Chapter 27: Day 3

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{ S t a r ' s   P O V }

I'm sick and tired of all the people who kept on shipping me with anyone. Like... just why?

It's the third day. 25 more days.

I love him... I think. I mean why else would I kiss him if I don't?

I'm just not sure. I don't want to get hurt. After this month, we're back to being best friends. Just best friends.

Then after that what now? It's going to be awkward and painful each day.

Now for Daniel. Why is he doing this? Can't he just leave Marco alone? Or even me alone? He's just a transferee. Doesn't he know it's not right to start fights randomly?

I look out the window. Picture a green scenery. The flowers dancing with the wind. The trees just standing there. The butterflies floating over the flowers.

It's peaceful outside. I can't say the same inside though.

It was loud. Silence wasn't in the picture. Screams can be heard all around. I wish it stopped.

"SETTLE DOWN SETTLE DOWN! EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Miss Skullneik screamed. And immediately, everyone was silent.

I looked rather bored. I was guessing everyone was too... except Marco.

"Okay, as you all know, Feb. 14 would be Valentine's day. And that would be next week Sunday. So you better show up because by then, on Monday there would be no classes. So your attendance would be on 14 got it?" She announced.

Everyone nodded

"Good. Now for our math class..."

I dozed off.

* S T A R ' S   D R E A M *

"Where am I?" I said as I looked around.

It was all white. Nothing's there.

I walked around. And suddenly, I was in a garden. With beautiful roses.

I picked one. They attracted my eyesbut the thorns hurt me.

"Just like love aren't they?" I turn to see Marco. "What?" I asked him.

"It's beautiful but it hurts at the same time" he said as he walked towards me. "Star, I love you" he said.

"I love you too" I replied. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back. My eyes closed. All I knew was me and him together.

Then it started feeling wrong. I opened my eyes.

I pulled away and gasped.


* E N D *

"DANIEL!" I bolted up. Sweating bullets.

"Miss Butterfly, sit down!" They all laughed except for Marco.

"Star are you okay?" He whispered to me.

I realized what's happening.

"I-I'm sorry! I guess, I fell asleep" I sat back down.

"Omg she dreamt about Daniel? #Staniel!" Some girls whispered. Marco looked jealous.

{ M a r c o ' s   P O V }

She dreamt about Daniel?! Why?! She doesn't like him! She likes me! What did they do in her dream?! She didn't kiss right?! Or did he kiss her?! I swear-

. . .

Is Star okay?
She doesn't seem like herself today. I wonder what's going on.

The lunch bell rang. Star had to be somewhere else. So I was basically alone.

I ate my lunch in the classroom. I don't want to be seen alone in the cafeteria, it's like a battlefield there!

I sat my lunch alone. Star came back. She sat beside me.

We were alone in the classroom.

"Were you dreaming of Daniel?"

"No.. kinda? I was dreaming of you then it suddenly becme Daniel" she explained.

"That... makes no sense at all" I told her while eating my food.

She sighed. "I know" she said.

I finished my food. Everyone was still at the cafeteria.

I looked at Star. She looked at me.

We stared at each other's eyes for a while.

It was silent. For once, it was silent.

She was looking at my eyes then at my lips. Then back to my eyes.. then back to my lips again. I finally got the message.

I leaned in and I was about to kiss her. She leaned in too...

I got blocked by a few fingers. "Not now safe kid" she smirked. I groaned. This teasing little-

"Later when we get home" she winked at me. I flustered red. "You promise?" I held out my pinkie.

"I pinkie promise" she swore.

A T   H O M E

{ M a r c o ' s   P O V }

My parents were at their room, doing whatever they do.

Meanwhile, Star went to her room. I followed her. "Hey" I said. Wrapping my arms around her. "Hey" she said.

"What about your promise?" I asked her. "Which promise?" She faced me.

I kissed her forehead then her nose, then both of her cheeks. "You know what I'm talking about Star" I said. Looking at her in the eye.

"Could you remind me Marco?" She smiled innocently.

"Gladly" I said before kissing her. She kissed back and smiled in the kiss.

I pulled her closer. She held me tighter. And we stayed like that for a while.

We pulled away for air.
I planted small kisses on her lips.

"I love you.. so much" I said between kisses.

"I love you too" she giggled.

"Do you really?" I asked.

"I do" she said.


This chap is a bit boring I'm sorry. And it's short. Hope you liked it!

Don't stop supporting!

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