Starlight Wonderland

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Aphmau POV

It has been a week since I have finally saw Aaron. I am so happy but I can't get close to him. Why? The forever potion is the reason. The effects never left me, I have just been fighting them off since I witnessed myself nearly kill Aaron. It haunts me every minute now. She keeps taunting me. She keeps making me live that same moment. She will never give up trying to find Ein and kill Aaron once and for all.

"Hey Aph! What do you want to do today?" Aaron asks, sitting down next to me at the table. Everybody else is here. I look at Lucinda, who is sat next to me on the end, before turning to Aaron.

"Actually, me and Lucinda have something planned today with Kim. Sorry Aaron." I tell him. He looks a bit sad but hides it.

"It's okay Aph. I will just spend time with the pack today. You guys don't mind, do you?" He turns towards the other werewolves who smile at him. I tense my hand, trying to fight the urge to take the knife.

"Sure alpha!" Daniel, Dottie and Rylan exclaim.

"It's settled!" I say before standing up and taking my empty plate to the dishwasher, placing it in. Lucinda and Kim does the same. "I will see you later!" I shout before running towards Lucinda's room. As soon as everybody is in, I shut and lock the door. She has finally calmed down but not by much. Just something bearable.

"Let me at him! He did something to my darling! I need to kill him! I hate him!" She shouts, trying to break free.

"Aphmau, your eyes are flashing emerald again. Do you need to go in the bubble again?" Kim asks. The bubble is a spell that Lucinda created to help me rest by letting her free for a period of time. So far, she has never broken out.

"I'm good. Anyway, it has been a week since we talked about this. Have you progressed with figuring out how to make the potion?" I ask Lucinda.

"No. Whatever we try, I still cannot counter the two potions that are in you. It's harder when we have a limited supply of emeralds." Lucinda tells me.

"Well how do we get more emeralds?" I ask, taking a seat. This stress is giving me a headache.

"Well we can always ask Aaron's father for help." Ghost speaks up. I look at her.

"We cannot. What if he doesn't let me near Aaron ever again?" I exclaim.

"Well that might be for the best if we cannot counter the potion effects. She is getting stronger every day and soon, you will not be able to control yourself when you are near Aaron. One day, you will just... break." Lucinda tells me. I sigh but nod.

"I will call him up here so we can talk to him." Kim says before leaving. Lucinda comes up to me.

"I need to do the usual check to see how the last potion is effecting you." Lucinda tells me. She takes out all of her equipment before doing everything she has to do. Kim comes back in with Aaron's father who looks confused.

"I heard there was a problem. If there is anything I can do to help you then I will." He tells us. Kim locks the door and Lucinda uses her magic to make sure nobody is near.

"I have something to tell you. It's not good either." I start off. He sits down next to me.

"Me and Kim will continue with our work." Lucinda says before they both leave.

"Work? But we came here to get away from working? What is going on?" He asks me, making me sigh.

"Remember the incident one year ago? Me, Zane and Lucinda were under the effects of the forever potion." I say.

"I was told this but what problem could you have? You three were cured of those effects. You have no reason to ever use a forever potion again."

"Some of this is correct. Zane and Lucinda were cured of the potion effects by another potion but the potion used on me... never worked. It is true that I am acting like I am before but the potion effects are still with me. They never left. These effects are with me every single day. They taunt me, give me nightmares and make me relive that day whenever it can. They want control, to kill Aaron, to find Ein. It gets worse when I'm with anywhere near him." I explain to him.

"You have been distant from my son since you came here. I thought it was because of his ears and tail but now I know the real reason why. You just don't want to hurt him." He says. I nod.

"I love Aaron, with or without his ears. Nothing will change my love for him but she is getting stronger each day. Kim and Lucinda have been helping me as much as they can but Lucinda is running out of resources. I don't know if I can stay here, knowing that I might one day break and lose control." I wipe away the tears that are streaming from my eyes.

"Say no more. I will get you anything you require. I will provide anything you need." He tells me. I call Lucinda back into the room since she knows what she needs, along with Ghost.

"Well I have written a list of the ingredients that are most effective so far." Ghost hands him a list.

"What we also need is a bigger space with brewing stands. Somebody might walk in on us and question why we have this stuff. I also need emeralds with magic in them. Strong magic. Aphmau is fighting off two potions at the same time and it is slowly draining her so we need many different machines. I will hand you a list later." Lucinda keeps listing off all the materials that she needs. By the time she is done, it has became dinner time so we go into the main room to see everybody there, already eating.

"Oh! There you guys are. You were late so we started eating without you." Garroth exclaims, making everybody else turn to us. I look at Aaron to see a space next to him but on the other side of that space is Zane. I look at Ghost.

"Zane! Oh I have missed you!" She runs over to that space and starts talking to Zane who looks awkward. Aaron looks a bit annoyed but hides it as I sit in the seat that Kim usually sits in.

"Good thinking on Ghosts part." I compliment.

"I don't think she realises that seat was left for you. She only saw Zane." Lucinda replies to me.

"That's probably true." I reply before eating the food that was placed in front of me. Me, Kim and Lucinda finish before everybody else does so we leave early. Good thing to because holding that sharp knife was driving me crazy. It replayed the scene of that day as I ate.

"Excuse us but we have places to be." Lucinda says before nodding to Kim and leaving, both of us following her.

"So did you get a new place?" Kim asks.

"Yep. While Aphmau was... occupied, I was given a few keys and some directions to a new building, secluded from the resort. It's only a few minutes away from the house.

"This is a nice place." I say as we reach the outside of the building. It looks like an old factory building with a few small windows. We walk inside to see tables along the walls covered in brewing stands and cauldrons. There are shelves in the middle of the room with nothing in them. Kim walks to the shelf and picks up a note.

"To Aphmau, Kim and Lucinda.

I am still waiting for an order to come that contains your materials. They should be here by tomorrow, along with some emeralds. If you have any problems or needs then please contact me immediately and I will do anything I can to sort it out." Kim reads the note out.

"This is perfect. We even have a few spare rooms. One that has beds for us to stay in." Lucinda walks out of a room, shutting the door behind her.

"Well we can start tomorrow with this. For now, let's go back to the lodge. We can spend the rest of the day relaxing before we get back to work." Ghost says. We all nod in agreement. We walk back towards the house, just talking about anything we can think of to get our minds off of all the work that might take months to complete. Probably years but when I explained to her the length, she just brushed me off saying that I'm her friend and she will do anything for me. Also it will help her with research.

"Aph!" Aaron sees us as we walk up towards the house. He walks over to us as Kim and Lucinda give me a nervous look. I just nod and smile at them before going towards Aaron, ignoring the voice inside of my head that tells me to kill.

"Hey Aaron! How has your day been?" I ask him. He leads me to the beach and we sit on a bench.

"Pretty boring without you here by my side but I spent time with the pack. What have you been doing with Lucinda and Kim?" He asks me. Excuses! Think of excuses!

"Well Lucinda got a huge order from work that she couldn't ignore so I've been helping her. It's going to take a few days to complete so sorry to say that I will have to stay with them." I tell him. That was actually pretty good.

"Oh... that's fine then. I guess Lucinda would need all of the help she can get with making potions. Do you need me to come and help as well?" He asks. Why do you always put me before everything else!

"You can't. You are still going through your physiotherapy so you need to relax as much as you can. These potions are stressful to make and might be too dangerous for you to help with." I explain to him. "I've been helping Lucinda along with Kim so we know what we are doing." I tell him.

"That's too bad. The quicker you finish then the quicker we can spend time together." He says, hugging me. I hug him back, my hand tensing as I try to keep control. Lucinda looks at my eyes, telling me that they are changing with her own. She looks worried but I close my eyes, gaining back full control. We slowly pull out of the hug.

"Hey Alpha! Aphmau!" Daniel comes up to us. "Your father wants to speak to you." He tells Aaron so he stands up.

"I will see you later Aph." He walks away. Lucinda comes up to me.

"You better get some sleep now. We need to be up bright and early so we can get a head start on perfecting the potion." She tells me before leaving. I go up to our room and get changed before turning the lights off crawling into bed. About ten minutes later, the door opens and the lights are turned back on but I am too tired to do anything but groan.

"Aph? Sorry! Did I wake you?" Aaron asks.

"No. Do you mind turning the lights back off?" I ask him. He turns them back off before going into the bathroom and getting changed. The last thing I remember is Aaron getting into bed and pulling me to his chest before falling asleep.

Week 1

"Hey Aph! What time will you be finished with Lucinda for today?" Aaron asks me, making me freeze.

"Not until very late." I reply to him.

"Okay then."

Week 2

"Hey Aph. Do you have any free time today?" Aaron asks me while we eat breakfast.

"No, sorry. We are going to be working very late so I might sleep with Kim and Lucinda.

"That's okay."

Week 3

"Hey Aph, do you still have lots of work to do?" Aaron asks as I'm about to leave.

"Yeah. We have so much work to do. I will be out late again. You might be asleep by the time we come back." I explain to him.

"That's fine."

Week 4

"Hi Aaron! Sorry, I need to rush out today. See you tonight?" I ask.

"Like always." He replies.

Week 5

"Do you think you can take a day off so we can be together?" Aaron asks me as soon as we wake up.

"I can try but we are on a tight schedule." I tell him before getting ready.


Week 6

"Aph, we need to go scan your brain again. Do you mind?" Lucinda asks me. I place down the plant I have been practising with and sit in the dentist looking chair. Lucinda makes it lean back so I'm mostly flat, my back slightly bent up so I'm not fully flat. She then attaches some wires to my head before using her magic to encase me in a bubble that is mostly indestructible.

"I need you to let her have control but do it slowly. I want to watch how your levels change." Lucinda tells me. I sigh before closing my eyes and slowly release her.

My eyes are forced open, showing emeralds instead of hazel eyes. She rips all of the wires off her and runs at the bubble, banging on the wall of it.

"Let me out! I need to find him and kill him! He hurt my love and he must pay! I hate him! Let me out!" She keeps shouting as she bangs on the bubble. Lucinda starts to do her own work, ignoring her shouts. This goes on for a few hours. Soon she exhausts herself, letting me have control again.

"Hey Lucinda! Can I come out now? She finally exhausted herself out and I want to spend time with Aaron." I ask her calmly. She looks up at my eyes before nodding and releasing the spell. I wave at her before running out, also waving at Ghost who is sorting through the emeralds. We decided to give back the emeralds that we cannot use. I run back to the house, going on the beach to see Aaron sitting on a bench, his eyes closed. I sneak up on him before jumping onto him. I then start to pet him as he opens his eyes. She is trying to gain control but it's very weak from her using up her energy earlier.

"Aph?" He looks shocked.

"I got Lucinda to let me go early so we could spend time together!" I grin at him. He smiles back at me.

"Thank Irene. I thought you would never be given a break from all of the late nights." He hugs me back as I play with his ears.

"I heard about this great taco stand. Do you want to go with me?" I ask him.

"Sure. Do you know where it is?" He asks me.

"Nope! But that's why we can try and find it together!" I say before standing up and pulling him along with me.

"Let's go then!"

Week 7

I wake up from another nightmare, panting heavily. Luckily, Aaron never wakes up. I get out of bed and go towards the bathroom, turning the lights on before staring into the mirror. There, my evil reflection shows itself. I usually stay away from mirrors when I'm near anybody else because they can also see her. She has emeralds eyes and is wearing the blue clothes that I wore when under the effects.

"Looks like somebody couldn't handle a small nightmare. He is useless and should be dead! He did something to Ein, my love. I hate him!"

"No. He is not useless... he is amazing. You are ruining my life! Why won't the stupid potion effects go away! Why do you prevent me from spending time with the only person I love?! Just leave me alone! Disappear! Get out of my life! I have lived with you for a whole year now and you are ruining my life! Just leave me ALONE!" I shout at the reflection.

"Aphmau?" I hear from behind me. He walks up to the door.

"No! Don't open the door!" I shout at him before he pushes the door open.

"I'm coming in Aph." He says before pushing the door open.

"No!" I shout but it is too late. The door is already open and he is looking at the mirror.

"Aph... what is going on?" He takes a step back, shocked. I remove my gaze from the mirror, making her dissapear before turning towards Aaron, showing him my hazel and green eyes that are full of tears. I slowly let myself onto the ground before hugging my legs to my chest and crying.

"Y-you didn't listen. I didn't want you to see that." I cry. He bends down next to me but I just hug my legs tighter.

"Why is your eye emerald? That only happened when... you are under the forever potion." He drifts off before looking at me shocked.

"T-the potion never left me. I only fought it off. I've been fighting it for a year, her wanting to find Ein. When I came here and saw you, it only got worse. Her hatred towards you, she has been trying to gain control and k-kill you. Even know I'm fighting her off but it gets harder. Me, Lucinda and Kim have been trying to find a cure but she gets stronger each day to the point I had to avoid you." Suddenly, out bedroom door slams open and Ghost runs in.

"What's going on in here?" She asks. I look up at her, my eyes still hazel and green. "She is getting stronger isn't she? Your eyes have never stayed this colour. Aaron, pick her up and follow me." She instructs Aaron. He picks me up and Ghost gives me a magic stress ball that I squeeze, the magic calming me down slightly.

"Kim? Where are-" Lucinda looks at me before grabbing her keys and running out of the house. She leads us to the building that she unlocks and quickly grabs a potion and one of the emeralds.

"That potion isn't complete! You don't know what it would do!" Kim exclaims.

"Can't you see that she is in pain? We need to try it." Lucinda replies before grabbing two powerful emeralds and putting the power into the potion. Aaron places me down on a chair as instructed by Lucinda. She then throws the potion at me, making my entire freeze up. The potion goes into my body. Suddenly, I am pushed away, losing control of my body.

Both of my eyes are now emerald, showing that she has taken control. Lucinda quickly uses her spell to trap me in a bubble.

"The effects are being delayed! Aaron I need you to bring Aphmau back into control. Please tell me that you can do that. She needs you right now." Lucinda begs Aaron.

"I will do what I can." He says, his voice wanting to make me cry from the sadness shown.

"Let me out of here! Where is my love? What did you do to him? I will kill you!" She keeps shouting as she bangs on the bubble. I try to gain back control but she keeps pushing me out.

"Aph! Remember who I am. You love me. We are in love with each other. You hate Ein. Please! You are under a potion effect. You need to remember all of our good memories together." He pleads, causing her control to waver. I start placing all of mine and Aaron's good memories into her mind, using her distraction to let me gain control again.

"No... I need... to..." She starts to cry as I place all of these memories together. The potion seems to also be taking the hate of Aaron and the love for Ein away from her until she collapses to the ground. She looks up at Aaron. "I am sorry. I am so sorry... I put her in so much pain. Aphmau I am so sorry." She gives me full control.

"It's okay... you are forgiven." I say before collapsing to the ground, all of the energy drained from me. "I'm sorry Aaron. I promised myself that I wouldn't include you in this. I'm sorry if I scared you..."

"Aph, as long as you are okay then nothing else matters. I love you and just because a potion has made you try to kill me doesn't mean I will hate you. Just please tell me next time." He says before leaning down and giving me a slow but meaningful kiss that shows how much he loves me. I return it. He then moves away from me.

"I love you. I'm tired so I am going to sleep now..." I say before drifting off to sleep.

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