Ancilla by SeraDrake

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➳ Cover Relevance: Subtle elements fit in with the story. It's definitely relevant!

➳ Blurb/Description: Apt and to the point. Makes you want to delve more into the story.

➳ Hook: My very first impression was to keep reading. To be honest, the very first line didn't quite draw me in. However, the way you write keeps the reader going with every line. The prose is relatable and evokes memories of childhood - something we often take for granted. I only have one comment, though - in the prologue, some paragraph breaks could help keep the reader more engaged. Longer, consecutive ones can sometimes be off-putting. Especially at the very beginning. (Your writing made up for that, though.)

➳ Grammar and Punctuation: No problems that I can see.

➳ Writing style/flow: I really have no comments to make. It flows so well, your range of vocabulary is amazing, and every sentence wants to make you read more, even if it's on the most mundane of subjects. The way it's woven together and the way the story is told is genuinely noteworthy and inspiring. You feel what the characters feel, and you can put yourself in their shoes - that's a feat to brag about.

➳ Additional personal notes:
• The book title was always really intriguing to me. It can be a hit or miss, but it was definitely a hit in my book.
• Mentions of the Noblesse Oblige in the prologue - it's something that doesn't often get mentioned. I think it's a very intriguing concept.
• The MC's dad and the way he affects her decisions and views remind me a lot of how my own father was, though there are some major differences. He's still sorta like that, but that's a tale for another time.
• I really wanted to note that I'm someone who first looks for plot rather than writing, since I tend to read things with more serious themes (in the sense of war rather than social issues such as religion and mental health) and try to convey that in my own writing as well. However, reading Ancilla was the first time that I was captivated by the prose before the plot. It's almost enchanting, the way you write.
• As per your suggestion, I did read a lot of the inline comments as well. There were many interesting things, all the way from past experiences to insights about spirituality and religion. It was interesting to see other people's and your views on those things and compare them against my own.
• I'll definitely continue reading the book. It's such a captivating read.

~ With love, Astraea

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