Little kid AU

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(Btw they're both from Earth in this)

-Eco Creek park-

*A latino 5 year old kid runs to the only available swing*

Boy: Mommy come on, before someone takes the swing!

Angie: You go on honey mommy will sit right here watching you!

M: *runs to the last swing and right when he grabs the chain he sees another hand on top of his grabbing the chain* hey! Let go I touched it fir- *sees a blonde girl his age with pigtails, two missing teeth on her gum, one missing on her jaw and two pink hearts on her cheeks and just stares at her*

Girl: Oh sowwy, I'll go.

M: *comes back to his senses and blushes* o-o-h n-no no no, it's o-o-k you can use it.

Girl: *gasps* weally?!

M: *nods*

Girl: Yaaaaay! *Gets on the swing and sits there for a few seconds* can you push me pwease?

M: O-ok *pushes her and then she starts swinging all by herself*

Girl: Thwanks! Oh hey btw what's your nwame?

M: M-Marco Díaz... What's yours?

S: I'm Star Butterfly!

M: Nice to meet you... OKGTGNOWBYE!!!! *Runs blushing to his mom*

S: *looks over her shoulder and waves to him* BYEEEEEE! BYE! BYE NEW FWEND! GOODBYE! BYE! BYE NEW FWEND!!!

M: Mommy, mommy, mommy!!

A: *is talking to another woman but hears her son calling for her* what's the matter sweetie?

M: *points to Star swinging* mommy, is that an angel?

*Angie and the woman look at the girl at start laughing*

M: Why are you laughing?

A: *picks him up and hugs him* oh my little boy's in love!

M: W-W-WHAT?!??!?! NO, EW!! G-g-girls have cooties!

A: Honey we both know that cooties aren't real.

M: *blushes and looks at Star again* she's really pretty.

Woman: Why thank you.

M: *looks at the woman*

MB: I'm Moon Butterfly, Star's mother.

M: Hi.

MB: You know your mother has been telling me a lot about you and you seem like the nicest boy I've heard of, so I give you my permition to date my daughter.

M: WHAT?!?!?!!!!! I-I-I DON'T LIKE HER!!!

MB: Sure *smug grin* so Angie what kindergarten does Marco go to?

A: Eco Creek's Municipal Kindergarten obviously, sorry for the smartbutt remark.

MB: *chuckles* that's alright, I should've used my imagination, so great! I'll send her there tommorrow, it's been so hard to find good schools for her since we moved from UK.

M: Mommy is this punishment for taking a sip from one of daddy's fuzzy drinks? Cuz I won't do it again it was gross! Blegh!

A: 0//-//0

MB: 030

A: I told Rafael to lock his minifridge up but he said that Marco wouldn't do such a thing and I mean yeah but he's 5! He's obviously gonna be curious about the stuff that for him are weird!

MB: Oh believe me sister I get you, ok so it's settled! Tommorrow Star is going to this adorable little gentleman's school *she said while pinching Marco's cheek*

M: *rubs his cheek and blushes like crazy*

-The next day-

Teacher: Kids, we have a new friend with us today, so say hello to Star Butterlfy. *presents Star*

S: HIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! *waves her super fast*

Everyone: Hi Star!

T: So if anyone has any questions for Star just raise your hand.

*a girl with a beanie raises her hand*

T: Yes, Janna.

J: Uuuuum, where are you from? I never saw you around town before, are you new here?

S: Yeah, me, my mommy and daddy came hewre from United Kingdwom or UK, England.

T: Anyone else?

*a girl with a peace symbol necklace raises her hand*

T: Jackie.

JLT: Are you rich? Cuz I heard people from England are rich.

S: Not ewyone but me and my fwamily yeah!

Everyone: Oooooooooh.

T: Ok children last question.

*an asian girl raises her hand*

T: Brittany.

B: What's with those hearts on your cheeks?

S: Oh! They're bwirth marks! My mommy told me every girl on our fwamily twee had two of twese on their cheeks, difwewent ewy time, she has them too.

B: Wow... Sounds like family of weirdos *laughs*

*Everyone except Marco, Jackie and Janna laugh*

S: *looks down sad and covers her cheeks*

T: Britanny Wong! Go sit in the corner, that is no way to treat a new student or anyone for that matter!!

B: Ugh, whatever.

T: Ok Star go sit.

S: Okay *looks for a table*

M: Hey!

S: *looks to the direction of the voice*

M: Come sit with us! *He said while waving his hand*

S: *gasps and runs to sit with him at his table with the two other girls that asked her questions* Marco! This is your school too!?

JLT: Marco, you know her?

M: Y-yeah I met her at the park yesterday.

S: He let me swing on the swing!

J: Oooooooooooooh.

M: Shut up Janna


M: *plays hopscotch*

S&J: *play "Pat-a-cake"* "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man! So I will, master, as fast as I can!: *Go faster* Pat it, and prick it, and mark it with a T *go even faster* put it in the oven for Tommy and me!

Lars: *gets closer to her* well, well, well, if it isn't the little freak.

S: Hey-!

M: Leave her alone Lars!

L: Why are you protecting this freak?

M: She's not a freak just because she's different! I'm different but no one say anything cuz that would be bad, but isn't this also?

S: *blushes with wide eyes*

M: You don't know her so why judge her?

L: If you don't move I'll beat YOU up!

M: Only if you leave her alone!

L: 0-0 he, you have guts *gives him a wedgie and punches him in the belly*

S: *gasps and runs to him* are you ok?

M: Yeah, are you ok?

S: *nods*

-At pick up time-

M: *goes to his parents*

S: Wait! *Runs to him*

M: *blushes*

S: Thawnk you for sawing me, that was vewy bwave...

M: Oh no problem.

S: ... Can I ask you something?

M: W-w-what?

S: Do you... do you... DO YOU WANNA BE MY BOYFWEND?!?!!

M: 0-0

S: *looks down blushing*

M: O-o-ok

S: 0-0 *looks up* weally?!

M: Y-y-y-y-yeah you are v-v-v-very p-p-pretty and nice.

S: Yaaaaaay! *Hugs him and then kisses him, on the lips*

M: 0//////////-//////////0

S: Bye! boyfwend! *Runs to his parents car blushing and smiling*

M: *does the same but walking*

S: *gets in the car and puts on her seatbelt happily* Uuuuuuuh mommy?

QM: Yes darling?

S: Why is daddy twied up?

R: *struggles in his seat tied up with his seatbelt*

QM: So he won't go kill your new boyfriend.

S: Oh ok.

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