Chapter 2

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I shrugged away the thought about the butterfly clip and the girl who wore it to the back of my mind. It's not like I am ever going to talk to her this year or ever for that matter. I find my locker towards the back of the main building and opened it up. I put my backpack into it except for my binder, pencils, and a couple of notebooks inside my binder.

Once I closed my locker, I went to first period just as the warning bell rang, signaling everyone to get to class. I walked into first period, totally ready to jump in conversation with Victor and Kyle about what we did over summer vacation. I sat next to Victor in the back row of the class while Kyle sat in the front of me next to Becky who was another friend of mine. Jasmine sat on the other side of Kyle and began talking to Kyle. While Victor talked to Becky. Jasmine was also a part of our group. You could say we were best friends cause we were. We had all known each other since we were 3 years old.

Kyle was from India and had immigrated to the US with his parents when his mother was pregnant with him. They legally moved here so they didn't have to worry about getting deported back to India. But they do sometimes visit India to see family members. His black hair was neatly cut and his brown eyes always shined with excitement when learning new things. He had a round face and was a little shorter than I was.

Then Victor was from France. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. he had a hearted shaped face. His hair was messy but a good kind of messy that made a lot of girls want him. He was a bit taller than I was. He moved here with his parents when he was one year old. Plus his parents wanted to be closer to his grandparents. He was more of an athlete than an academic like Kyle.

Then Becky was from China. She came with her grandparents to the US when she was about six months old. Her parents died in a car accident when she was about three months old. She had long black hair and brown eyes. She was about the same height as Kyle. She had a normal looking face. Her hair was tied in a ponytail, which she often does. She was more into painting and other artsy stuff. 

Then lastly there's Jasmine. She's from Ireland. Her parents came to the US when she was one and a half year old. She had red hair and green eyes. She also had an oval shaped face. She was the same height as me. She was into music and dance at school and outside of school.

So, that's who I hang out with every day at school and sometimes after school as well. We were all pretty much normal healthy teens who loved to hang out, party and well try to graduate high school. But of course, none of us drank any alcohol or did drugs or had sex like most teenagers our age do. We were more of those good looking people who were actually good kids. 

The bell rang letting everyone know that class was officially starting. Everyone else who was standing took their seats as the teacher began speaking. The first few classes flew by and before I knew it, it was lunch time. My friends and I were eating in the cafeteria when the girl with the platinum blonde hair from before showed up. I looked at her and Becky notices it. 

"Do you know that girl, Danny?" She asks me. I turn back to look at Becky. 

"No, I don't know her. I just saw her in the hallway this morning and she gave me a hateful glare." I say to her. 

"Are you sure you don't know her that would make her hate you?" Victor chimed in. 

By this point, Victor, Kyle and Jasmine were also interested in the new topic of conversation which was normally about boys/girls, school, parties, etc.

"I am sure I don't know her. I would have remembered meeting over the summer. She's a new student anyway." I say. 

"Yeah sure, whatever. Just as long as you don't get into trouble while being with her. If she is trouble." Kyle says. 

"Yeah sure, whatever you say." I said to him, sighing.

I turn back to look at the blonde haired girl but she was already gone, like she wasn't even there at all.

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