Ch. 20 - Talks and Tattoos

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"Did you eat this morning?"

Katsuki was the first to break the silence after their silent trek up to Shouto's apartment once again. The second they stepped into the space, Katsuki began to make himself at home. He kicked his shoes off by the door and hung up his jacket. He helped Shouto remove his own jacket when he noted that the dual-haired male was having trouble.

Neither commented on it.

"Ah, no." Shouto answered, followed by a soft 'thank you' to Katsuki for his help. "I wasn't feeling too well this morning."

Katsuki nodded thoughtfully. "Fair. Would you like me to make something now?" He asked as if it were the most natural thing. As if they were roommates, or have been friends for years. This was both welcomed, and strange. This wasn't... Katsuki. This was..


The blonde rose a brow at the other but continued to the kitchen. "Hm?"

"Don't pity me."

He stopped. 'What?'

"What?.. I'm not."

"You are."

Katsuki sighed softly, and with obvious but contained irritation. "Why the Hell would I pity you?"

"You think I'm incapable of doing basic tasks for myself simply because I'm injured. You pity me because you think-"

"Hold up." Katsuki interrupted, raising his hand in a halting manner as he turned to face Shouto once more. "Hold the fuck up. When did I ever say that?" He scowled. "I don't pity you and I sure as Hell don't think you're incapable. You're a grown adult and the doctors even said you'll be alright soon enough."

"Then why-" Shouto started, but got cut off.

"Uh, I don't know, maybe because I'm here anyway and you do actually need to sit and take it easy?" Katsuki's tone was a tad snippy. "It's not because I think your dumbass is incapable. It's because I'm here and I may as well cook for us both."

Shouto blinked once. Twice. Then his cheeks flushed in embarrassment and he looked off to the side. 'Oh.. I was wrong..'

"Make sense now, dumbass?" The blonde asked rhetorically. He still had the scowl on his face as he crossed his arms.

".. Yes. I'm sorry."

They stood there awkwardly for a few beats before Katsuki cleared his throat, which gained Shouto's attention.

"You're an idiot." Katsuki started. Shouto agreed, but was still irked by the words. "You know I don't pity you, or think you're incapable or useless- or whatever other derogatory term you're thinking of. I don't think less of you or whatever. You're just you. Nothing about you has changed. Got it? I just wanna be nice and cook something instead of ordering shitty take-out." His scowl disappeared finally and he rolled his eyes. "Is that answer satisfactory?"

Shouto sighed quietly though nodded. "I'm sorry. I'm just.. on edge."

"Yeah, IcyHot, I gathered as much. Don't be such a prick about-"

"Just accept my damn apology, will you?!" Shouto snapped.

"Is it sincere?" Katsuki asked, unphased by Shouto's attitude. "Because I don't want your whiny apology if it's not sincere."

Honestly, Shouto wasn't half as angry as he thought he should be. All the rude names, and snide comments being made should be pissing him off. And if it was someone else that was saying them, then he probably would be furious. But this was Katsuki.. this is just how he is. It was weirdly comforting that Katsuki was still being his usual crass self even when a normal person would be calmer and kinder with the state Shouto was in.

"You know I don't say things I don't mean, Bakugou."

Yes, Katsuki did. But he still wanted to hear Shouto confirm it.

"Then yes. I accept." He nodded once, then turned and continued to the kitchen. Shouto trailed behind. "Let's see what I have to work with. Any requests? Otherwise I'm just gonna make something I like."


They ate, they bickered, they played Mario Kart, and now they were just lounging about and talking. A lot like the first time Katsuki came over, Shouto was lying down on the couch with his feet propped up in Katsuki's lap, and the blonde's arms lazily draped over the others shins.

"So about that tattoo."

Shouto's tattoo has been the topic for more than a few minutes already.

"I didn't get a good look. What is it?"

"Guess." Shouto replied with his gaze on the ceiling and his arms behind his head. He wasn't necessarily just trying to be difficult; he genuinely wanted to see what Katsuki's guesses were.



Katsuki rolled his eyes. "You're such a child."

Shouto scoffed. "Wow, that's rich coming from you, Mr. If-I-Don't-Win-At-Mario-Kart-I-Throw-A-Tantrum."

Katsuki may or may not have cursed more than a few times, and thrown the Wii remote God knows where. Shouto was more amused than upset about that though.

"You fuckin' cheat!" Katsuki snapped accusingly, sitting up a little. "We agreed not to screen peek and you were obviously doing it anyway!"

"It's a game, Katsuki." Shouto sighed.

"That you cheated at!"

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry." Shouto rose a brow as he looked at the blonde. "Happy?"

"No." Katsuki grumbled, sinking back down again. "Shut up."

Shouto let out a soft huff of amusement as he looked back up to the ceiling and closed his eyes. "Dumbass."

"Takes one to know one, dick." Katsuki pinches Shouto's leg sharply, to which Shouto let out a high 'ouch!'. Katsuki grinned. "Something wrong?"

Shouto huffed and kicked Katsuki away playfully. "Asshole."

"You love it." Katsuki replied cockily.

"Unfortunately." Shouto sighed dramatically. It relieved Katsuki to see the dual-haired male relax. He didn't like seeing Shouto all tense and cautious, and he really didn't like it when he snapped. Katsuki wasn't scared of Shouto, but it was unnerving to see such a calm, patient, kind man turn into something so... different.

Seeing such a drastic change in anyone would be concerning, but the fact that this was Shouto. That this was a damaged, abused, sad, mentally and emotionally scarred man. Unfortunately Katsuki didn't know exactly how far Shouto could go before it all got to be too much.. Or what he would do; to himself, or others. He hoped he would never have to see it, in all honesty.

Having not realized he'd spaced out, Katsuki startled a bit when Shouto threw a pillow at his head. "Wh- hey," The blonde huffed. He reached to the floor and grabbed the pillow to place it back up on the couch. "What was that for?"

"You were just staring at the TV. And picking at your jeans." He pointed to a small fraying patch on Katsuki's jeans.

"Oh, I, uh.." Katsuki blinked a few times before shaking his head. "Sorry." He hardly ever spaces out like that anymore. "I just got to thinking. The picking thing is a nervous tick. A lot of my jeans have purposeful holes and cuts so it seems less noticeable when I pick."

Shouto frowned slightly. "Nervous?"

"Huh? Oh. Well, not necessarily nervous- it's just an unconscious action."

".. Ah. Are you.. Okay?"

"Yeah, fine. Sorry." Katsuki shook it off. He leaned his head back and sighed softly as he closed his eyes.

Shouto was about to double check, but his words got caught in his throat and he let out a loud shout of pain, lurching forward. Katsuki's eyes immediately opened and he became concerned.

"Fuck!" Shouto swore as he shoved the cat roughly off of him. Katsuki spared the cat a glance to make sure it was alright as it dashed off. He seemed fine enough, just startled, so Katsuki turned back to Shouto. "Damn c-cat-"

"Are you okay?" Katsuki asked, tone concerned.

"F-fuckin'-" Shouto wheezed a bit, his arms wrapped around his abdomen. His expression was undeniably pained, and there were small tears in the corner of his eyes. "Ow.."

Katsuki helped Shouto sit up a bit more, a soft frown still on his features. "Want me to get you anything? Water? Tea?"

Shouto grimaced, his eyes screwed shut. He didn't speak for a moment. After a couple seconds, his features relaxed, he opened his eyes, and let out a soft deep breath. "I'm fine." He said roughly, relaxing back into his previous lying down position. "It just hurt a little." He wiped the few tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Yeah I gathered that, judging by your reaction." Katsuki said sarcastically.

Shouto just laughed softly, moving one of his arms up to cover his eyes.

"Anyway," Katsuki continued when he saw that the other didn't have anything else to say. "I still want to know about that tattoo."

"How about.. You tell me what your tattoo is, and I'll tell you mine." Shouto wasn't sure if the blonde had any tattoos, but he figured this was a fun way to find out.

Katsuki's eyes widened slightly and one of his hands subconsciously moved to his left side. "Who told you about my tattoo?"

Shouto looked surprised for a moment, but his expression soon turned into a mischievous grin. "You did. Just now."

Katsuki blinked dumbly, then glared and smacked Shouto's leg. "You ass! You tricked me."

"I sure did." Shouto replied with a cheeky smile. "So what is it?"

Katsuki stared at Shouto with an unreadable expression. When Shouto rose a brow, Katsuki continued in a completely serious voice. "It's a portrait of my favorite video game character."

Shouto stared.

Katsuki stared back.

Shouto narrowed his eyes. Was this guy being serious?.. Surely not.

"... Liar."

Katsuki rose a brow, but aside from that, kept his serious expression. "Why do you think I'm lying?"

"Because you're you, and that is very much not something you would do." He paused, looked away, then back to the other. His expression turned vaguely judgemental, with a hint of disbelief still. ".. Hopefully."

Katsuki was able to stay serious for a total of two more seconds, before he burst out into a loud boisterous laugh. "Your face, holy shit-" He mimicked Shouto's face- to which Shouto playfully rolled his eyes- before having a fit of chuckles. "You couldn't tell if I was joking or not!"

"To be fair, you looked serious as Hell, and I don't always know whats going on in that dumb head of yours." Shouto says defensively. He did chuckle though. "I would judge you so hard if you did actually have something like that tattooed on your body."

Katsuki snorted. "I'd judge me." He lightly pushed Shouto's legs from his lap and sat up straighter. "Anyway, It's a Phoenix." He pulled up his shirt to reveal his inked left side. "I got it when I was seventeen."

It was uncolored, just blacks and greys, and it was beautiful. You could see most of it and definitely tell that it was a phoenix, but more ink continued down Katsuki's side and disappeared beneath the hem of the blonde's jeans.

Shouto sat up carefully and leaned in a little to get a closer look at some of the details.

"Holy shit," Shouto said softly, reaching out and running his fingers over some of the inked flesh brieflu, before pulling back and looking back up to Katsuki's face. "That is badass.. You got it when you were seventeen?"

"Mhm." Katsuki said with a nod, lowering his shirt and smoothing it back into place. "It took.. All in all, 8 sessions over the course of, like.. Seven months, I think?.. I can't remember the exact days. The amounts of time between were mostly do to my hectic life, and lack of funds, but I managed to get it done."

"It looks awesome." Shouto complimented again. "Did you think about coloring it?"

Katsuki hummed a small, noncommittal noise. "Eh, briefly. But then I decided I liked the black and white.. Either way, the message of the phoenix comes across. I'm sure I don't have to explain the 'deep meaning' of phoenixes."

"Sure don't." Shouto said with a small huff of amusement. "I think it's awesome."

"Thanks." Katsuki said. After a moment, he gave Shouto an expectant look.

Shouto rose a brow. "What?"

Katsuki gave the other a deadpan look. "You have to show me yours now, dumbass. We made a deal."

Shouto sighed dramatically, but nodded. He turned around carefully, pulling his hair aside and out of the way. "You're going to have to help lift my shirt- it's a weird angle, especially with my injuries."

Katsuki nodded, then lifted Shouto's shirt up far enough to see the ink on his shoulder. This close, it was a lot bigger than Katsuki originally thought, and he could make out every little detail. The tattoo took up most of Shouto's right shoulder, and started a little bit down his back. The whole tattoo was roughly the size of Katsuki's large hands, but it still couldn't be covered all the way by his palm.

It was a beautiful koi fish, with mostly red, black and pinkish tones. There was also a cherry blossom branch dipping down beside it, and the end of the branch faded as it went up into the back of Shouto's neck.

It was beautiful, and very Shouto, in Katsuki's opinion.

"As you know, in our culture Koi fish are associated with perseverance in adversity, and strength." Shouto began to explain his tattoo as Katsuki continued to admire it. "It reminds me to keep going.."

"And the cherry blossoms?" Katsuki asked curiously, gently running his fingers along the ink. He knew they most likely held a specific meaning as well.

"Ah.. The Sakura blossoms are a symbolic flower of Spring Time; a time of renewal, and a reminder of the fleeting nature of life. But.. they always come back each spring, and always get more beautiful. The strong trees survive the harsh weather of winter, yet always come back."

"I personally equate the meaning of my overall tattoo to remind me that no matter how shitty my life may be or may get, I'll always come back from it.. I can be strong, and I can persevere, and hopefully even when I get real low, I'll come back better than before- just like the sakura."

Katsuki stayed silent for a moment, before lowering Shouto's shirt and speaking.

"That's beautiful.. The tattoo, and especially the meaning. Thank you for sharing it with me."

"Mm.. Thank you for listening." 


Katsuki's tattoo (yes I know it's on a female, shaddup-)

Shouto's tattoo: 

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