Chapter 32: Day 21 pt.1

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{ S t a r ' s   P O V }

I woke up at 7:30 am... for no reason at all. Everyone was still asleep, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz, and Marco..

I went outside to go for a walk. It was fresh outside, the cold breeze clashing against my fair skin. The sun just rising. The birds singing.

Today was perfect.

I went to the park, and sat by on a bench. I bought some seeds and I feed the birds.

I was focusing on the birds. I didn't realize someone was already beside me.

"Hey princess, didn't expect to see you here" The familiar voice said.

I turned to see Daniel.

"Oh hey Daniel, why are you here" I smiled at him. He changed his hair a bit, it was more messy. His golden brown hair covering his bluish... brownish?... greenish colored eyes.

"I just woke up, so I decided to go for a quick walk" he smiled. He scooted a little bit closer to me. I didn't really mind.

"Hey.. are you and Marco Diaz dating?" He asked out of the blue.

What should I tell him?

"Uhm... yes?... no?.. uh.. well what can I say? It's complicated" I nervously laughed.

"Oh" He laughed. "Are you and Jackie dating?" I asked.


"No, I don't know why people think I like her. I like someone else" He said as he looked at me.

"hey... do you wanna hang out?" He asked me.

Hanging out? I don't say no to this but my mind is trying to say no. Then his hand was on mine. I cannot say no.

(Okay too much hamilton? thought so)

"Yeah sure. Just hanging out right? Not like a date" I said.

"Of course.. you're Marco's girl. I ain't stealing someone else's special someone. I'm not a monster, Star" he explained.

"Oh good" I smiled a bit.

"Great! So how about now, let's go get ice cream. My treat" He smiled at me. He held out his hand as he stood up. I took his hand.

"Sure... buddy" I awkwardly said.

"Let's go!" He said. We went to a nearby ice cream shoppe. He bought himself some chocolate ice cream, and he bought me pistachio ice cream.

"This is the best! I like this a lot better than peanut buttet ice cream" I said. Once, me and Marco were hanging out, we saw this guy selling ice cream, and I asked Marco to buy me some. And when I ate my Peanut Butter ice cream, it didn't exactly taste like peanut butter.


After we hung out, he escorted me back home, it was 10:00. I'm guessing they were already awake.

"Thanks for the ice cream!" I waved him goodbye. I entered my home, and went straight to my room. I saw someone sitting on my chair.


"" His hazelnut brown eyes were glaring at me. His dark brown hair was still messy. He was still in his jam-jams.

"Umm... an ice cream shoppe?" I said. Trying to avoid eye contact.

"You were with Daniel weren't you?" He asked me. I could tell that he was really pissed.

"Where did that question come from?" I avoided him. He grabbed my arm.

"Why were you with him? Did you go on a date with him?!" He asked me. His grip tightening. "Marco you're hurting me!" I winced in pain.

"Tell me why you were with him!" He was angry. His eyes were filled with hate. Pure hate.

"What? You love him? And you don't love me don't you?!" He was close to crying. I budged my arm. I was free.

I hugged him right away.

"He just wanted to hang out... I don't love him. What happened to you?" I pulled away. He seemed to calm down.

"I had a dream... that you left me for Daniel. And then... I was left alone.."

{ M a r c o ' s   P O V }

¤¤Marco's dream¤¤

Me and Star were fighting.

"Let me be! You don't have the right to mess with my life! I'm able to love who I want! And I don't love you like I did yesterday... I love Daniel... not you" Star said..

'I don't love you like I did yesterday...'

My heart was broken into pieces.

"But Star...I love you.."

"The only question is.. do I love you back?" Star said as she left. I saw her run into Daniel's arms.

Daniel was holding her close, she's between his arms... the same way she used to be when I was her man.

Tears started flowing down my face. I was crying a river.

"Congratulations you two... I hope you're satisfied" I said to myself.

Star looked up. Daniel leaned in.

And they shared a kiss.

A kiss that me and Star used to share. It wasn't lustful but full of love.

Then everything faded..

¤¤End of dream¤¤

Star was in the verge of tears.

"Marco... I'll never do that" She said. Her voice cracking.

"You would... after this month, it's over.. isn't it?" I looked at her.

My eyes were red and puffy. I cried in my sleep. And I cried even more when I woke up.

"No! I-I'd like to extend this dare! This month has been... a fun experience. Can we go on? For another month? It's february.. meaning we only have 28 days, we have to extend for 2 more days to complete this month... can we have another month?"

She looked at me with plead. I'd love to. I really would.

"Star... you do understand that if we go on like this, it's going to damage us really bad. Just imagine what would happen afterwards" I told her.

"I don't care! Just one more month! Please..." she said.

One more month.



I guess you could say that we made up afterwards, it's all good now.

It was just a dream... it won't happen.

We were getting ready to go to the mall. We were grocery shopping.

Until this happened...


I just finished reviewing for a test.

Why can't school be over yet for me?!?!

Why do I have to get through hell week?!


Expect a part 2 folks!

Author Ro,
Signing out

Okie bye.

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