Lonely Star

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I'm sore, exhausted, cold, soaking wet and starting to chafe when we arrive at the inn. The only good thing about the forced dip in the river is the fact that our scents will be harder to track.

I glance over at Ace, he appears to be completely unbothered by the situation. In the oil light and under closer inspection, his face isn't so much as smug but regal. He carries himself with a confidence that doesn't fit the way he is dressed—an old, worn and patched coat and plain linens beneath it.

Something in my gut tells me it's a facade—much like the one I wear. A line of defense and deception; not uncommon amongst fae. His eyes meet mine and I quickly look away.

"Are you still upset about the river?" he asks, leaning over to whisper.

My face blossoms with heat as his breath tickles the side of my neck. I tilt my head away, uncomfortable and more aware of his body next to mine.

"No, I'm waterlogged because of the river."

A soft, deep rumble radiates from Ace's chest at my snappy response. The clerk at the front desk clocks us as we ascend the stairs up to the rooms, but doesn't say anything. 

I take the steps two at a time, trying to put a little distance between the two of us. It was never my aim to bring him back to my room. But after everything, it seems the only way I can guarantee that he survives long enough to get what I need from him.

Even with my attempt to create distance, Ace hovers beside me, whistling a soft and pleasant tune. I toss a sidelong glance at him and I find him watching me from the corner of his eye.

"You're really not worried about those men coming back to finish what they started?"

"Should I be? I'm with you after all."

I scoff and pick up my pace as we head down the corridor of doors. It doesn't take me long to find mine. I open the door and urge Ace to enter first, having someone I don't trust enter behind me seems a bad idea.

He shrugs and goes through first. "So, what do you want from me?"

"You have something of mine," I say as I follow Ace into my room.

He eyes the comfortable space with brief curiosity, before tossing a glance at me over his shoulder. 


My dagger, the only weapon and gift from Liam, appears from his pocket. I snatch it away with a small growl. A part of me mourns the loss of its sister, but I tell myself I'm going to look for it in the morning light. I will find it—the sword, while a loss, is something I can part with.

Ace regards me with raised brows, one corner of his mouth turning up. I clear my throat and sheath the dagger at my hip.

"That's not what I'm talking about."

"Oh? I don't think we've met before this."

"Obviously we haven't."

"Right. I would definitely remember if we had."

He smiles at me and some unknown and unwanted emotion flutters deep in my stomach. I turn my face away with a soft hiss. Looking at him directly seems to affect the reason and simple functions of my mind.

A mate has strange magic. It's impossible to guard against it. I'll have to be extra careful.

Ace wanders deeper into the room, approaching the large window and peeking out the slightly transparent curtain. "So, what is it you want from me?"

"My brother left a letter with you."

I note the slight tensing of his shoulders at my answer. He twists and looks at me. Those dark eyes seem brighter now, less like a lonely night sky—more like they are streaked with the after image of falling stars; glowing with some inner light.

"Ah, so you're the sister. How's your brother?" 


Silence envelopes us at my response. I could have said that more delicately but I'm tired and my emotions are raw. Ace doesn't attempt any feeble apologies—only his gaze softens for a brief moment and an unfamiliar warmth fills my chest.

A prickling begins behind my eyes but before anything can come of it, I drop my face. The grief I hold suddenly feels like a thousand pound weight on my already wary body.

"Now that I look at you closer—"

I suck in a breath at the sudden closeness of his voice. Hadn't he been on the other side of the room?

Slowly, I lift my face to meet his gaze once more. He is standing ten feet from me. My heart quickens with the knowledge he is able to close such a distance without a sound.

"You do bear a resemblance. I think it's in your eyes."

"My eyes?"

His lips twitch ever so slightly. "Yes, you have the eyes of a warrior."

An unpleasant snort escapes me.

"What? You don't believe me?"

"It's not that. It's just that you said something so corny with such confidence." 

The tension leaves the room and somehow we are both smiling at one another. It's my first smile since Liam—and at the thought of him, it falls from my face. It seems wrong to enjoy myself. Too soon. And just as fleeting as my smile the moment slips away from us.

"I don't have the letter with me. It's at my place."

"Of course it is," I reply, heaving a breath from my lungs. 

"Is it urgent?"

I fix my gaze on Ace, trying to decide what to do. The smartest thing would be to clean, rest, and go after the letter later. But that means I'm going to be stuck with this man until then. That feels dangerous, not only because he's my mate.

I can't put my finger on it, but my instincts are telling me that the real Ace—the one beneath the facade, is a danger beyond my understanding. The strange moment of our eyes meeting in the tavern keeps playing in my mind as a warning.

It's all a gamble.

Better to be on the devil, I know.

I sigh, "You'll take me to get it after we've washed and rested."

It's not a question or a choice. I hold his gaze to make sure he understands clearly his situation.

He nods, the corners of my mouth turning up. There is a victorious gleam in his eyes that unsettles me.

I turn away from him and cross the room to the chair near the window. The bag my brother packed for me is hidden behind it. I squat down and begin to rummage for a clean set of clothes, sniffing at a couple of shirts and a pair of pants before finding something acceptable.

"I'm going to wash first. Don't wander too far, the less people that see you the better."

"I'll be on my best behavior."

He holds up his hand as if making a pledge.

"I'm serious, Ace."

"And so am I. I promise to wait here for my lady protector."

My eyes narrow. He really doesn't know how to take anything seriously.

"Whatever. Just stay out of trouble. I won't save you a second time," I say as I brush past him and out of the room, slamming the door shut behind me.


I return to the room about thirty minutes later, fresh towel for Ace in hand. 

"Sorry, it took longer than—"

My voice falls off as I realize I've stepped into an empty room. The sound of the silence presses in around me, looming like a shadow over my heart. There is an awful twinge in my chest and the prickling behind my eyes has returned full force.

This isn't new, Elizabet, I remind myself.

Being alone never hurt before but this loneliness is new and suffocating. Maybe it's the absence of Liam. I know at some point I've got to acknowledge that I'm going to be alone from now on. There is no longer a place for me to return to. No one in this world cares for my existence anymore.

I suck in a sharp, shuddering breath. And toss the towel haphazardly at the chair.

"Did something happen?" The familiar voice shocks me out of the gloom.

I spin around in surprise, forgetting the fact I was on the verge of crying. The sight of Ace in the doorway makes my heart leap with joy. He came back. I'm not alone, yet.

His eyes grow wide as he takes me in. "Why do you look like that?"

Embarrassment has me turning away fast. I wipe at my face, quickly. "Where did you go?"

"Ah, I went to get fresh clothes."


I can't meet his eyes. It's too embarrassing and I'm too afraid of what expression I might see there if I look.

"That clerk should consider a new line a work, the way he scammed me out of my coin," he mutters, a hint of irritation in his voice.

"I don't think anyone would like to hear that coming from you."

Ace chuckles at my quick response. The sound of it dances over me and draws warmth into my cheeks.

"I guess I didn't give you a good impression of me."

I peek over my shoulder at him, taking only a quick look before I walk to the edge of the bed.

"Does that even matter? The only thing I want from you is my letter."

Silence falls between us again. I don't need to turn to know his eyes are fixed on me. I can feel his gaze like the stroke of fingers on the back of my neck. Neither of us has approached the fact we're mates and I don't intend to. He seems to be of the same mind.

I clear my throat, throwing myself onto the firm mattress.

"I'm taking the bed."

"Of course."

"Alone," I add, in case that wasn't clear.

Ace laughs at that.

"Enjoy your rest. I'll be back after my bath. So, there's no need to cry yourself to sleep."

The last bit has me twisting back to look at him, hand flying to the handle of my dagger. There is a teasing grin on his lips as he backs out of the room, closing the door. 

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