Dream Weaver

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The dreamcatcher floated in air

Taunting me.


They had captured the love of my life?

Dream Weaver, Blue Heron?


And I am the last survivor of Nightwatch

The only one who truly sees what's happening.


The Wolfshields have allied themselves with evil

They have taken everything I treasure


And for a while, I searched and searched

But now they had sent an invitation.


Oh, I knew it was a trap

But I had no choice.


Could I leave my heart to die

Poisoned with Darkmetal?


Or even worse, If she was Slivered

Unable to use magic evermore


Anger filled me

I knew it was not right


Enre was uncontrollable

When you could not control yourself


I must stay calm

For her sake


Its what they want

For me to lose control


To burn myself out

To have the fire consume me


So I opened the portal

And stepped inside


It was a crowded place

Full of people


They were all staring

At the huge Dreamcatcher


It was floating above the city

To them a mystery


But to me, I knew

It was a promise


Through my connection 

I had seen Astrid's fate


She would be Slivered tonight

And she would probably die


Through the street I got some strange looks

In my dark green cloak


They could not see the truth behind it

I was their last protector.


My scarab necklace pulsed with my heart

The Lightmetal increasing my magic tenfold


I found the trapdoor

Invisible to most


Only through my Enre

Could I detect the faint whispers


I opened it with a single symbol

Eylee, the openers glyph


And then I stepped down into the dungeon

Ready for what would come


It was dark inside, but with a quick burst of magic

A light suddenly glowed above my head


I knew this was a trap for me

But James had always underestimated my power


I quickly sensed his traps

And disarmed them with the An'enre line


I touched my necklace

For reasurance


Willow... Oh Willow

She has been the first one dead


The eldest protector

Talented in raw magic


And as I sat by her side

In the pouring rain


She put the necklace in my hand

Moments before she died


And now I traversed the corridor

I used her gift to help me onward


But as I turned a corner

They found me


And suddenly

 Fire assaulted me


I reached out my hand

And pushed it back


I drew my magic into being

Shaping it into swords


If only Cora was here.

She was the true sword master


But she was far away

In the deep desert


Protecting her land

From harm and foul.


But I was not defenseless

So I quickly rose to the attack


Leaving the guards,

Slumped, unconscious.


I listened intently for a moment

And then changed direction


I kept my swords in hand

Ready for the next attack


When it came I quickly fought

And again they were put to sleep


But soon I heard voices from behind 

I recognized one.


James. How could he?

Betraying us to the Wolfshields!


In thunder and rain he had fled

Killing Willow as he did


Now he was here

 I wanted to take my revenge.


Suddenly, wind

And the smell of rain


James stopped in his path

He recognized my magic


But then, he fell.

I had always been the stronger.


Quickly now, I hurried

In passages of metal and stone


Until I found what I was looking for

Behind a plain looking door


When it opened, I saw her

For the first time in ages.


She looked exhausted

What had they done to her?


I wanted to weep with tears

When I saw her face


She was broken

Near death.


I cut her chains 

Lifted her off the ground


I opened another portal,

This time hands shaking


And we returned home

To where it had all began.


And after weeks

She recovered


And as we stood in our home

We knew the truth


We were the last members of Nightwatch.

We had to rally the cry again


The two of us, together

Must keep the shadows at bay.

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