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"Eagledust!" Hailstar's sharp meow repeated throughout the trees. Suddenly, a faint rain shower descended from the gray clouds. "You are a disgrace to ThunderClan! Exile!" The leader shouted at the top of his lungs. 

The warriors circled nearby gasped, taking strides back in horror. 

Rain quickly hammered from the sky. It was almost as if StarClan were reading my emotions. 

I stumbled to my paws helplessly. Tears prickled my eyes. I sniffled. I was being forced to leave my home. "P-Please. You don't understand." I pleaded. Cold rain soaked through my tabby fur. My whiskers drooped down towards the earth. 

"I certainly do understand. You're a traitor. Ever since your brother left you've been determined to act out and destroy my Clan." Hailstar reeled his head back in rage. "Not under my watch. Now leave." He spat firmly. 

I opened my mouth as if I was going to say more. But no words appeared. I was devastated. What had my life turned into? I wanted to die. Right there. I didn't want to live anymore. 

I lost everything.

My brother.

My mother.

My mate.

My Clanmate's trust.

And now, my Clan. 

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