Ch. 15 - Breakfast, With a Side of Drama Pt. 2

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The talk that Shouto wasn't necessarily wanting to have happened a lot sooner than he thought it would. And even more surprising, he was the one who initiated it.

"... I knew he was probably coming today." Shouto said randomly after he swallowed a bite of food. He poked a chunk of pancake as he looked down at his plate. "That's why I decided to stay home. I didn't want you to be alone here if he was coming."

Katsuki kept his expression neutral as he listened, continuing to eat his food. He didn't want to make Shouto uncomfortable by just silently staring at him while he talked about something incredibly personal, and it also being a touchy subject wasn't helpful. He knew from personal experience that it's nice to have someone listen, but it somewhat has the opposite effect when they're giving their 100% undivided attention.

There is a fine line between paying attention and being comforting, and staring like a creep to make them feel the opposite.

"Judging by how you reacted to him with me here, I don't even want to know how it would have ended without me. You two don't seem to get along." Shouto chuckled a bit, trying to lighten the conversation.

Katsuki looked thoughtful as he averted his gaze. He hesitated before looking back to the man across from him.

"I don't like him. And I really don't like that he grabbed you." He said after a moment, a serious expression on his face. ".. That's what got me. I was trying to mind my own business and stay in the kitchen, but-" His grip tightened around his fork briefly, and his jaw clenched. He took a small deep breath before continuing. "I'm sorry, but I.. " He suddenly set his fork down, and crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair. "You know what, I'm not. I'm not sorry that I did that, because I can't just stand there and not do anything."

Shouto nodded a bit in understanding. He would have done something like that had he seen Katsuki- or anyone, he supposed- in that situation.

"Especially when you looked so uncomfortable. Not gonna lie, you looked downright scared, and I couldn't just-"

"I did?" Shouto interrupted. He didn't know he was outwardly portraying his inner emotions so much.

Katsuki's brows furrowed slightly. "Yeah?.. You looked like you were preparing for a hit or something, honestly. You looked terrified, but like you were trying to stand your ground. I almost wanted to see how it played out, but then he grabbed you, and you flinched, and I couldn't help myself."

"Oh.." Shouto said quietly. He honestly wasn't so much terrified, as he was uncertain about the results. He supposed that that could be considered 'fear', but that was beside the point. "Sorry about that."

Now that made Katsuki freeze everything.

"Excuse me?" He asked in surprise, leaning forward in his seat again.

"I said I'm sorry." Shouto repeated, a confused expression on his face.

"No, I heard you, but why the absolute fuck are you apologizing?"

"Because I didn't mean to worry-"

"Are you apologizing for being scared?" Katsuki asked, the surprise evident in his features and tone. Shouto just swallowed, putting his hands in his lap and clasping them together before averting his gaze. "Are you genuinely apologizing for being scared?"

They stayed that way for a good few minutes; Katsuki staring at Shouto with mixed emotions, who didn't look back at him, but did move his gaze to his hands in his lap.

It was silent, save for the ticking of the clock, and the soft city noises outside.

Katsuki finally leaned back again, sinking lower in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest again, and his legs spread wide under the table. His body was relaxed, yet still somehow tense, and he tilted his head down a bit so it seemed less like he was looking down on Shouto with such an intense gaze.

"... He really fucked you up, didn't he."

To hear it be acknowledged. To hear someone say that out loud, and to know a little about how deep it went. To have someone understand, even the tiniest bit, of what was going on, and to not pity him.

'He really fucked you up, didn't he.'

It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

Shouto gripped his own sweats tightly, balling the fabric up in his fists under the table. His jaw was clenched, and he was seriously fighting the feeling of tears behind his eyes as he stared down at his lap. It was too damn early for this. Too early for tears. Too early for that visit with his Father. Too early for Katsuki to see him so broken. He could count how many times he'd cried in front of his friends on one hand over their years of friendship.

And yet Shouto had to find Katsuki. Stupid, beautiful, bullheaded Katsuki. He would rather die than to admit how often Katsuki had seen or heard him cry over their old but new friendship. They had barely begun to know each other over the last month or two, and Katsuki already knew and understood so much. He was friends with Shouto on a level that only Shouto knew was so special. It felt as if they'd been friends for years, and Shouto for the life of him could not understand how or why.

When Shouto finally looked up to meet Katsuki's gaze again for what felt like an eternity, his eyes shined with tears he refused to shed right then. There was a slight wobble to his bottom lip, and Katsuki frowned. He however waited for Shouto to speak first.

"I-I need a minute." Shouto said quietly after a moment, before carefully pushing away from the table and standing before going to his bedroom. Katsuki didn't miss the slight shake of Shouto's shoulders, or the soft choked sob that slipped passed Shouto's lips before disappearing into the other room.

Knowing Shouto wasn't really seeking a response, Katsuki just nodded a bit, saying a soft, 'I'll be here.' as the other walked away. The blonde knew that Shouto wasn't upset with him, or even angry. He knew that Shouto was an adult and would be fine without coddling, and he was not about to go seek out the emotionally compromised man to hug and cuddle and tell him everything was going to be okay.

Katsuki knew when someone needed that, and he knew when they didn't- even if he knew they did, he rarely did a thing about it. He wasn't exactly the touchy feely type, much the opposite with his friends ironically. Either way, he knew now was definitely not a touchy feely moment for Shouto.

'He is embarrassed,' his brain supplied. 'He's crying over daddy issues that he thinks he should be passed already, but he isn't.' Katsuki did this often; mentally talking to himself, reasoning out situations. 'He already feels vulnerable around you, and there is no need to make it worse.'

"He knows that I'm here and that I care." Katsuki said softly to the empty room. "He'll get me when he needs me."

Of course Katsuki hated to know that just a room away Shouto was crying alone, but sometimes all you need is a good cry, and no one knew that better than him.

"I'll be here."

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