Ch. 13 - Sleepover?

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In what seemed like a span of only minutes of talking and joking with one another, it was already nearing ten'o'clock. Time seems to fly by, when Shouto is around Katsuki, and the former couldn't decide if that was a good or bad thing, yet.

"It's getting late." Shouto finally said with a small sigh, looking away from the TV that they had a random cooking show playing on. The blonde looked to him, lowering his socked feet from the coffee table. "You've probably gotta head out soon."

"Do I?" Katsuki asked, brow raised. There was a silent 'I don't have to leave' in those words.

Shouto opened his mouth to say something, before closing his mouth. He looked to be thinking as he searched Katsuki's features. Was he going to ask him to stay? Really, the answer should have been simple. Yes or no. But Shouto's mind was concocting both innocent, and very much not innocent options and scenarios, and he was having a mental war with himself.

'Nothing will happen.' He told himself. 'You're not going to do anything, and he doesn't like you like that.'

'But I think I want something to happen.'

Shouto hadn't realized that he had mumbled that under his breath, and Katsuki answered.

"What do you want to happen?" Katsuki asked as he sat up straighter.

A blush quickly appeared on Shouto's cheeks, and the tips of his ears turned red. Katsuki smirked. "Were you thinking something dirty?"

"N-No!" Shouto hated that his voice cracked. He cleared his throat, looking back to the TV. "No." He repeated more evenly. The blush was still on his cheeks. "I just meant that I wouldn't mind if you stayed."

Katsuki looked smug. He looked like he knew exactly what Shouto had meant, but was kind enough to not actually call him out on it. Katsuki was a little shit, but sometimes he could be nice to Shouto.

"If you're sure, then I'll stay." Katsuki said, propping his feet back up on the table. He leaned closer to Shouto, making the latter look at him again. "Do I get the couch, or the bed?" Katsuki asked quietly, tone suggestive.

Shouto may or may not have choked on nothing.


Katsuki laughed, wrapping his arms around his stomach. "Oh my- you should see your face!" Shouto looked like a fish out of water, his face still flushed. "I'm just joking, holy shit,"

"I-I wasn't- I didn't mean-"

"I know." Katsuki snorted, nudging the dual-haired male gently, still giggling.

It took Shouto a moment to recover, but when he did, he cleared his throat and said, "But you can have the bed.. As long as I get to sleep with you."

It was Katsuki's turn to be taken aback.

'Did you just..'

"... You're filthy, Todoroki." Katsuki said, feigning disappointment. "And here I thought I was the pervert here." Shouto gave Katsuki a deadpan look, and the latter shook his head. "Tsk tsk."

"You still are the pervert here." Shouto flipped off the blonde, which only served to make said blonde chuckle. "Anyway.. I mean, you are welcome to stay if you want. Tomorrow is Monday, though."

".. Yeah? What's going on Monday?"

"School for me, and work for you, right?" Shouto blinked a couple times. "Or do you have tomorrow off?"

"Ah," Katsuki nodded. "Right. I forgot you go to school on campus.. And I actually don't work tomorrow, which is why I even stayed this late. I generally go to sleep at 8pm- latest 9pm." He shrugged. "Either way, I can leave when you leave- if I do spend the night."

"I don't mind if you stay." Shouto said, shrugging his own shoulder. He checked his phone when he heard it vibrate. "I trust you." He wrote something, then turned it off and placed it on the coffee table. He turned back to Katsuki. "And I do have a computer, if you wanted to do some of your school work while I'm gone."

Katsuki rose a brow. "Are you serious?"

Shouto nodded, moving around to lay on the couch, placing one arm behind his head, while the other draped across his stomach. "I am. Of course, if you're not comfortable being here alone- well, mostly alone. Reginald is still here- then that's fine." He placed his feet in Katsuki's lap, which the blonde knocked off playfully at first. Shouto just feigned a scowl, putting them back.

"No, that would.. Actually be really nice. If you're sure that it's alright."

"Of course. I wouldn't have offered if it wasn't." He said. "Just don't steal my music collection, please." He was very fond of it- both because he enjoyed the music, and because he gathered the whole collection with his own money that he'd earned from doing odd jobs for people.

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to steal anything."

"Not even any of my food?"

"Mm.. Okay, I might make a snack for myself. But if I have permission, it's not stealing."

"Alright." Shouto nodded once. "I give you permission to eat some food."

Katsuki chuckled quietly. "Thanks." He let his arms rest over Shouto's legs. "Seriously, though. I assume I'm getting the couch, unless you have an extra bed or something."

"The couch folds out into a bed, actually." Shouto answered with a yawn, before looking back to the TV. "I can get you some pillows and blankets when you're ready for bed."

"Actually, it's pretty late now. We should probably both go to sleep soon." Katsuki said, followed by a yawn of his own. Yawns were practically contagious. "Especially because you actually go to campus for school."

Shouto hummed an acknowledgement. "Fair point.. After this episode then, yeah?"



They ended up going to sleep immediately after; Shouto in his room, and Katsuki on the fold-out couch. Shouto, however, woke up at around 2am to a text from his sister.

[2:01am - Fuyumi

Sho, Dad is planning on heading over there either tomorrow (today, I guess?) or the day after. He wanted to do a surprise visit, but I wanted to give you a heads up.]

Shouto frowned at his phone, rubbing his eyes before sitting up. He couldn't leave Katsuki alone if his Father might visit.

[2:04am - Shouto

Can you tell him that I'll be at school, and to come tomorrow?

Or better yet, to not come at all. That would be ideal.]

[2:05am - Fuyumi

He doesn't even know I heard him, so I can't. it's a 50/50 chance on which day he'll come..]

Shouto swore quietly under his breath.

[2:08am - Shouto

.. Alright. Thank you, Fuyumi.]

With a quiet sigh, Shouto dropped his phone beside him and covered his face with his hands. He didn't want to take the chance of his Father coming while just Katsuki was there, but he also didn't want to skip his classes. If he called his professors and told them he would take those classes online, that would probably be alright.. But Katsuki also had schoolwork to do, and Shouto already told the other that he could use the computer.

"He would understand," Shouto reasoned with himself quietly. "We could share. It would be alright.."

Shouto hated this. He was very glad that Fuyumi warned him; his sister was a lifesaver. With another quiet swear, he grabbed his phone and placed it back on his nightstand, before forcing himself out of bed. He went to his desk and powered on his laptop. He decided that he was going to send his teachers an email, informing them that he would need to complete the assignment online. He was top in most of his classes, so he was certain that his teachers would understand and cut him some slack.

With possibly a bit too much force, Shouto closed his laptop. On the bright side, he would be able to have a break, and see what straight-out-of-bed Katsuki was like. With those thoughts in his head, Shouto decided to try to go back to sleep. It was 3am before his mind decided to rest.

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