Ch. 5 - Sharing is Caring

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'Do you want to kiss me?'


"...." The blonde's brow furrowed slightly in confusion, searching the other's features. "Why would you ask that?"

Shouto blushed lightly, averting his gaze, though not moving his head away. ".. You just made no move to get away when I got close. And.. And-"

"Of course I want to kiss you." Katsuki interrupted, catching the other boy off guard. He was still frowning a bit, searching the other's features. "But you don't want to kiss me."

"What makes you say that?"

"Because.. you haven't yet." Katsuki said simply. "Besides. You need to work out your sexuality stuff first.. And as much as I like you," He sighed, shaking his head a bit. "I won't be your experimenting guy." He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to the other boy's forehead before pulling back.

Shouto blushed slightly brighter, lifting his head and looking back out the window.

Katsuki watched the boy, studying his profile. He truly was a sight to behold.



"Shouto, look at me please."

All he received was a soft 'no'.

Katsuki reached over to grab his iced tea from his previous side of the table. "Alright. Don't look at me. But I explained why I wasn't going to kiss you.. You truly are a beautiful man, and you are.. Gonna make your future partner a very lucky and happy person." He leaned back in his seat and took a drink from his tea.

The other boy still didn't look at him. So he continued after a moment.

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." He apologized sincerely. "I just-"

"I understand." Shouto interrupted softly, though still didn't look at the blonde. "And I'll.. I'll admit that I'm kind of.. Embarrassed, now."

Katsuki sighed, standing to leave so the boy could be alone. However, he got pulled back down by a strong grip on his wrist.

"Don't go."

He hesitated briefly, before he settled back down, sitting a little further from the other boy. He assumed he needed space. However, he was proved wrong when the other lowered his leg from the bench and scooted closer to the blonde once more. "What-" He stopped when the other laid his head on his shoulder, murmuring a soft apology for 'making it weird, before'.

Which was a bit amusing to Katsuki, seeing as Shouto's actions just now could also be interpreted as weird behavior. Though, he himself wasn't weirded out.

With a soft hum of acknowledgement, the blonde placed his free hand on the other's thigh, squeezing gently and rubbing circles with his thumb. He continued when the half-head sighed softly in content, sliding one of his arms behind the other's, and doing the exact same thing to the blonde as the blonde was doing to him. It was odd, but somehow this seemed.. Normal. He took a sip of his beverage.

However, Shouto's smoothie was looking rather lonely.

"Can I have some of your smoothie?"

"Mm." Shouto grabbed it from the table, then looked up through his bangs and brought it up to the other's lips.

"Thanks." The blonde took a sip of the beverage, then brought his tea to the other's lips. "Want some?.. It's peach."

"Please." The red-and-white haired boy nodded. The blonde granted his request and let the other take a drink. "Mm. S'good. Thank you."

Katsuki made a vague sound that roughly conveyed 'you're welcome', in Katsuki speak. They sat there most of the rest of the day, occasionally taking drinks of each other's beverages and occasionally making small talk.

It was nice, and oddly domestic. However, neither of them could quite get the kissing thing out of their heads, though it wasn't brought up again.

At about 2pm, Shouto had fallen asleep on Katsuki's shoulder. The latter didn't bother him, though did take some pictures before starting to play games on his phone.

The half-and-half boy woke up about an hour later, and apologized profusely. The blonde just shushed him by stuffing the rest of the muffin that was on the table into his mouth.


"Sorry, I can't.. I can't understand you." Katsuki feigned confusion. "What?"

Shouto gave the blonde the most perfect deadpan look that anyone could ever muster up.


"Bless you."

And there's the glare. The cute, chubby-cheeked glare.

"Swallow, Shouto."

Though the glare continued, Shouto did in fact chew, and then swallow.

Katsuki grinned.

Shouto looked very unimpressed.



"You love it."

"That's not the point.."

"Whatever you say~" Katsuki hummed, leaning back in his seat and staring up at the ceiling.

".. I deserve an apology."

"For what?"

"Your perverse comment."

The blonde rolled his eyes subtly. "I'm not saying sorry for someth-"

"I wasn't thinking that."

"..." He lifted his head and looked back at the boy. "Then what were you thinking?"

"You should come back to my place."

"Now who is being the pervert?"

"Shut up. That's not what I meant." Shouto rolled his eyes.

"Sure it wasn't." The blonde smiled wryly. "Why do you want me over? You still don't know me very well."

"I know you well enough.. Well enough to share drinks with you." He shrugged a shoulder. "Besides, I deserve to be doted upon- by you specifically." He was only half-joking.

"Why me specifically?"

"You're the reason it's hard for me to walk. My leg still hurts."

Oh right. The kick.

Katsuki sighed, rubbing his eye. "... I feel like this is the start of a full-on guilt trip." His speculation was confirmed when the other smiled innocently. The blonde groaned dramatically. "Fiiiiiiiiine. Do you.. Need help walking home or something?"

"Sort of. And, I mean, I have an actual apartment, so-"

"You lucky bastard."

"-I don't have to share my space with someone." He finished with a small chuckle. "It's a loft, too, so we have a nice view.. You could stay for dinner or something, since it's almost 4pm.. I mean, if you want to. And I've got a Wii and Mario Kart, so-"

"Oh," Katsuki grinned wickedly. "I am so coming over now. I am the fucking KING of Mario Kart."

"Oh?" Shouto smirked. "I doubt that. I am the King, and you will address me as 'Your Royal Highness'."

"I will address you as 'Your Royal Pain In The Ass.'"

"I do love your nicknames." Shouto said sarcastically, shoving the other's head away gently.

"Yeah you do." Katsuki smacked the other boy's leg lightly before sliding out of that side of the booth and returning to the other side to start packing up his things. "Lemme get my shit, and then I'll take your bitchass home. Did you walk?"

"Yes, my 'bitchass' walked."

The blonde tch'd, shaking his head. "Dumbass. You complain about your leg hurting, and yet you decided to walk, like, two miles to Starbucks?"

"It's not that far, really-"

"You're kinda dumb sometimes, halfie." He finished with his stuff, then grabbed his bag and drink. "C'mon. My bike's out front." He leaned down to grab something else, but got interrupted.

Shouto couldn't help it. He laughed.

"Your bike? Am I gonna ride on the handlebars?"

Katsuki gave the laughing boy a deadpan look. "Not that kind of bike." He retrieved the item he was previously reaching to get. It was a motorcycle helmet.

Shouto sobered up immediately, blinking once. "Oh." He looked out the windows again at the motorcycle that he'd seen earlier. "So that bike out there is yours?"

"Brilliant deduction." The blonde said sarcastically. "Finish your drink, chuckles. And put this on." He gave the boy the helmet as he finished the drink in his other hand.

"You need a helmet too.."

The blonde swallowed the last of his drink, then threw the cup perfectly into the nearest trash can.

Show off.

"There's another one under the seat." He leaned over to grab the random trash from the table as he continued. "And a leather jacket- which you are going to wear. No buts. It's safer." Shouto didn't bother fighting, just nodding along as he finished his own beverage.

Once everything was cleaned up, Shouto gave Katsuki his address, then they sped off.

Shouto Todoroki would not admit to being scared absolutely shitless of Katsuki Bakugou's driving.

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