and putting them under Rebel control. Wrekcer was doing lifting Gonky, for his Exercise. Echo was Checking the ships systems, making sure everything was functional and Ready for battle. Hunter was doing tricks with his Vibroknife. And Patiently waiting for the Rebels to arrive. As for Omega she was outside of the Ship. And doing pull ups. She was exercising to keep her mind occupied, It helps her to stay focus. And Wrecker sometimes gets jealous of Omega because she was getting muscles on her arms when she wears one of her Tank tops. But Omega knows that no one can't beat Wrekcer's strength. And she sometimes exercise in front of Wrekcer just to make him jealous. Echo and Hunter get a laugh out of it. Except for Tech, who is too busy for humor despite of him being the Smart one with all the Knowledge of the Republic. No one can't blame he loves to learn more Knowledge. If it's in the right hands.

Omega kept doing pull ups, until she looks up and saw a Ship pass by them. It was a Firespray-31-Class Patrol. As it flew over The Havoc Marauder Omega was thinking to herself. That it could be one of the Bpunty Hunters to Capture Omega. From the Empire. She drops down on the Ground and grabs her Energy Bow. She placed it on her back and picks up her helmet. She already had her Clone Armor on. She was about to tell her brothers about the ship that passed by. But Knowing Hunter. He would tell Omega to stay behind and wait for the Rebels to come. Omega sighs she shoved her helmet over her head and took off running already disobeying Orders.

Omega kept running after the Ship. That was still in the air. She activated her Wrist Gauntlet's Grappling Hooks. The Ship wasn't landing anyway near the town. She climbs up the Building. Trying to catch up to the ship. Once Omega jumps on top of the Building and began her chase. She noticed the Ship was leaving the town, Omega extended her right arm out. And Jumps off the edge of the Building and fires her Grappling Hook. As it hooks onto the back of the Ship and the wire pulls Omega. Lifting her in the air. Omega began breathing heavy and looks down at the Ground. Seeing the Town going more far. "I didn't Think this Through!!!" Omega yelled to herself. As she held on to the Cable wire. Holding for her life. Then Suddenly Omega saw Imperial Shuttle passing by them. She gasped, knowing that the Empire has sent there troops here on Dantooine. She needed to warn Hunter and the others. But she will need to try to explain the whole "Where are you" situation. Then Suddenly the ship hovers over the Grassland and began its descend. Omega quickly looks around and saw a Couple of crates. She sighs and began swinging herself. Because she has no choice but to land on the Crates. Omega disconnects the wire from her Gauntlet and Drops down to the Crates. You could say she had a Rough landing.

Omega groaned and stood still. Her body was in pain for a little bit. Until a Person removed a Crate from her and saw Omega. As she saw the Person in front of him. She didn't know what to do. Or what to say until the Person pointed his Hand blaster at her and Omega had her hands up. "Stand up! Slowly." He demanded as Omega obeyed and slowly gets up from the Crates and still had her hands up. The person in front of her was wearing a Beskar armor, but it was in a Dark green color and he had a Yellow knee pads with Missiles Launchers on the sides. He even had a T-Visor Helmet with a Rangefinder. And it had the same color as well. But with a Red on the Faceplate. He even had a Jetpack on him, making Omega jealous, because it was her dream to have her own Jetpack in case if She jumps off of a Building or the Highest Buildings.

"State your Name and Business." The Person said to Omega. Telling her to say her name and what's her objective. "M-My Names Omega. I don't want to cause any trouble. Especially with a Bounty Hunter.." Omega said to him as he titled his head to the right confused. He noticed that her armor was a Clone Armor. He Growled angrily at Omega. "Where did you get the Armor?" He asked. Omega gulped Nervously and remained calmed. She could say it was none of his business. But She would get shot at the head, if She doesn't reply. "I found this armor in Abandoned crashed Jedi Crusier or now known as a Star Destroyer. And i turned it into my own armor." Omega said to the Bounty Hunter. She couldn't tell what kind of armor he was wearing. But it looked very strong to her.

"Take off you're Helmet. Let me see you're face." He asked Softy. Omega lets out a Shakily sigh and placed her hands on her Helmet and began sliding it off of her head. Slowly. Once Omega had finally removed her helmet. She looks at The Bounty Hunter. She placed her helmet on the Ground and slowly put her hands up. The Bounty Hunter saw her. He noticed the lines on her Face. He gasped softy and knew that she is a Generation One Clone. With the Pure Genetic DNA of his Father. Jango Fett. "You're a Clone..." he said as Omega was surprised to hear that from the Bounty Hunter. She gulped Nervously. And found the Courage to speak to him. "How did you know, that i am a Clone?" Omega had asked him about that. He put his Blaster away and placed his hands on his Helmet and removes it off of his head. Letting Omega see his face.

She gasped surprisingly. She was looking at a Clone just like her. But he's a Male and the Second Clone to carry the DNA of Jango Fett. "You're.... a Clone?" Omega said as the Bounty hunter nod his head and held his helmet at his hip. And walks over to her Omega slowly put her hands down. Knowingly that he wants to talk. "So, My Father had another child made before me. But how..." He said to Omega as she was confused like a tooka or a Loth-Cat in your words of choice. "May I ask, who are you and who is you're Father?" Omega asked again to the Bounty Hunter. As he nod his head to Omega and introduced himself.

"Back in the Clone Wars. I was a Clone Cadet. Named Alpha by my Brothers. But before the Death of my Father Jango Fett. I have Turned my back against the Republic and became a Bounty Hunter. That i am today. And I took the liberty of renaming myself to... Boba." The one called Boba Fett said to Omega as she was starstruck by Boba Fett. She knows how the Clones would Treat each other. Fighting for no reason. Developing hate towards another. And Getting at each others throats. Omega used to be a Medic for the Clones back on kamino. But now after she joined the Bad batch. She has became the First Female Clone Soldier. Of Clone Force 99. But She didn't fill right taking Crosshair's place. He was still her brother. But she knows that Crosshair won't listen and will try to kill them. For the Empire.

"Then... If we both have the Same exact pure  Genetic DNA's... that means...." Omega said as she stops at her sentence and looks at Boba. As he smiles at her. "We are Siblings. Sister..." Boba said to Omega as she had tears of joy forming up in her eyes. She couldn't help, but to hug Boba. As he wrapped one arm around her. Due to his other arm holding his Helmet. Omega felt happy. That she found her real brother. She still cares about The others and treats them like her brothers. But Omega is the Oldest sister to the Bad batch. But Boba was also the Oldest Brother as well. Omega pulled away from Boba and wiped her tears. "Sorry, i didn't mean to get emotional." Omega chuckle as she rubs the back of her head. Nervously. Making Boba Fett chuckle for a bit.

"Don't worry about it. Sister." Boba said as he bent down to pick up her helmet. And he rasied back up and held out her helmet to Omega. As she grabs her helmet from Boba. "I think you should, Head back to your Squad. I already know they won't like it seeing one of their own with a Bounty Hunter like me." Boba said. Omega didn't want to leave. But Omega knows that Hunter and the Rest of the Squad will not listen to her. She sighs Sadly and nod her head. "But, if it makes you feel better. We can both talk to each other. While we are walking back to Town." Boba said suggesting the idea. Omega looks at Boba with a Smile. The idea had brighten her day. But she still wants to meet Hera, her friend. Omega doesn't know when the Rebel team will come. So she nod her head to Boba. "That... Would be Nice. Vod." Omega said as Boba was impressed to her his Big Sister saying some Mandalorian Language. They both began walking back to Town. While having a Conversation on the way back.

Hunter sheathed his Vibroknife on his wrist Gauntlet. He sighs because it has been twenty Minutes. They should've arrived by now. Echo was going over blueprints of redesigned his Mechanical Arm. With a Slicer on it. He was gonna add a Hand to his new Improvements. For his arm. He had got tech to help him build. Said Arm. Until they collect the Parts for it. Wrecker had went into town, Looking for Omega. Because he was the First one that saw Omega leaving the Area. He didn't tell Hunter or the rest of the Squad. Because he doesn't like it when Omega would get in trouble from Hunter. As Wrecker made his way through town. He saw two TK troopers walking by. Wrecker took cover behind a Wall and peaked his head out a little. The TK Troopers were on Patrol. and still searching for the Bad Batch to terminate them, and Take Omega from them. The TK Troopers walked away, Leaving Wrecker to come out of hiding.

"Great, Those Troopers are here." Wrecker Growled frustrated. Then he continued walking for his Search of Omega. Once Wrecker left the Area that he was in. Another Imperial had walked in the Town's square. He slowly looks around and doesn't see his main Targets. The ones that Left him again after the Destruction of Kamino. And the Bad Batch's Former Sniper and Brother.

Crosshair was not only Hunting the Team. He came here to Terminate Omega. The Empire wanted her alive, but Crosshair had another plans. He intends to kill Omega in front of the Bad Batch squad. Making them weak, vulnerable to fight back. Due to there Brotherly Relationship with Omega. Crosshair Growls and kept moving along. As Boba and Omega made it to the Town. Still talking to each other. Omega had told her Biological Brother even though they have the DNA of Jango Fett. Including Rex. So making him the Little Brother to Omega. "These are interesting Stories, Sister. You have a Spark of a Warrior." Boba said making Omega smile at him. "You think so? I've always feel... like a Soldier. I... I know our Father, was a Mandalorian." Omega said stopping herself for a bit. Boba just looks at her. And waited for her to continue. "I'm a Clone.... No way a Mandalorian would accept me. To there Clan.." Omega said to Boba. As she sighs Sadly. Because she hasn't learn much about Mandalorians. But she was Thinking of meeting that Mandalorian girl. She saw on the Empire's wanted list, thinking that she could be her Teacher and Mentor. She had already asked Boba fett. If he knew the Culture of the Mandalorians. Boba Sadly told Omega that he didn't had that much knowledge of the Mandalorians. Omega forgives him about that. But she was willing to talk to the Mandalorian girl. Hopefully she will accept Omega to learn the ways of Mandalore.

Mandalorians are a Interesting, Creed to Study about. They have there loyalties, Their Honor, Their trust to there own clan. They're are some Mandalorians who don't remove their Helmets in front of People, Unless they are alone and can be removed. But if a Helmet is removed in front of a Person. They do not, Cannot, Will not, wear the Helmet again. For Example the Lone Gunslinger Mandalorian. The Protector of the Child named Grogu. Din Djarin was one of those Mandalorians to not remove the Helmet in front of there own or Anyone else. But they are some Mandalorians that don't follow the Rules and Remove and put there Helmets back on as they wish. I can only name a Few Mandalorians. Bo-Katan Kryze, Sabine Wren, Ursa Wren, Tristan Wren, Gar Saxon, Pre Vizsla, Axe Wolves, Koska Reeves, Boba Fett, and Jango Fett.

But sometimes Traditions are meant to be broken, but not all the time. Mandalorians also have to follow a Strict Law and a Strict Rule. In order to keep there armor and avoid getting in trouble with the Mandalorians.

Omega and Boba were about to make there turn. Until Wrecker pops out of nowhere. Almost Giving Omega a Heartattack. "Dang it! Wrecker! Can you not try to scare me." Omega said a little mad at her Brother. Boba laughs at Omega and tries his best to not show it. Omega rolled her eyes and sighs. Trying to calm herself down. Until Wrecker finally spoke.

"Omega, we have to get out of Town, and head back to the ship. TK Troopers are here." Wrecker said. Omega gasped surprisingly and so did Boba. He put his helmet on and got out his EE-3 Carbine Rifle. Wrecker didn't know who this guy was. But Omega noticed that. "He's a Friend, I'll explain everything later. Right now we need to go before-" Omega got cut off. As she got shot at the Shoulder. And fell down on the Ground. Omega grunts in pain as she held her shoulder. Then The TK Troopers came out of Hiding and surrounded them. As Boba Pointed his Blaster rilfe at them. So did Wrecker. After he puts his Helmet back on. Then Crosshair walks out of the Shadows. With his DC-17 hand Blaster pointing at them. Omega slowly sits up and saw Crosshair.

"Crosshair?... How did you..." Omega said as she winced in pain. Boba got in front of Omega, Ready to protect his Sister. He was not going to lose, of how he lost his Father to the Jedi named Mace Windu. When he just a Little boy and the Beginning of the Clone Wars. "I do you expect, Kid. I sent out a Emergency beacon. And a Group of Imperial Stormtroopers rescued me. But now I had Orders of retrieving you alive... But, Things have Changed." Crosshair said to Omega as she was confused of what He was saying. Then Crosshair shot Wrecker at the Shoulder then at the Chest. As he fell down on the Ground. "WRECKER!!" Omega screamed. She feared that Wrecker was dead. But she saw him breathing still, she sigh in relief knowingly that he is alive. Lets all just say that Nothing can't even stop that Brute. Or unless your a Jedi and Sith. Crosshair pointed his Blaster at Omega and shoots his Blaster bolt. But Luckily Boba got in front of her and Blocked the Bolt with his armor. Then the Squad of the Stormtroopers aimed at Boba Fett. And opened fire to him. As he Turned his Arms into an x and Blocked all the Blaster Bolts. Turning himself into a Human shield for Omega.

Omega saw her Brother, Protecting her and using himself as a Shield. To protect Omega. Boba looks up and scanned all the Stormtroopers, he activated his Jetpack and flew into the Sky. He extended his arm out and Shoots a Wrist Rocket at the Stormtroopers. As they all got hit by the rocket and flew away to the wall. Boba Landed on the ground, and looks at Crosshair. "No one is Hurting my Sister." Boba said as Crosshair drops his Blaster and put his fists up. Boba toss his Blaster aside and did the Same. Then Crosshair charged towards Boba fett. As the Bounty hunter did the Same. Once they both got closed to each other. Boba Swung a right hook at Crosshair, and Head-butts him. With his Helmet. Crosshair stumbled back a little bit. Then he looks up and Sparta kicks Boba at the Chest. Making him fell down on the Ground. Crosshair then Rasied his foot and was about to stomp boba fett. But he quickly used his Jetpack to fly off the ground. Making Crosshair stomp his boot to the Ground, instead of hitting Boba.

Boba landed on the Ground again. He looks at Omega making sure, that she was safe. Boba turned around and Saw a Fist coming his way and He got punched. By Crosshair. Fett, Stumble back a little bit then Crosshair punched Boba again. He swung a Right hook at Boba, then came after a Left hook. Boba stumble back a little bit. Then Crosshair Lunged forward and Head-butts him. Making Boba fall on his knee. Crosshair walks up to him. After picking up his Blaster off of the Ground. "How the Mighty have Fallen... You Bounty Hunters, are very Lousy at your work. Especially when it comes to Mandalorians, they always lose from there blind of rage. And wonder why, they are always at each others necks and starts Civil wars. All Mandalorians will be extinct by the Empire. Starting with you." Crosshair said he pointed the DC-17 hand blaster at Boba fett. Boba just starred at the Imperial Clone. Then Suddenly Boba unsheathed his Vibroknife and swings it at Crosshair. He tries to stab him. But the Commando grabs a hold of Boba's Wrist's and takes the Knife out of his hands. Crosshair looks at Boba with his Dark green visor on his helmet.

"Wrong Move."

Once Crosshair said that to Boba. He rasied his arm up with the Vibroknife in his hand. He was about to use the Vibroknife to kill Fett. Until someone shot a Grappling hook at Crosshair's arm as the Hook went through his arm. Making the Clone Grunt in pain. Boba looks behind him and saw His Sister, Omega. With her arm extended out. She had fired one of her Grappling hooks. Omega had saved her Brother's life. She was ignoring her injuries but she had put a patch over her wound. She gives Crosshair an angry look. After saying these words to him.


Omega grabs a hold of the Cable wire and pulls Crosshair towards her. Taking him away from Boba. Crosshair crashed into some Wooden Crates, that Broke and had full of Fruits in them. Omega pulls out her Virbosword, that she also had on her. And got into a Fighting stances. Crosshair groaned for a bit. And looks up at Omega.
"Gar kyr'amur my vod, not ibic ca'nara" Omega said in the Language of the Mandalorian. Crosshair Growls in anger and pulls out a Electro Baton. Omega made her first move, by thrusting the Sword. Crosshair swings the Vibrosword out of the way. And he kicks Omega at the Chest. As she stumbles back and Lunged forward. She swings the sword at Crosshair. But he used the Electro baton to block it. Crosshair pushed down towards Omega. As she did her best to hold her guard up. Omega then found the strength to push back. Omega stares at Crosshair. Then she Swings up Vertical right. Hitting Crosshair's helmet and damaging it as well.

Crosshair stumbled back and looks at Omega. As she breaths heavily. Due to her anger becoming her strength of use it for her fight againts him. "Ni cuy' Kelir cabuor Ner vod, teh gar bal gar akaan'ade." Omega said in mando'a again. Then she picks up her helmet and puts it over her head. And held her Sword with both hands. "Ni Kelir bring an kyr at gar empire."  Omega added as Crosshair looks at Omega. With an angry look on his face. He takes off his helmet and tossed to aside. Then he Charge towards Omega. She blocks his attack. Then Swings the Sword at him. Cutting a Piece of his armor off of him. From his arm. Then Crosshair overhead swings down to Omega. She blocked in time. Before he can manage to get a Hit from her. Omega pushed him off of her. Then Crosshair was about to attack her again. Until she Thrust the Blade into his Shoulder. He Growled in pain and Agony. And looks down at Omega, who finally managed to hit him.

"You've finally learned, kid... No one will never accept your friendship, There will be Enemies. ready to strike at you... what will you do, if your Brothers died in battle. By the hands of me and the Empire." Crosshair said to Omega. She breaths heavily at Crosshair. She doesn't want to believe his lies, But she knows that he is speaking the Truth. In reality, some people won't accept your Friendship. But some will. You will know how and when to be friends with a Person you first meet. You're Heart will guide you through the Power of Friendship, and the Power of Love.

Omega calms down and leans a bit closer to Crosshair. "This.... This is for my Brothers, when you destroyed their Home." Omega said as she pulls out the sword and Punched him at the Face. Knocking Crosshair out. Omega sheathed her sword on her back. And looks down at the Unconscious Crosshair. "I hope what you said, will never come... Because I plan to kill you, before it happens... But for now.... I choose to let your live." Omega said to Crosshair. As she helps up Boba from the Ground then assist Wrecker, back to the Ship.

After a few hours later, of explaining on what happened. Today with an angry Hunter. Boba fett did all the Talking, to cool him down. Omega was Checking up on Wrecker, and tech informed her that he was gonna live. Which made her happy. Echo was both mad and Happy that Omega was safe. and that she took on Crosshair on her own. "I Understand... It's just i get overprotective." Hunter said to Boba as he looks at Omega. Who is telling Jokes to Wrecker making him laugh. "Omega, is a Good kid... or a Soldier." Boba said to Hunter as he simple Agreed with him. Until they heard a Ship landed next to them. They all rushed out of the Havoc Marauder. And they all saw a VCX-100 Light freighter. Landing in the same bay as them. Hunter, Echo, Tech, Wrecker, Omega, and Boba. Had all of there Blasters pointing at the Ship. Once it landed, everyone held there Ground and got ready for a fight. The Ramp opened. And the First person to walk out was a Mandalorian. Then beside her was a boy with a Blue long hair. And in a Orange jumpsuit. Then a Purple fur creature came out. Behind them. With his Arms crossed. Then a Man with a Ponytail. Then finally a Twi'lek. Who is the Pilot of the Ship. And a Astromech who is Beside her as well.

Hunter ordered everyone to lower there Weapons, which they did and they knew it was the Rebel Squad. Hunter had introduced himself and the rest of the Squad. Omega just looks at the Mandalorian and the Blue hair boy. Then she looks to Hunter talking to the man with the ponytail. She then saw the Twi'lek next to the Droid. She walks up to her. And gulped Nervously. Then Omega taps her shoulder. Making the Twi'lek turned around and saw Omega. "Oh, Hello? I didn't see you there." The Twi'lek said to Omega. As she lets out a Chuckle. "It's alright... Miss." Omega said acting like she doesn't know her. Because Omega knows that it is her best friend. "Hera Syndulla. But you can just call me Hera." Hera said to Omega as she smiles and nod her head. "Ok then, Hera. My name is Omega." Omega said as she introduced herself to her. Hera's eyes widen in shock. After she heard the name Omega. Chopper turned around and saw Omega. He beeped surprisingly and kind jumped side to side for his Excitement. "Omega!? You've grown!" Hera said in shocked. To see her friend again Omega laughed for bit. Until Hera hugged her. Omega was caught by surprise, she blushed at First. And then smiles at Hera and Hugs her back. The Mandalorian turned around and saw Hera hugging Omega. The Mandalorian named Sabine Wren nudge the Blue Hair boy's arm. Named Ezra Bridger. Making him turned around annoyed by Sabine. And he saw Hera hugging Omega. They both smiled and decided not to ruin the Moment.

Sure enough, Clone Force 99 joined the Rebellion. And kept fighting the Empire. As for Omega's Brother. Boba Fett. He had returned back into the Bounty Hunter Business. But he'd sometimes visits his Sister, when he doesn't have Anything else to do. Omega had Asked Sabine Wren to teach her. The ways of Mandalore. Wren gladly accepted her offer and Became. Omega's Teacher and Mentor for the Knowledge of Mandalore. Omega decided to joined the Ghost Crew and Become Specter 7.

Hera had invited Omega over for a Girls night. It was just going to be Hera, Sabine, and Omega herself. She was so excited to have her first Girls night out. With the Two Legends of the Rebellion. Nothing was not going to ruin there night. You could say that this....

Was a Happy Ending...

Wait What?

Omega turns around and saw a White Portal opening in front of her. As Purge Troopers came out of the Portal. Omega had her Energy bow out and got ready for a fight. Until she saw a Man walking out of the portal. He was wearing a Tunic Hooded Robe Black Outfit. With armor on him. And a Helmet that completely covered his Face. And he held two Lightsabers. As he Stares at Omega and Ignited the Blades. Which was Red and Purple Lightsabers.

Perhaps I spoke too Soon......

To Be Continued

Mando'a translation

"Gar kyr'amur my vod, not ibic ca'nara" Means "You will not end my brother, not this time"

"Ni cuy' Kelir cabuor Ner vod, teh gar bal gar akaan'ade" means "I am shall protect My brother, from you and your army"

"Ni Kelir bring te kyr at gar empire" means "I shall bring the end to you empire"

And Vod means Brother.

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