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A/N: So begins my album of Starforce stories! Even if you're not especially familiar with the whole concept, I'd still encourage you to read, hehe. But what author wouldn't?
 Anyway, I hope the few people who read this will enjoy. I'll celebrate the kickoff of this album with back-to-back uploads, too! :D


    One Hala Day, Vers was wakened by the loud annoying beep of her comm. She shot upright in her bed and grabbed it and turned it on. It was Yon-Rogg.

"Vers, there's some—hey, did you just wake up or something?" he asked.

"Yes, why?" she asked with a frown.

"You've got some tangles just there," he replied, motioning to her whole head.

"Ugggh," she replied and grabbed her brush to comb it out while they talked. "So why did you call me so early?"

"There's been some developments with our upcoming mission and I wanted to brief the team about it as soon as possible," he explained.

"Are you saying that you, like, got notified about it at 4 in the morning and then decided that everyone had to know IMMEDIATELY??" she exclaimed.

"Hmm, let me think..." He pretended to think. "Yes. Yes I did. Now get dressed and get over here. And you might want to double check that Att-Lass gets out of bed because...you know how he is," Yon-Rogg finished and the communication ended.

"Oi," said Vers. She jumped out of bed and zipped into her uniform in two seconds, then headed out the door. On her way across the street she almost got hit by a taxi because she started sleepwalking. "HEY I'M SLEEPWALKING HERE!!" she shouted.

When she got to the Helion, which was where her Starforce team always met and commonly hung out, the only people she found there were Yon-Rogg and Korath. They both looked like they had already been awake for half a day.

"Why do you guys look like you've already been awake for half a day?" she asked.

"Because as members of Starforce, we train ourselves to be diligent and ready for anything, including wake-up calls that come early," Yon-Rogg said.

"I was watching a sitcom," said Korath.

Yon-Rogg shot him a dirty look. Then he said to Vers, "Where's everyone else?"

"I dunno," she answered as she began to nod off.

"I told you to check on Att-Lass! Ugh, fine, I'll just do it now," said Yon-Rogg.

Vers smiled innocently at him, but she could tell he wasn't really mad so she didn't need to make up a dumb excuse.

After a few seconds and several slaps to the communicator, Yon-Rogg said, "None of them are answering."

"Huh...maybe they're all stone cold dead asleep like I was," said Vers, who was now holding an ice pack to her neck to keep herself awake.

"I doubt Minn-Erva or Bron-Char would miss their comm. They're always alert," said Yon-Rogg, giving Vers a meaningful glance.

"Hey," she said. "I'm alert!" Then she walked two steps and tripped over a pistol that Att-Lass had probably left lying around. It went off and the blast went in between Yon-Rogg's feet and hit the box of snacks Korath had set on the floor (which he probably brought with him from his sitcom time). Hala popcorn flew all over the room and the burned smell of it wafted everywhere.

Yon-Rogg looked at Vers as a piece of it settled like snow in his hair. "Go find them," he said and pointed out the main hatch of the ship.

"Hehe," she replied nervously. "Ehhh...yes, Commander." She saluted and scurried out. She briefly wondered if they would eat all those floating popcorns while she wasn't there. She supposed she'd find out.

As she walked across the bay, she opened her comm and contacted Att-Lass. No answer. Then she contacted Bron-Char: no answer. She sighed, having saved the worst for last: Minn-Erva. When she called, she was surprised when Minn-Erva actually picked up, and her glowing blue image appeared over Vers's wrist.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT??" she yelled.

"Whoa, hey, relax!! I'm the one who should be yelling at you! So I will! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?? WHY DIDN'T YOU REPORT TO THE HELION?!?" Vers shouted. She noticed a few technicians give her weird looks from across the bay. She stuck her tongue out at them.

"Report to the Helion? What are you talking about?" Minn-Erva asked.

Vers looked at nobody stupidly. "You can't tell me that you missed all of Yon-Rogg's messages. He called all of us and told us to report in for a mission briefing. And he said you were alert!"

"What? He said that?" Minn-Erva asked, sounding surprised.

Vers rolled her eyes. Minn-Erva was constantly trying to one-up her when it came to their Starforce duties, since it was widely known that Yon-Rogg favored Vers the most. So she was glad to hear any praise from him.

"Yes, he did, but I doubt he will anymore now that he's got wind of your tardiness. And speaking of tardiness, why ARE you so late? Did you actually not wake up? And where's the other two? You can't tell me that all THREE of you sleep like rocks," Vers said.

"Oh...brother..." Minn-Erva said slowly.

"What?? What is it?" Vers asked. Minn-Erva sounded really guilty so naturally, she had to pry.

"Nothing. I'll get the other two and we'll be there in a few," Minn-Erva said and ended the communication.

"Hmph," Vers hmphed. "I think I'm gonna go find out what they're up to."

She ran out of the bay and onto the street. Then she remembered her earlier experience with the taxi and decided to backtrack to the sidewalk. As she waited for ten billion buses to go by, she thought about some things. 'Minn-Erva looked like she was in her pajamas,' she thought. 'So I'd be willing to bet she's at her apartment.'

After waiting for some parade procession for a new restaurant, Vers bolted across the street and bolted across the sidewalks and bolted up some stairs until she got to Minn-Erva's apartment. She proceeded to bust down the door, still with some chicken samples in her mouth, and shout, "WHAT'S GOING--"

But she stopped, because what she saw was rather uncanny.

The TV was on, showing a paused sitcom. There were blankets strewn about the floor along with a bunch of snacks. Minn-Erva, Att-Lass, and Bron-Char were all standing there frozen, appearing to have been in the act of cleaning up.

Vers blinked. A piece of chicken fell out of her mouth. "Are...are you guys having a TV party? Without me?" she asked.

"Good gracious, Vers! You gave us a fright! And no, this is not what it looks like!" said Bron-Char.

"It looks like a TV party," said Vers. "And that's what it is."

"Look, Vers, we were just getting together to watch the new season of Everybody Loves Ronan. You can't blame us! It's really interesting!" said Att-Lass.

Vers figured that that was what Korath had been watching too. It seemed as though she and Yon-Rogg were the only ones who weren't interested in it. "Yeah, well, sorry but you picked the wrong morning to do it. Yon-Rogg is going to have your butts for not showing up to his briefing, which has already been delayed by a considerable amount," Vers said. "And he'll probably rag on you more for watching that show specifically. You know how he is about Ronan!"

Minn-Erva grumbled. "We only missed the Commander's calls because we turned our comms off so they wouldn't bother us," she explained. "Hopefully he understands. And by the way, note that I called him the Commander, because I actually respect him."

Vers gave her a death glare. "How dare you accuse me of being unprofessional," she said. Then she stuck her tongue out.

Minn-Erva face-palmed. "Whatever. Let's just tidy up and get out of here. Att-Lass, Bron-Char, get your uniforms. And Vers, if you breathe a word of this to the Commander--"

"Oh, don't worry, I won't tell him you were wasting precious hours of sleep watching a sitcom! Definitely won't," Vers replied.

Minn-Erva narrowed her eyes. Vers narrowed her eyes.

Then Att-Lass choked on a piece of popcorn that he decided to sneak, Bron-Char gave him the Heimlich maneuver, and he spat it with the force of a bullet into Minn-Erva's hair.

"AAHHH!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?" shrieked Minn-Erva.

As she stalked over to throttle Att-Lass and Bron-Char, Vers casually whistled and slipped out the doorframe. (Which had no door, because she had busted it down.)

When she got back to the Helion, she found Yon-Rogg and Korath playing chess.

Yon-Rogg made a move and said, "Checkmate."

Korath said, "What the..."
Then, "urgh."

"I see nothing much has happened here," Vers said dryly. But she noted that there was no more burnt popcorn anywhere, except for the one in Yon-Rogg's hair. He must not have noticed it, and Korath was probably too terrified to tell him about it.

Yon-Rogg looked at her. "Why were you eating chicken?" he asked.

She blinked. "How can you possibly know I was eating chicken?!"

"I just...can," he said, and then smiled like he knew something she didn't.

She blinked more. Just then, Minn-Erva, Bron-Char, and Att-Lass came rushing in.

'Saved by the noobs,' she thought.

"Sorry for our tardiness, Commander!! We're ready for the briefing," said Att-Lass, panting. He was carrying a bag.

Yon-Rogg stood up and his chair made an appropriately scary scooooot sound. He crossed his arms. "I should have your--"

Just then Korath, who had also gotten up, tripped over the pistol that Vers had tripped over earlier. It went off, and the blast ricocheted off the wall, ceiling, and chessboard until it hit Att-Lass's bag. Snacks exploded out of it and delicious burnt smells wafted everywhere.

Vers watched as another piece of it settled like snow in Yon-Rogg's hair. It was then that her resolve snapped and she stalked over to him and grabbed the snacks off his head and ate them.

"Mmm," she said.

Yon-Rogg gave her a weird look. Then he said, "DROP AND GIVE ME FIFTY!!"

Everyone grumbled as they got to the floor.

"Not you, Vers and Korath, you're exempt from it if you want," said Yon-Rogg.

"Ha," Vers said and jumped back up to watch Minn-Erva struggle. (But she didn't really.)


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