Chapter 9: Asking her

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"Star, how do you see Daniel?" I asked her 

"What do you mean?" Star asked me while still sounding very sleepy

"Do you like him or anything?" I asked Star

"Of course not! at least I think so.." Star said that made me relieved until..

"But I think I like this one guy.. he's just so.. so.." Star said

"Perfect?" I finished her sentence, I felt nervous.. I want to know who he is it can't be possibly Oskar.. can it?

"But-" Star said that caught my attention "-I don't think he likes me back" Star finished

"Does he like someone?" I asked

"Well, he didn't say so" Star answered me. "Why wouldn't a guy like you? You have a wonderful personality, cheerful attitude, and amazing humor" I enumerated all the things I love about her

"Shut up Marco" Star giggled. Then in a few minutes Star is already asleep, she's so adorable when she's sleeping.. I can't help it I need to tell her how I feel.. but what's the point she's a princess and I'm just a safe kid.

Star woke up "Marco, I can't sleep"

"I can't sleep either" I replied. "I'm just gonna go take a bath" Star sits up

"I'm gonna make us breakfast" I get out of bed and head to the kitchen while Star headed to the bathroom.


(after taking a bath)

I smell bacon.. Marco must be cooking

I went down to see Marco.. singing and dancing?!

"Heyeayeayeayea, heyeayea,  I said HEY! what's goin' on!" Marco sang

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I laughed at Marco who stopped singing

"H-how long have you been standing there?!" Marco flushed red. "I just got here, a few minutes ago" I said

"Really? I mean.. okay" Marco tried to act cool. I sat on a chair and Marco gave me bacon and he sat across me. And we ate bacon. "So.. do you like someone?" I asked Marco, I just have to know if he likes someone.

"I don't like someone; I'm in love with someone" Marco said.. WOAH WOAH WOAH.. MARCO'S IN LOVE?! I'm so happy for him! Although why do I feel jealous.. maybe it's because I might not be able to hangout with him anymore or.. maybe it's something else..?

"Do I know her?" I asked, hoping that I don't. "You'll know her soon" I'm nervous.. What if it's Janna.. or Pony head? or MISS SKULLNICK?!

"Um.. Star? are you okay? you look surprised.. anything wrong?" He asked. "What? Of course I'm fine!" I'm starting to sweat. I can't be jealous, that would be absurd! "Star, are you jealous?" Marco looked at me straight in the eye "N-no! of course not! baka.." I pouted. "Someone's been watching anime again" Marco commented. "What? It's great! and I've been watching tons of it" I spoke back "tsundere.." Marco mumbled "I heard that" I said.. blushing.

"Anyways, what do you want to do today?" Marco asked "That depends, what do you want to do today?" I turned the question to him. "D-do you want to go somewhere" Marco is being suspicious, lately he kept stuttering when I talk to him "Um.. yeah sure-" I replied "GREAT! I mean.. cool cool" Marco said, he's becoming more suspicious.

*Le time skip* 


After I got dressed, I waited for Star downstairs.. why am I so nervous? this isn't a date.. right?

"I'm ready!" Star shouted from upstairs. When she came down.. I felt my heart beat faster. She looks beautiful, why didn't Oskar see that? oh I know, because his eyes are always covered by his hair.

"Um.. earth to Marco?" Star said while waving her hand in front of my face. "Huh? oh right, are you ready to go?" I asked her "I already said I am" Star smiled. "O-oh right" I'm an idiot.

*Time skip.. again*

"We're here!" I said "WE'RE EATING IN A MEXICAN RESTAURANT?! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU MARCO! I've always wanted to eat here!" Star said as she.. kissed my cheek, score!

"Y-you're welcome Star" I said blushing and we enter the restaurant.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to update this chap! I was busy, but I already wrote the other chapters I just have to update them. Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading! see you on the next chap!!! Mkay, Byeeee

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