A/N by the Author and Co-author

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Hey guys it's @jackyboy850 here. I'm wondering how I can improve my co-authoring skills. So could you please comment below how I could improve?

Thank you!

A/N by the author~~~

Waddup! Your feedback for the story and for my co-author would be very much appreciated. Please know that each and every opinion you have matters. I reaaalllyyy hope you enjoyed the last chapters.

This book have reached a lot! And all of that is because of you, my loyal readers. Thank you very much for everything!

Seeing your comments and votes really makes me happy. Thank you for being there to support! Tbh, I feel anxious seeing your comments but when I see poaitive notes, it boosts up my self-confidence! So thank you.

Now don't forget to give @jackyboy850 some advices on how to improve as co-author. He helped a lot tbh for this story.

Anyways this a/n is becoming too long!
This is author ro,
Signing out!

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