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A/N: Just thought I should start including some random yet awesome photos from the Captain Marvel world. Today's is a shot of upper Hala, as seen from Vers' bedroom window! :P


   One Hala Day, Vers was strolling along the sunny streets of upper Hala in her uniform. She was not out for a happy walk, however. She was on official patrolling duty along with the rest of her team, who were spread out around the district. She didn't understand why they had to patrol – nothing big ever happened, and even if something did, there had to be other less-important noobs to handle it, right?

These were the thoughts going through her head as she stopped at a vendor's booth to buy some work snacks, as she called them. As she continued her uneventful walk while eating chips, her comm buzzed.

"Everyone report back to the main square for analysis." That was Yon-Rogg, obviously.

"Copy. On my way," came Att-Lass's voice.

"Copy. Almost there," said Minn-Erva.

"Copy." Korath, for sure.

"Copy. Headed there now, lad!" boomed Bron-Char.

"Ay-ay! Just lemme finish my work snacks," added Vers.

After some static, Minn-Erva said, "Can't you ever be normal and follow standard protocol, Twinklefists?"

"Nope," said Vers, popping the p.

She heard a sigh come from Yon-Rogg's end. "Just get over here, you guys."

As they regrouped and reported back their findings (of which there were a startlingly nonexistent amount), Vers scrunched up her face and got to thinking.

"Uh-oh, you look like you're thinking," said Att-Lass.

She peeked open one eye and said, "As a matter of fact, I am."

"What about?" he inquired as he checked his pistols. "Or would it be safer if I didn't ask?"

"Ha. I was just thinking that it's been a few weeks since we celebrated Halaween, so it must be time for another holiday, right?" she pondered. "But it seems like there's literally never any holidays here on Hala."

"What do you mean? There is a holiday today," said Att-Lass.

"Wait, really? There is? What is it?" asked Vers excitedly.

"Att-Lass, can I see you over here for a second?" interrupted Yon-Rogg.

"Whoops, gotta go," he said and jogged away.

Vers watched as he conferred with Yon-Rogg. "Suspicious..."

After Att-Lass left, she went up to Yon-Rogg herself and said, "I see what's going on here."

"Whatever could you be talking about, Vers?" he asked dryly as he scrolled on his wrist display.

"I'm thinking that it's a holiday and you don't want us to celebrate it!" she accused.

He paused and looked at her. She looked at him. The staring contest continued.

Minn-Erva walked by, paused, saw them staring into each other's eyes, then shook her head and kept walking, trying to erase the image from her brain.

Finally Yon-Rogg consented with a sigh. "I didn't want to tell you."

"WHAT?! Why on Hala not? Are you afraid I'll pull another fake Skrull heist? Because I seriously won't. Probably."

He gave her a look and said, "Today isn't an especially large holiday, but we do celebrate and commend those who cooperated with the Blue Cross and donated blood to save the lives of others."

She stared. Then she gasped for twenty minutes straight. "AHA!" She pointed at him.

"Vers! Would you- -would you stop making a scene?" he hissed, looking around.

"Nobody cares," she said. "And DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!! You didn't want to tell me about this holiday because you were afraid I'd go and make a big stink about the lack of recognition a certain someone gets for making the most selfless and important blood donation of the century!"

He gave her a look, for the twentieth time that minute. "It wasn't that big of a deal, Vers."

Her cheeks ballooned with air as she tried to keep from laughing. "Yeah, right! Bringing me back from the literal dead and replacing my entire blood supply so I can live without my powers making me explode is not that big of a deal. I guess it really wouldn't have been that big of a deal if I had really died, either."

"Vers! Don't joke about that," he grumbled. "That's not what I meant. I may have done you a great service that day, but that doesn't mean you have to sing my praises. It was just common decency."

She rolled her eyes. "Sometimes you are too modest for your own good."

Then, after a few moments of silence, she jumped into the air and shrieked, "I'VE GOT IT!!"

Korath, who was nearby drinking coffee, jolted his cup and all of it flew into the air. It landed on his head and steamed.

While he ran around screaming, Vers said, "This blood-donation-holiday is a lot like Thanksgiving!! All about appreciating our helpful people and being thankful for saved lives...and stuff. We should have a big dinner to celebrate!"

Yon-Rogg was hesitantly observing Minn-Erva chasing Korath with a towel. He turned to Vers. "A dinner? Are you sure about that?"

"Believe me, I know you're thinking about last time we made a dinner. Don't worry, for this one, I was thinking more along the lines of ordering take-out."

Now, "take-out" was not a term commonly used on Hala, but Yon-Rogg had heard Vers say it so many times he already knew what she meant. He shrugged. "Works for me."

   Later that night, the Starforce team had gathered back at the Helion after a long, boring, dull, cold, relatively uneventful day of patrolling. Vers had arrived late because she was out buying a picnic table.

"Uh, why did you bring that table?" asked Att-Lass.

"It's for our Thanksgiving dinner, obviously," she replied. "I thought we should eat it outside, especially since our briefing holo-table was smashed."

"Nobody's interested in your made-up holidays, Vers," deadpanned Minn-Erva.

Vers stuck her tongue out. "I think somebody is." She looked toward the entrance to the hangar, where Yon-Rogg was walking in holding bags of take-out.

"Oh no," said Minn-Erva.

"Oh yes," said Vers.

"Alright, team, circle up. We're going to have a dinner tonight to celebrate those who save lives, and everything we are thankful for in general," he explained as he laid out the food. He hadn't bothered to ask what everyone had wanted, just picked up a bunch of random stuff.

"Hm, sounds like a fun idea," commented Att-Lass as he began to dig through the food.

"Celebrating veterans should be a holiday in itself, really," said Bron-Char meaningfully.

Minn-Erva grumbled. "There you guys go, getting on board with whatever she says. Aren't you ever going to do what I say for a change?"

"We DO do what you say," exclaimed Att-Lass. "Like watching the rom-coms you recom--"

"ANYway, let's eat!" she interrupted, shoving him out of the way.

Vers looked around at everyone, raised her eyebrows, and then decided to be silent. She took a seat, as did everyone else. "So I just thought that before we eat, we should each say something that we're thankful for. I think it'd be very meaningful."

Minn-Erva rolled her eyes. "Please, Vers, that's not neces--"

"Meaningful is my middle name, lass!" said Bron-Char merrily.

"Great!!" she replied with a laugh. "So why don't we let Yon-Rogg go first?"

Everyone turned to him. He glanced at them all and said, "I am thankful for a responsible Starforce team who isn't afraid to make things interesting." He seemed to be looking at Vers when he said the last part.

"Aw. I relate." Vers said. "Today I am thankful for--"

"Oh brother," mumbled Minn-Erva.

"LET ME FINISH, MINN!! Today I am thankful for Yon-Rogg here, not only for being a great mentor, teacher, and commander, but also for saving my life. Thanks, Yon."

He cleared his throat. "No problem."

"See, that wasn't so bad!! Now tell us what you're thankful for, Korath!" said Vers cheerfully.

Before he could say anything, they all noticed something floating through the air.

"Would ya look at that? Our first Hala snowfall," said Bron-Char.

"Oooh," said Vers. She smiled as the snow settled like...snow on Yon-Rogg's hair.

"I am thankful that I do not have hair," said Korath.

Att-Lass gave him a weird look and then said, "I'm thankful to have friends here on Starforce."

"Aww," awed Bron-Char. "That warms the heart, lad. I, in turn, am thankful for each and every day I return from a mission alive. My team does a bang-up job protecting each other."

"Hm," said Minn-Erva. "I'm thankful for...uh..."

"Good grief, Minn-Erva! Don't tell me you're actually not thankful for anything!" Vers exclaimed.

"Shut up, Vers, I'm thinking!" she scowled.

"Let's keep a happy atmosphere, you two," interjected Yon-Rogg.

Minn-Erva was silent for a second, then said, "I'm thankful...that...Vers hasn't blown anything up today."

"Wow. Way to focus on the small things," said Vers. Then she aimed her fist at a forklift full of crates and blew it to smithereens. A few pieces of the wreckage landed in Korath's chicken.

"Way to ruin the small things," commented Minn-Erva.

"That looked like a large thing to me," said Bron-Char.

"Whatever, guys. Can we just eat? I'm starving," said Att-Lass.

"Yes," said Yon-Rogg. He just looked like he was tired of all their crud.

"Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!" exclaimed Vers.

Then they ate, and it was yummy.


A/N #2: So yah, this one was obviously a Thanksgiving story. I hope you enjoyed :)
 Also, you ought to know that there's no such thing as the 'Blue Cross' on Hala, or any subsequent holidays. I just kinda made those up. Hehe...

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