Souls/Abilities Info

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This is the type of soul and ability in my gachaverse so plz don't judge me about cause I'm autism and I love being creative sometime. ^^

1. {Patience} "The Patience trait is one of the more balanced traits in terms of offense and defensive."

Strings/Ropes - Patience user can use this Powers for training or battle. ### might use it on the others just like Justice. For example, if milo try running out of class because of a big test, she'll use her strings to catch and stop them from running away. Everyone thinks that she's like a spider because of her string powers.

Aura (Shield) - All traited humans have access to a passive aura, an invisible barrier that surround the user's body to protect from damage.

2. {Bravery} "The Bravery soul trait is known for its destructive power, and it is a purely combat oriented trait."

Blast Punch - Bravery users can create magic blasts that explode on impact by punching or clapping their hand loudly. The power of the explosion depends on the user.

Fire powers - Bravery users is the only soul that can use fire powers as well as manipulating fire.

3. {Integrity} "The Integrity trait is one of the most versatile traits."

Their weapons - An integrity users can summon their own weapon made out of their own magic, but it takes a lot of practice for the user to master it fully for them.

Gravity - Integrity users have the ability to manipulate gravity, usually via creating platforms in the air out of magic. While seemingly basic, these platforms can allows the user to walk on vertically or upside down.

Hearing powers - Only Integrity and Justice users have the ability to listen or hear what the sound or noise coming from. Even if its far away from them.

Lightning - these users has the ability to use lightning powers.

4. {Peservance} "Perseverance is well known for being a stable and powerful kind of magic."

Against Death - Perseverance users can keep themselves alive longer using there magic if inflicted with fatal damage. However, they will still die if not treated quickly.

Persevere Snap - perseverance users have a ability to snap their fingers in order to like the creatures attack one another. For example, When Haru kidnap kaze, He snap his fingers in order to let the fish monsters kill Jeremy and the others.

5. {Kindness} "The Kindness trait is a primarily defensive/support type trait"

Shield - They have the ability to create shields like a circle or a dome from being damage.

Healing - Kindness users can heal anyone who has been injured, or they can heal themselves.

6. {Justice} "Justice trait is known for making someone do what is right to keep their emotions stable."

Finger gun - Justice users can use their fingers as a gun and shot directly in their target. They do sometimes use their gun or Slingshot.

Hearing powers - Justice users have the ability to listen or hear what the sound or noise coming from. Even if its far away from them. For example, Milo can tell how many jelly beans were in the jar and clearly got it correct.

7. {Determination} "It fills you with determination"

Weapons/Shield - They can create weapons and shield made of or artificial that are made with Determination magic.

Reset - The reset function erases most information stored in a SAVE file, such as the user's Lv and Exp, though, they'll will act differently after the reset.

Save - Save function automatically loads the last SAVE file of the user when the user's HP reaches 0.

8.{Two traited soul *Belongs to Camila Cuevas*} "A Two-Traited soul is otherwise known as a soul that changes its colors depending on which two traits the person has."

Combining Magic - People with a two-traited souls can combine their magic with both of their traits to create something new.

9. {Soulful} - Soulful is a colorful soul that has passion or interest the things you deeply love. Though, this soul of up top is white while inside is colorful colors in it.

Creating mind- "Soulful has the ability to create things they thinking about. Like for example, T.k thought about bubbles floating around the flower garden."

Weapons/Shield - They have the ability to create weapons and shield made of colorful Soulful soul.

Levitation - Soulful has the ability to float like Integrity but can make anything float like a person or amore object.

10. Hope - "Kaze, live for us"

Giving hope - "Having the ability to keep and supports others to keep on going and not giving up from death.

Healing - Hope users can heal themselves and their allies reach can easily be quicker but not hatred cause no one ever cure someone a hatred soul before.

Weapons/Shield - They have the ability to create shields and weapons by their peach soul of hope. Which can also protect them easily from being damage.

11. {Love} - "Only Monsters and others species except normal humans have this soul of love."

Magic - The main ability of all Creatures, a magical weapon can emerge, attack, or defend. Each creatures magic is different like demons for example.

Healing Powers - Each creatures has the ability to heal themselves, or to heal others.

11. {Hatred} - "You must become with this soul, it's very dangerous and could destroy the things you love."

Hatred form - Hatred user have the ability to change themselves into their hatred form when ever you feel or want. But, Anger is the most they'll release it easy.

Weapons/ Shield -They have the ability to create shields and weapons in the color of dark red. Though, they can use the soul they have in hatred.

12. {Fear} - "I know what your fear is and I can make it real for ya."

Hallucination - It has the ability to read your mind in order to know what hat fear you have. Like for example, Alan read Jeremy's mind and created his mom while trying putting the core inside the spirit whale heart.

Puppet strings - It has the ability to manipulate and corrupt souls by the strings and turning against their allies. Though, Kindness is most diffcult one to corrupt.

Fearless creatures - Fear users can create different creatures into fear and can attack or kill by using their claws or sharp teeth.

13. {Soulless} "This soul means when youre born with this soul, that means you has no magic or power inside the soul, but rather that the soul cannot use any power.


" This is the soul form of my Oc's. The colors of them is the souls they would given or born with like for example, Ame got the soul of Determination and Kaze got the soul of hope, that's why ame is red and kaze is golden. When one of them get killed, Die, or passes away, they turn into this and go to heaven or hell. It's base off on neither your good or bad. Sometimes, Some souls stay on earth to stay on their love ones or just explore around the world on their own. Now here are the Evil spirit souls known as Haterd, Fear and Soulful. Those soul are the most dangerous souls of all to have and will destroy your life and everyone else. But there are some people who learn who to control it. Now for the two trait souls, you see that Terra got two trait souls of Patience and Kindness. That means your hair will be in a different or instead of being the same of your body. Now here we have the Love Soul, The goddess of Heaven for the Souls who did the right things and some who fixed their mistakes for what they done in the past that was wrong. She is very sweet and very kind to the souls. Though, no one have ever gotten this kind of soul yet in this Gachaverse. No matter how hard or try you try to make her angry, she'll always forgive you easily in her heart. That is why everyone love her very much and always wanted to meet her someday. So, this is all the information about the souls in my universe.

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