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        THEY ALL walked off the bus one by one taking the landyards and putting the  around their necks, as they walked into the huge pretty building. Deya walked up one of the flight of stairs with her friends when Miya spoke up "Alright, ima go to the bathroom, so I'll see you both in the front row alright?"

"Mhm, got it" Theo salutes as Miya walked away. "Okay, lets go find the ro-" the boy begins to say to his friend when out of nowhere they heard pictures being taken and a crowd of people asking for pictures. The pair turned around seeing a guy with a white shirt, black jeans and brown leather jacket taking pictures and signing autographs as he walked up the stairs.

The guy continued to walk when he spotted Deya. He stared at her as he walked past her. There was something about her, that he liked. Maybe, it was her beauty that he liked so much that he couldn't take his eyes off her. Or maybe it was her style?

He looked away from the girl when he began walking up the stairs. He turned around to look at the blond one more time but this time she was walking away with a guy. Who was he to her? What's her name?  So many things flooded his mind.

Deya and Theo began walking around and ended up in a room with design pieces. "Holy shit. Dey, look at this" Theo smiles showing her a hat that was stunning. "I would look so hot in this" the boy points out making Deya laugh.

"Oh, yes you would" the girl says linking her arm with his as they continued to look around the veil. From afar Wilbur was next to his assistant Betty behind manikins looking for someone to make a model.

That's when they spotted the blond laughing with a curly head. "Her. The blond. Her nose, eyes, lips, everything. She's the one, lets go" Betty followed after Wilbur. The got to where they had saw the blond but she wasn't there. "Where did she go?" WIlbur asks as they looked around.

"Omg, this would look aw-" Deya says but got interrupted by a huge commotion behind her and as she went to turn around she got dragged down making her fall right next to the girl. "ouch" she groans sitting up seeing everyone looking at them, Lexi recording Harriet like always.

Theo grabbed Deya's hand helping her up. She looked down at Harriet fuming "Why did you drag me down with you".

Harriet looked up at the girl feeling bad for bringing her down. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to Deya"

Deya sighed and helped her up "It's fine". The blond linked her arm with Theo "let's go",  just as they were about to leave Wilbur and Betty walked up to them.

"You, come with us" Wilbur says motioning Deya to go into a room where she had brought Theo with her of course.

Back at the stage Nick was watching that all go down, just like everyone else. Seeing her with that boy made him... Mad? jealous? He didn't even know why it made him irritated since he didn't know the blond. he shook off his thoughts and walked back stage since the show must still go on.

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