And... i'm done

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Nope nope nope nope

Don't want to write right now.

Don't want to talk to anyone.

Just don't.

Okay... to better iterate the problem,

Here we go.

In this class I have called


We have to create this presidential life size doll box thing.

And we've had the most janky schedule to work on it. Long story short (haha) it's due Friday, No body in my group wants to focus, or help find solutions to the many problems we have. A fourth of our box isn't done, we only have tomorrow and Wednesday to work on it and I have to plan our performance.

It's just frustrating when people won't listen to you!

(I would like to point out, that I am the team leader and not some massive control freak)

But I will rant about them.


I know I shouldn't be doing this... I know that it's just... ugh...

But I need to express my frustrations.

They expect me to make every little decision in the group.

I'm giving them plenty of Autonomy! I want them to make decisions! I want them to take initiative!

But they're toO busy goofing off to dO ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE!!!

They... they just won't listen to me. I'm talking clear and concise, Making what needs to be done clear, and........

They just ignore me.....

And when I raise my voice at them just a little... they act like I'm a monster.

Even when I tell them that they're goofing off...... they just won't listen

I've always had this problem....

When I'm put in charge of groups.... they don't listen to me. Maybe because they don't take me seriously.... maybe because they think they can get away with stuff because I'm quiet and don't speak up much.


If I get put in charge, I do my very best to raise group morale and do what's best.

But..... I guess it's improved a little.... maybe I am being a bit too demanding of them...


It's really....


When you try to get people to listen to you, or to fufill a task or project and they don't listen.....

And.... well.... I've snapped at them before.

And I've felt absolutely awful about it.

Sometimes I'll accidentally snap... some days.... when I just have enough...

I'll try to hold back tears.

Maybe I am just too demanding....


I feel awful.

I'm just..... frustrated! Because I have to write a script and try to find some way for them to listen to me.

I just... I don't know.

I don't think I'll be updating any more tonight... eh

Maybe when I'll get home.

Them I'll start talking/responding to comments etc.


Talk to you Brudunskies later

Bye bye Brudunskies


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