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         THE NEXT day Deya woke up from Theo yelling and jumping on her bed along with Miya opening her curtains letting all the sunlight in. The blond groaned as she sat up rubbing her eyes "What are you guys doing?" she mumbles.

"Get up, we have to leave in 20 minutes" Miya yells going into Deya's closet finding a dress for the girl to wear. Theo went to help Miya, but ended up getting distracted by the bin full of Halloween costumes.

He smirked up at Miya as they both nodded and began looking through the blonde's old costumes. They almost gave up since all they kept finding was reveling costumes when Theo pulled out a Lara Croft costume. "bingo".

When Deya walked out her bathroom after getting ready she saw Theo holding clothes behind his back. The blonde raised her eyebrows in confusion "What's going on?"

"Rock paper scissors. Winner gets to pick your outfit" Miya interrupts with a smile on her face.

"Okay?" Deya responds going over to her friend... Deya ended up losing like usual.

"Okay, here's your outfit" Theo laughs showing her the outfit which she groaned at. Seriously, A COSTUME??

The blonde snatched the outfit and began undressing. It wasn't weird or anything, Theo was gay and Miya was also a girl. She looked at herself in the mirror before grabbing her black sweater putting it on.

She looked semi normal since it looked like black shorts and a black sweater, minus the way the way the shorts were made. Deya drove her and Miya to the casting. She asked her parents but of course they were too busy.

By the time they got there Deya was feeling more nervous then ever. She stood in the front of the building staring. "Miya, I need to get myself together so will you tell them I'll be up in a little?" the brunette nodded and let out a laugh as she walked inside. the blonde walked over to the dock looking at the water trying to not be embarrassed that she's literally wearing a costume.

She sighed and took off her sweater letting it drop. She already got a few stares, making her want to jump into the water. Deya heard footsteps behind her, again assuming it was one of her friends "Miya, why would you make me wear a costume? I can-" she fully turned around seeing Nick  "it's you. again".

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