04. Starpaw's Decision

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"...Starpaw, wake up."

Starpaw grunted softly and opened her amber eyes. Weak sunlight was drifting into the apprentices' den, and the outline of a dark ginger tom was blocking most of it. Even through her drowsiness, the she-cat could recognize the other as Foxpaw, Squirrelflight's apprentice.

"Mmh... Foxpaw?" Starpaw sat up and stifled a yawn. "Do you need something? I have the morning off from training..." The blue-gray she-cat looked around as she sat up and noticed that she and the other were the only two cats in the den.

Foxpaw shifted his paws, as if nervous. "I know," he meowed. "Sorry to bother you, but there was something I really needed to tell you."

Starpaw perked her ears, and she tipped her head to the side. "What is it?" she asked, slipping out of her nest and stretching. Although they'd been denmates for a few moons now, Starpaw wasn't very close to Foxpaw. They were still decent friends and got along, though.

Foxpaw took a deep breath before speaking. "I-I just wanted to tell you that, um..." He paused before looking Starpaw in the eye. "I really like you."

Starpaw froze, and her eyes widened. "What?" she meowed, her voice faltering. "You... you like me?"

"Yeah..." Foxpaw nodded, his ears lowering. "I know it's really sudden since we don't hang out that much, but I like you. You're really nice, a-and good in battle too. I really admire you for that."

Starpaw's mind whirled with thoughts. What was she supposed to say? As flattering as it was, the she-cat didn't feel anything romantic for Foxpaw. They barely hung out, too! How was she supposed to like him? Starpaw decided to be honest, and she sighed.

"Foxpaw..." she began slowly. "I'm flattered, really, but..."

"What are you two talking about?" A white tomcat poked his head into the apprentices' den, pale blue eyes alight with curiosity but sharp with suspicion. It was Foxpaw's brother, Icepaw.

"Oh! Icepaw!" Foxpaw jolted a little, looking at his littermate with wide hazel eyes. "Erm, it's nothing important... I thought you were going out with Whitewing..?"

"I was going to, but she needed to get checked out by Jayfeather," Icepaw replied begrudgingly, stepping into the den. "Birchfall thinks she's pregnant. That's besides the point though!" The white tom's eyes narrowed. "I could've sworn I heard you saying that you liked Starpaw."

Dread filled Foxpaw's eyes, but before he could speak, Starpaw butted in. "Yes, he was," she explained, causing Icepaw to turn on her. "I was about to give him my answer before you came in here."

Icepaw growled softly. "And what were you going to say?" he wondered, lashing his tail. Why was he acting so aggressive? Starpaw frowned deeply, disliking his attitude.

"That's none of your business," she meowed. "Now, can you leave please?"

Icepaw snarled. "No!" he hissed. "I want to know! Foxpaw told me that he wanted to confess to you, but I told him not to! Now that he did, I may as well know what you said."

"What?" Starpaw's eyes narrowed. "Why would you tell your brother to not confess to me? Wouldn't it be better to get a clear answer than to hide it? You don't have to be so insensitive, Icepaw."

"Starpaw..." Foxpaw began, but Icepaw cut him off.
"I didn't want him to tell you because I wanted to say that I liked you," Icepaw snapped, ears flat against his head. "I didn't want you to end up liking him instead of me!"
"What?!" Starpaw blinked, startled. "You like me too?"

"Yes!" Icepaw growled. "Now that you know, tell us who you like more. Do you like Foxpaw, or me?" He stared at Starpaw expectantly, and the blue-gray she-cat noticed that Foxpaw was doing the same thing.

Starpaw shuffled her paws awkwardly. She didn't have feelings for either of the two, but now they were putting her on the spot and forcing her to make a decision. That wasn't fair at all! Starpaw thought that Foxpaw was at least friendly, but Icepaw had always been aggressive and blunt. If the she-cat was forced to choose, then she would've gone with Foxpaw. However, she still didn't like either of them romantically. So, she let out a sigh and gave her answer.


Icepaw and Foxpaw looked stunned.

"Look, I don't have any feelings for either of you two," Starpaw meowed. "I barely know you guys enough to consider you close friends, let alone partners! Besides, I'm not looking for anyone right now, so... I'm sorry, but I decline both of you."

Icepaw stomped his forepaw, meanwhile Foxpaw nodded in understanding. "I see," he said. "It's alright, Starpaw. I'm sorry for putting you on the spot like that..." He was clearly upset, but seemed to choose being respectful rather than freaking out. Starpaw smiled, appreciating his answer.

However, Icepaw was clearly angry. "What?! That isn't fair!" he exclaimed. "We both confessed to you, and then you choose neither?! Mouse-dung!"

Starpaw whipped her head up to Icepaw, her amber eyes suddenly bright with anger. "What? Did you want me to lie to you about my feelings, Icepaw?" she demanded, causing the white tom to falter suddenly. The cowardly move made Starpaw even more mad. "You're so rude! Why would I want to be with someone who doesn't respect my feelings? I barely know you, Icepaw! Learn to accept when someone doesn't want to be with you. You're not always going to get your way!"

Icepaw and Foxpaw both stared at the other apprentice as she stormed out of the den, her pelt bristling. "I'm getting something to eat," she hissed before leaving the two toms behind.

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