Chapter 5: Awkward

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Hey guys! So now that Marco knows what he feels, how about.. Star? (Star: what about me?) Me: Oh nothing! Anyways what would Jackie do? Could Marco like Jackie? What's with Daniel? Well my friend/s you need to find out! ♡///♡

Marco's POV

"Wouldn't it be awkward for me to like her because we're best friends?" I thought
*knock knock*

"Umm.. M-Marco a-are you okay?" Star stuttered. Well this seems to be a little awkward

"Yeah I-uh I'm totally fine" I responded to Star without making eye contact

"What was it you want to tell me awhileago?" Star asked me which obviously she remembered that I wanted to talk to her awhileago

"I don't like Daniel, there's just something off about him! I mean he doesn't seem like a nice guy! And I think you shouldn't eat lunch with him" I said to her.. well more like a yell

Star on the other hand looked confused.

"Why not?" Star asked me with her arms crossed.

"Just leave me alone please" I told her. But my chest seemed to get tighter like something is squeezing the life out of me!

"But Marc-" I cut her off quickly

"Just go" I said while pointing at the door while my head is down. she started to walj away, it was a heartbreaking moment for me that I made her leave but I don't how she feels right now.

Star's POV

Marco was sure acting wierd today, I better check what's wrong with him. *knock knock*

"Umm.. M-Marco a-are you ok?" I stuttered

"Yeah I-um I'm totally fine" He responded without eye contact. Then I remembered, Marco was going to tell me something!

"What was it you want to tell me awhileago?" I asked him in curiosity

Then Marco rubbed his arm, still looking away

"I don't like Daniel, there's just something off about him! I mean he doesn't seem like a nice guy! And I think you shouldn't eat with him" Marco said, slightly blushing

While I'm confused

"Why not?" I asked with my arms crossed

"Just leave me alone please" Marco said that made my heart ache a little, but for no reason!

"But Marc-" I was cut off quickly by a Marco pointing at the door head down

"Just go" Marco said again, Man! Hearing him say that makes me want to jump off a cliff by hearing him!

I slowly walked away. I went to my room then I flopped myself to my bed. I pulled out the scrapbook Mrs. Diaz kept, well I was the one who took some of the pictures and the others Mr. & Mrs. Diaz took them
I could remember the memories well

~~~~Flashback (yes Star gets it too)~~~~~

"Star I need to protect you, what if he does horrible things to you" Marco said to me

"Marco, I'm sorry your favorite exchange student had to go" I said to him

"You kidding, you're my favorite" Marco said to me in reply

"Star, you came back!" Marco said while hugging me, I hugged back which made me warm and cozy

"Actually Marco here was the one who did all that" i said while pulling Marco closer to Jackie in the crowd that made him happy and me? I felt happy and somewhat jealous?

~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback ended~~~~~~~~~~~

H-he really care for me like how much I care for him yet I don't know the feeling I have for Marco. Like I feel really safe when I'm with Marco, when I get heartbroken, he cheers me up! And it's always fun around him, my day's complete with him he's like my other half well at a matter of fact our souls are binded for eternity. O///O. No no no no no no no! I cannot be in love with Marco! I mean I can but it doesn't mean I would and I want to it's just that it will be absolutely awkward!

I don't like Oskar anymore, I kinda realized it a few moments ago...

What could I be feeling?

Hey guys! Enjoyed this chapter?
Welp what could Star feel? How would things turn out the next day? Now let's go to another chapter *snips a portal and jumps in*

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