Chapter 42 - So I Hoped

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I met Elelas outside, finally my conscience clear. Though my confession had lifted the weight of guilt from my shoulders, saying goodbye to Chelsea had sunk my heart. Hours of talking with my friend hadn't made me miss her any less, and I could only wonder how the distance would change us. Even if I could find time to visit, would we be the same people, or nothing more than intimate strangers?

Stepping from the shadows, Elelas inclined his head to me. "Ready to return, Princess?"

Despite the churning in my belly and pain building in my chest, I was eager to go home. I could finally breathe with ease without the guilt born of countless lies weighing me down and holding me back from enjoying spending time with my mother. "I am."

An icy wind sliced across my back, blanching my pale skin to a ghostly pallor as trepidation flooded through me. Snatching my hand from Elelas' grasp, I whirled around, eyes searching the darkness outside the glow of the streetlight.

"Princess?" Elelas' sharp tone drew my focus back to him. "Is something wrong?"

"I thought..." Shaking my head, I pushed it aside. Whatever it had been had disappeared. No use lingering around to wonder. "Never mind. Let's just go."

"Are you certain? You look awfully pale."

Pushing down my rising angst, I nodded despite the panic that spurred my heartbeat to a dizzying pace. "I'm fine, just take me home." My words spat out sharper than I had intended but didn't appear to bother him in the least as he took my hand in his.

Closing my eyes, I breathed in the smog-filled air and opened them again to the clear night sky in Terradstrum. The full moon nestled among the stars illuminated the palace in a breathtaking view, but the alluring enchantment failed to bring me peace as dread surged through me.

Falling to my knees, I pounded my fist on the ground, squeezing my eyes shut. What was so wrong I couldn't get a hold on my emotions? I had felt the turmoil of the demon's malice before, but never had it been so overwhelming.

"Princess!" Elelas knelt next to me, topaz eyes flashing in the darkness.

Splotches of color danced in my sight as tears leaked from my eyes. Gasping for breath as I shuddered, blackness encroached on my vision, threatening to steal away my consciousness.

"Evelyn, can you hear me?" Elelas' shout rattled through my skull. "Hold on, I'm going to get help."

"No," I choked through gasps. "Help me stand."

Uncertainty played across his face, but he reached down to take my arm.

Fighting back the nausea churning my stomach, I rose on unsteady legs. I didn't know what was wrong with me. Perhaps the brief encounter with the demon had damaged me, sickened me somehow. Poisoned me like they had my mother.

"Let's get you inside, and I'll have a healer sent to your room. You're obviously not well."

"No, I just need to see my mother. I'll be alright."

Or so I hoped.  

What is wrong with Evelyn? What d you think is going to happen? Let me know what you think in the comments. I love hearing what you have to say!

Have a great weekend!

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