StarCats Information

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The StarCats are the futuristic species that have taken over that universe long after the existence of humans.

This species are able to have any pelt color or eye color. They can also have extra/no eyes, ears, limbs, tails, etc. You can seriously let your creativity go with this one. The are closely related to big cats and felines, but through the many centuries of evolution, they have come to what they are now. Besides all the crazy pelt colors they have and all the extra body parts, the most unique thing about StarCats would have to be their Stars that are embedded onto their fur in a certain area on their body.

The star starts off with four points like this:

However, for every sin these StarCats commit, another point will be added onto their star. When looking at someone's star, you will not know what sin they committed, so you can't rule out a good and a bad cat just from their stars. A cat could have an extra four points for sins such as envy, pride, indolence, and relinquishment. Another cat could only have an added two points for sins such as homicide and theft. You can never tell. More of the sins will be listed later on.

The stars will have a certain placement on your cat according to their most dominate neutral trait between the ones listed.
Star on...
Forehead = intelligence
Under the eye = emotional
Muzzle= opinionated
Chest = determination
Paw = quick/fast-paced
Tail = adaption/flexibility
Belly = ambitious
Throat = complexity

The star will not be anywhere else on the cat's body. If it is, your form will be rejected and you will be asked to place the star somewhere else c:
Also, you do not need to list the sins that gave your StarCat's star extra points if you don't want to but I DO need to know what your star looks like. We always enjoy some mystery >;,))

Speaking of the sins, there is quite a few your cat needs to watch out for to be the cleanest and most well-behaved cat.

Here are the sins that would add an extra point to your cat's star:

Since there are twelve sins, your cat can only have up to sixteen points on their star (Good luck drawing that lmao)

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