06. The Ceremony

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"I, Firestar, leader of ThunderClan, call our warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard, and is ready to become a warrior in your turn. Starpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do," Starpaw meowed, looking up at her leader and mentor with bright, excited eyes.

It had been six moons since the beginning of Starpaw's apprenticeship. After a long period of time of relentless training of her fighting, hunting, and patience, the blue-gray she-cat had passed her assessment and was finally prepared to become a warrior. Just one moon prior to her, Lakepaw was named Lakepool, Flamepaw was named Flamepelt, and Jazzpaw was named Jazzsong. Two moons before her, Icepaw was named Icemoon, Foxpaw was named Foxcloud, and an apprentice named Daisypaw was named Daisytail. At last, it was her turn to join them all in the warrior rank.

Nothing had happened since the WindClan patrol attack. Firestar had confronted the moorland Clan, however Onestar apologized on behalf of the warrior that killed Dustpelt, who was revealed to be a cat named Breezepelt. He was being punished for his crime, according to the brown tabby leader. Meanwhile, Blackstar had been silent about the cause behind his Clan attacking ThunderClan's camp. Firestar didn't want to show any signs of weakness, so he simply threatened the other leader.

Since then, there had been no invasions, no deaths... All had been well. In fact, Whitewing and Honeyfern, two warriors, had transported to the nursery, pregnant with kits who would soon become future warriors. Things had been looking up for ThunderClan, even with the beginning of a cold leaf-fall.

"Then, by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name," Firestar meowed, nodding. His forest-green eyes were filled with pride as the ginger tom stood before his apprentice. "Starpaw, from this day forth, you will be known as Stargleam. StarClan honors your determination and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full-fledged warrior of ThunderClan!"

Firestar touched noses with Stargleam, and in turn the she-cat licked his shoulder. Then, Stargleam turned to face the Clan, who all began to cheer her name joyously.

"Stargleam! Stargleam!"

Stargleam began to purr uncontrollably, and she completely lost her composure. The she-cat raced over to Jazzsong, Lakepool, and Flamepelt, where she began to nuzzle them as they congratulated her. She lingered near Jazzsong, her heart skipping a beat gently. Stargleam was unsure as to why she felt so light and airy around Jazzsong, however she didn't think much of it. The two young warriors were good friends -- best friends, even -- so Stargleam assumed that what she felt was only natural.

"Congratulations, Stargleam!" Lakepool meowed, her tail swaying happily. "You finally get to join us in the warriors' den! Flamepelt and I know just the spot where you can sleep!" For emphasis, Flamepelt nodded in agreement with a smile on her face.

Jazzsong watched from beside Stargleam's sisters as Dawnsparkle, padded over to Stargleam with pride-filled eyes. She looked just as happy as she did when Lakepool and Flamepelt earned their own names.

"Oh, I'm so proud of you, Stargleam," the tortoiseshell meowed joyously, purring and licking her daughter between the ears. "You'll be an amazing warrior -- I just know it!"

"Thanks, Dawnsparkle," Stargleam meowed, suddenly feeling a wave of emotion crash down upon her. The bluish gray she-cat nuzzled her mother, happy that she finally made it. She was a warrior at last.


After the eventful late morning and a busy day for ThunderClan, it was nearing sunset. Stargleam, aware of the fact that she had to perform her warrior vigil, got prepared for the upcoming long and tiresome night that she would spend alone. The blue-gray she-cat lingered near the spot she chose to sit at after having a meal, and she watched as the other cats of the Clan tucked into their dens for the night. Stargleam let out a soft sigh and sat down, curling her tail over her paws. She looked up when Firestar's daughter, Squirrelflight, approached her.

"Ready for your vigil?" the dark ginger cat asked with a tilt of her head.

Stargleam blinked, fairly surprised that Squirrelflight was the one to approach her; the two had rarely spoken to one another. Still, she nodded in response. "Yep," she meowed. "I'm a little nervous, but I'm ready to get this done and over with."

"That's the spirit," Squirrelflight said, purring. She flicked her bushy tail. "A good strategy to staying awake is to move around whenever you feel the urge to fall asleep. During my vigil, I did just that. It helped me stay awake, and I wasn't even that badly tired when dawn came!"

Stargleam nodded, taking in the information the older warrior gave to her. She grinned. "I'll keep that in mind," the she-cat said. "Thank you, Squirrelflight!"

"Don't mention it." The dark ginger cat nodded before turning and heading over to the warriors' den. "Have a good night, Stargleam!"

"You too! Sleep well!"

Stargleam watched as Squirrelflight went, only to spot Jazzsong approaching her. The she-cat's paws fidgeted slightly, and she looked at the other with a smile.

"Hey, Stargleam..."

"Hey, Jazzsong," the bluish she-cat meowed, her amber eyes lit up upon seeing the other.

"I was, ah... just wanting to wish you good luck for your vigil," the dark red she-cat meowed, getting to the point quickly. "You'll do well, I'm sure."

"Thank you," Stargleam purred, her friend's words warming her. Jazzsong's voice gave her a sense of strength, and the young warrior knew that she would do well seemingly just by hearing her best friend say that she would. "I appreciate it."

Jazzsong nodded, her black tail curling. "Of course," she said. Then, in a somewhat more serious tone, the dark red she-cat said, "Erm, Stargleam... I was hoping I could tell you something."

Stargleam hummed, tilting her head. "What is it?"

Jazzsong paused and shifted her paws again. Then, she opened her jaws, only to swiftly close them. "I'll tell you in the morning, actually," she decided suddenly. "It's nearing night, and you have to start your vigil. I don't want to get you in any trouble; you're not allowed to speak during it."

"Are you sure it can wait?"

"Yes." Jazzsong nodded, reassuring Stargleam. She smiled suddenly as she brushed past her fellow Clanmate. "Have a good night, Stargleam, and good luck."

"Okay... Goodnight, Jazzsong." The blue-gray warrior smiled softly and watched as Jazzsong disappeared into the warriors' den, her fluffy black tail swaying as she went. When she was gone, Stargleam turned her attention to the entrance of camp, which was shadowed by the youthful night.

Stargleam took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. I can do this, she thought, her tail curled over her paws. Just stay silent. From this moment on, your vigil has begun. The blue-gray she-cat stayed silent, prepared for her long, quiet, cold night.


It was nearing dawn, however the swathing stars of Silverpelt still shone brightly. The cold air nipped at Stargleam's fur, and the faint, soft moonlight shone down on ThunderClan camp. The young warrior was exhausted, however she'd been keeping herself awake by padding around, stretching, and listening to the sounds of the forest. It was boring, but it kept the she-cat awake. She had nothing else to do, thus she had to take what she could get.

While Stargleam returned to her post and sat back on her haunches, the snap of a twig could be heard from within the forest. The she-cat perked her ears, now suddenly alert. That snap had been too loud to have been made by a mouse or any other prey.

Stargleam rose to her paws and carefully listened more intently, her tail-tip twitching. She had to stay silent, no matter how tempted she was to call out to the stranger in the woods. The thick scent of ferns became strong, and the she-cat's eyes widened. Ferns could be used to disguise a cat's scent, and if it was this thick, that had to mean...

The warrior turned to let out a yowl to alert the Clan, however someone burst out through the overgrowth and tackled her down. Stargleam let out a cry of alarm and looked up, only to lock eyes with a black-furred tom. Even through his fern-scent, Stargleam could recognize him quite easily. It was Breezepelt, the WindClan cat that had murdered Dustpelt.

Shadows streamed into camp, yowling and preparing for battle. Stargleam lashed out at Breezepelt, forcing him off of her, and scrambled to her paws.

"WindClan attack!" she screeched before being bowled over by Breezepelt again.

As ThunderClan cats rushed out of their dens in a confused, tired cluster. Stargleam fought ferociously against Breezepelt, who spat and hissed in rage. Through the growing chaos and disarray, the dawn sun began to rise, and Stargleam's eyes fell upon a she-cat who had begun to attack a warrior named Cloudtail. Her eyes widened in horror when she recognized the brilliant green gaze of Hollyleaf.

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